Misery Seeks RP

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Misery Seeks RP

Post by Origami_Dragon »

Misery: *stares up at the title and flattens his ears* No. No I don't.

Yes, yes you do.

Misery: No. I assure you I do not.

Copper: *pricks ears* Yes yes?

Misery: No. *glares*

Okay...well, fine. He doesn't want to play, but I've been wanting to RP with him lately anyways. But he's not exactly the easiest critter to get out and interacting since he...well...actively avoids confrontations of any kind when he can. And he's not terribly nice either. So I can't really realistically toss him into an existing RP since he wouldn't leave his mountains. And I'd like to have some starting path in mind before setting up a new RP.

So...my question to you is, are there any Sams out there interested in bearding the Misery in his lair? As mentioned in the custom thread when he arrived, his magic includes an ability to manipulate and locate metal and stone. He actually likes making things...just not dealing with other Sams or taking requests (and obviously anything he made in a RP would be RP only, not equippable). Anyone up for some RP with this fluffagrump? He's not always nice, particularly not with strangers, but he is a fun character. He can be...so hopelessly naive in some ways...

Misery: Seriously? Now you're just insulting me. *fluffs up and bristles* Go away. I am not fun. I do not want fun. Don't listen to the fool human. *stalks off to curl up in a corner of the thread and glare since he can't escape*

...his dragonet is much friendlier.
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Re: Misery Seeks RP

Post by oakleafwolf »

Actually... I had meant to ask you about that at some point... these two were in the same batch of customs (not that that -really- matters) but Trickster... well, she's different. She either doesn't know about the stigmas around certain species, or thinks that they're akin to when someone tells you "don't go there, it's dangerous" but really means "don't go there, I keep all my shiniest shineys in there".

I have plans for her, but they they include quite a bit of wandering around and experiencing the world before settling down, so I'd love to get her out and interacting if you wouldn't mind her cheerful and occasionally maddening self around.
Look, Trickster, you see him? "He" wants someone to talk to. You want to talk, don't you?

Trickster: ...He didn't sound like he wanted to talk. *eyes Misery with curiosity* Actually... he sounded gyrumpy. Does he need a stoyry? I know lots of stoyries!

Er... you could try that. But... um... oh, I know! Trickster, did you know he makes shineys?

Trickster: Shiineys? Ouu.... *begins plotting ways to steal said shiny objects*

...Or maybe this would make Misery go on a killing rampage. Either way, the offer is there. I'd be slow to update because of student teaching, but I'd happily rp a bit with ya.
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Re: Misery Seeks RP

Post by Origami_Dragon »

I will admit that I was sort of hoping that Trickster might show up in responce to this. She seemed like the sort who might just dare waltz up to a Misery if she thought he had trinkets. He actually doesn't know the common views on the different species either; he wasn't raised by Sams and didn't know he was something bad for a long time. Was just sort of like...met his own kind and found out that apparently his mane meant he was a monster. He was actually nice when young...but he's sort of soured and gone grumpy as he grew up.

Misery: Seriously, why are you telling people this? Stop it. My history is none of their businiess.

It's also why he doesn't have the accent.

Misery: Why does that matter?

And is a scholar.

Misery: From books. Not...Samanayrs.

And if he can put up with his relentlessly cheerful, playful, energetic dragonet I don't think Trickster will drive him to a killing rage.

Misery: *crunches meaningfully on a beetle he found*

*ignores him* Killing is too messy for his taste anyways. As long as she doesn't try to take his books or scrolls and confines herself to swiping metal/gems he's not likely to bother trying to get it back. He can always find more shinies.

He's also nocturnal by preference. Do you think she'd be more likely to be out and about to run across him late in the evening or early in the morning?

I'm not always the fastest to reply either, but I'd be happy to set something up later today after work!

Misery: *grumbles* Can I go now? I'd like to get some reading in before you set...her...on me. *stalks off*
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Re: Misery Seeks RP

Post by oakleafwolf »

Trickster: Books? Does that mean he likes stoyries? And how things came to be the way they ayre? *gets a calculating look*

Yeah, this should be interesting... As for time of day I think--

Trickster *interrupting* Sunrise is very pretty and looks like the stolen sungem! But... sunset is red and paints the sky. I like both!

*ahem* As I was saying, I don't think it matters and I'd be able to work with either. It's possible she'd be more likely to be out in the early morning, but from a practical standpoint it's easier to change one's sleep schedule to be later than earlier if we wanted to have more time for interactions.

Honestly, I hope he can help mellow her a bit. Her dual personality got balanced a bit more heavily to the 'bird get shiny thing' side during the expedition. I hope they get along well, and I await your post! :)
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Re: Misery Seeks RP

Post by Origami_Dragon »

He likes books. Whether or not he likes stories...you'll have to see. He won't share with me just what he's reading. It could be anything from the driest of history to exciting adventure tales.

Misery: o_O


Anyways, http://www.samanayrs.net/forum/viewtopi ... =19&t=1978. I'd been working on it for awhile. Left it fairly open ended so she could spot him right after he heads out for the night or not until nearly dawn, whichever seems to fit best.

Hope they have fun!
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