Ooooh, these foals are adoraaaabbbblleee!!!! <3 My Sa'krien filly's expression shows that she has her sire's personality as an aggressive, curious and lovable being, yet has also inherited her dam's good looks. She is going to be beautiful as an adult. Scythe and Regrets can be proud of her. *scratches underneath the Sa'krien filly's chin, only to have her finger bitten*
Aww, Harroway's Northern filly is a sweet little puffball with pale spring colours that help accentuate the softness of her long and fluffy fur. I can't help but want to cuddle her! What a handsome Samanayr colt Puuka has received! He looks like he can traverse between land and sea with no trouble at all. Oh my goodness, Orasteele's mystic filly is awesome! Just by the looks of her I can tell she will become a powerful mystic.
Hey, I just noticed each of these foals are a different species and have a different wing type too! How interesting! Congratulations! This is a wonderful start to the foaling season.