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Leanan Sidhe
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Hi everyone!

Post by Leanan Sidhe »

I'm new to the forums (and am hoping this is the right place to post an introduction ^-^;). I'm 22, currently a full-time uni student, and I live in Australia.

I discovered Samanayrs through Sushi's old Adoption Agency Primer (so it must be quite a few years back now, as that no longer seems to be online!) - I was actually working on my own world-building for one of my own projects. Samanayrs (and the entire Sharian world, really) must have made a really strong impression on me, because, despite not having thought about them for years, I recognised them instantly when a friend of mine mentioned them just this past week XD

I'm hoping to get a song of my own eventually, and to get into RPing with them ^_^
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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by Sushidragon »

Hello, and welcome to the Samanayr forum :D I'm Sushidragon (formerly Skysong).

Wow, that Primer was old XD It was hosted on either Geocities, Crosswinds, or my old domain, but it is definitely lost now. I'm glad you were able to find us again, and hope you'll have fun in the Samanayr community!

An event actually just started up a few minutes ago, if you're interested - there's a bunch of Samanayrs to be won :D

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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by Orasteele »

Welcome to the Samanayr forum!! I'm Steele! I've been involved for a few years now and would be happy to offer any help if you have any questions!! If you ever want to use any of my songs for breeding just ask! I'm pretty easy going and love helping people get their first sams!
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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by silvermoondragon »

Welcome to the forums! Good luck on getting your first Samanayr, sometimes it takes awhile but the wait is definitely worth it!
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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by Yuiven »

Hello Leanan Sidhe, and welcome to the Samanayr forum! My name is Yuiven. It's nice to meet you. ^_^

Best of luck on getting your first Samanayr! It shouldn't be too difficult as there are plenty of opportunities made available- contests (such as the "Ongoing Non-owner Semi-custom Semi-draw"), breedings and customs, just to name a few.
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Re: Hi everyone!

Post by RikkuGirl »

Yay new member! :D Welcome my dear and i hope you have a wonderful time trying for your first! :D dont forget... random is your friend and Participate participate participate!!! XD The more you try the more you have a chance to get one ^_^

Sushi is very fair with them and she tries to give everyone an equal chance if you were able to read and follow directions :D *hugs* Youll get one! <33

Welcome again <3
My Sams!

Im a Chicken... Moooooo! D:
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