Annoying Characters and Song Choices

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Annoying Characters and Song Choices

Post by LvSoulFriend »

So, if anyone's been following my story that I'm attempting to write for Nano, you know that I had decided to make this pairing a reality:

His Song

However, the mare is now letting me know that she's not all that thrilled with the idea :roll: Instead, she might like this stallion instead, thank you very much. Or not at all.

His Song

Thoughts, advice, suggestions? Other stallions could be entertaining as well. Celestial Storms there is looking to live in a mountainous area, or at the very least a spot where she can easily view the night sky. She loves star-gazing.

(Pushy, obnoxious stallions are not welcome, thank you very much. Any offers by them will like end up with the stallion in a pit of mud from al lthe water that's she shoved through the ground under him.)
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Re: Annoying Characters and Song Choices

Post by Seren »

While I think Misery and her would be interesting together, I'm really digging the idea of her and Mystic of the Mysterious Rhythms. :3 I love how her soft and simpler markings (very regal!) would look with his dramatic and dark markings- as well as the baby being almost positive to be a Mystic!
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Re: Annoying Characters and Song Choices

Post by RikkuGirl »

Misery was trying to start a future with Orasteele's Illi Mystic however they just never seemed to... Hit it off. :/ (I dont know if she is still interested anymore, the rp died along with his chances I think -sighs-)

I would LOVE the chance to rp him with her if she had any interest. He is very laid back. He can be cocky but normally only when he KNOWS hes right. He can make a stary sky with the leaves of a tree that he coveres with ice to make them shine in the moons light. He may be cold...but his heart is warm to his mares and those he cares for plus hes got alot of hair! :D. He still has 2 slots open in his song, lead mare and a final extra slot. She would have full choice of this as he will only fill his lead mare slot through rp.

He is not a world hating misery because he was never apart of the world to be hated. He was as a colt which drove him away to be in seclusion. He has no will to interact with other sams except for his own mares and offspring. He is VERY defensive of his song and land, willing to die for their protection. He sets up his home under a large willow tree that over looks a very placid pond/lake (its medium sized! inbetween :P). Above the lake the stars are VERY clear and even give the water the look of life. He enjoys nature and greenery, so the mountains wouldnt be much of an option even though he pretty much lives right at the base of one. lol Hes not fond of rocks. He likes soft things like grass and snow. He has the ability to make his own snow and ice so he doesnt feel the need to go where its cold.

Hes just a walking contradiction... -shrugs- Ive been dying to start an rp and get better practice with my story telling and idea creation abilities. I adore your stories and really admire your style, so the chance to rp with you would also be very cool in general, even if they didnt work Id still like for him to try ;)

Any interest? -smiles-

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