Whoa, awesome! Joy is a delightfully wicked Sa'krien and I adore how all of his mutations just spring out from him like a terrifying spiky monster. Love-love-love.
And Refrain is such a pretty girl! Her pose is so dynamic, especially with all of the fluff to foof out dramatically with every step. She looks like she's having a lovely time with life! And the antlers are simply epic.
*gleeful squeeing over Slice's first baby, who happens to be a son* <33333333 *luffs on Ora*
And just to note a happy coicidence, both Slice and his brother have had their first children with their lead mares. Both children are winged and beaked, and are of opposite genders. <3
Slice: *Puffs out chest proudly* My son is far superior to that hideous creature you call a daughter, brother. >:3 He's even got talons.
Mystic: *totally not listening to Slice* What was that? I didn't quite catch it. >3>
Congrats to all the breeding winners! They're such a cute bunch; it'll be fun to see how they all grow up. ^^
And I forgot to say this before, but Mr. 666 is fantastic as well...though, maybe not quite so much in the cute way. *grins and watches him warily* He kind of makes me want to finish my sketch of Sybil, actually, just to see how they would have looked together.
It's a little early, but the foals are all growed up! If you'd like to name your foal you have a week to PM me a name, otherwise they'll be named for you
691 just looks like a fun and sassy little lady! Love the combination of colors and markings with her spiks and pose. And that little tail is precious.
692 looks like he has a bit of a problem with the world. I can't see why with that glorious expanse of wing he's got going on, though.
693, I'm so delighted to finally see a child from this Song! I've always thought Chime was such a handsome stallion and just look at the beautiful winged filly they produced. Her self-satisfied expression is delightful.
694 could not have combined more prettily. Really, could not have. The tan with the markings and the delicate shading... just... love. And such an awesome drape!