Think you can handle me?

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Think you can handle me?

Post by LvSoulFriend »

So. Lash here might be looking for a male to play with. Not sure if she will Song up or not, but it would be nice to get an idea as to which stallions might be interested in her. There's one or two that interest her, and several more that she's quite, ah, miffed at for having full songs.

((Note: I am not the best at evil characters, or even mean characters XD Lash strikes me as possibly both, so potential RP to help me develop her character would be most welcome. I see her as snarly, gruff, and sometimes, down-right mean. Also potentially a flirt that enjoys toying with males affections, somewhat sadistically o.o I think I'm in over my head XD ))
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Re: Think you can handle me?

Post by Pathos »


Storm would *love* to have her in his Song, he has a penchant for attracting, shall we say, "thorny" females lol.
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Re: Think you can handle me?

Post by AranelSaraphim »


Shimmer of the Poisonous Coils here thinks that he could certainly handle her. He's been looking for another mare for his song. While Fused Wind is a wonderful girl, he is looking for a mare with more fire to her. Lash seems like she might fit in perfectly. Shimmer isn't the nicest of males, but he's good to his ladies. He's been looking for a bit of spice and evil to compliment his own.
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Re: Think you can handle me?

Post by LvSoulFriend »

Lash has found a spot in the Song of the Primeval Inheritance, thanks for the interest!
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