Pokemon fans! I have a trade..

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The Resident Linkin Park Fangirl
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Pokemon fans! I have a trade..

Post by HybridSiren »

Well, any one who has any of the Pokemon games for the DS (SoulSilver/HeartGold/Platinum/Diamond/Pearl), I have a trade request. I'm looking for either an Exp. Share or/and a Steel Coat. For those of you on PI, I can trade PG, BP, ponies, and/or a reverse breed with a Reindeer starter who carries HD and socks. As for the non-PI players here.. I could offer a tiny bit of USD? Nothing more than 3$ you think? I'd offer sketches, but I know I wouldn't be able to get them out fast. >.<;

If interested, please PM or post here, or PM me on PI at HybridSiren. If you PM me over PI, it'll be much faster.

Make sure your wi-fi settings work, and also send me your friend pal code thing. Mine:

Name: Clover
Friend code: 3524 4340 5829

-Hybrid ;3
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