Just curious what people's pet peevs are. I have many. The following:
1. When people use chat speak constantly!
It makes my brain hurt.
And during roleplays when people make up stuff.
Example: {From a Warriors (CATS!!) Roleplay} Firestar took out 5 fishes and three birds from da pouchez around her ankels. Here u go Rockstar she said dont eat that fish i got dat in da ocean.
Does anyone else see something wrong with that? I sadly wasn't making that up.
2. When people gulp their drinks or chew loudly.
3. Parents who can't control their kids.
4.When people crack their fingers, back, neck, etc.
My biggest pet peeve ever is broken english. Things like the chat speak you mentioned, using chat speak when speaking aloud (like actually saying "brb" instead of "be right back", etc), and not even trying to use grammar. I mean, at least I'm aware that my grammar is not the best, but some people just... blaugh. *descends into incoherent ranting*
When people can'be Tolerant like seriously I had on my pressie on PI about my..well about me being gay and some girl sent me message telling me it was awful and that their were kids on the website I took it down cause of PI rules but seriously..it was awful.
When my sisters don't clean the litterbox >< I don't own any of our cats, yet I'm the one that cleans it the most! Can't blame the cats for doing what's natural *snorts*
When people eat frozen desserts, like popsicles, with the front teeth. Like, when they bite into a popsicle. O_o I just can't stand that... It makes my teeth hurt just watching... *shivers*
Also, I know it's sorta rediculous, but another one of mine is when people put the toilet paper roll on the thing so that it comes off right next to the wall it's attatched to. I dunno why, I just irritates the heck out of me. ^_^; I might be partly because I don't know what's touched that wall, and partly because it makes the toilet paper harder to use. *shrugs*
Eef, Perry, I'm really sorry to hear that. :/ Intolerance, in general and on the internet where people are shielded by a comfortable sense of anonymity, are definitely pet peeves of mine as well. I haven't encountered much of either, for which I count myself lucky, but the few people who've gotten in my face about my sexuality have made me all the more aware of it.
I'm also extremely irked by socks turned inside out. I mean... really, how hard is it to roll them back they way they're supposed to be? As one of the people who does laundry in my house, I don't want to fondle everyone's grody, stanky, hard socks before I throw them in the wash. xD
Bad grammar tweaks me, but not as much as it used to. In a professional setting... well, yes. I can't stand it. But on the internet, I've just learned to take a deep breath and let it go more often than not. I always notice it, though.
Erm, what else. I know there are plenty of little things. xD Crying children in a movie theater or during a show for sure. I understand that the parents can't control it to a certain extent, but there's a point at which it's courteous to everyone around you to haul the kid outside for a while so that you're not disturbing it for everyone else. Le sigh.
People and animals together. After working at a shelter for several years and seeing the many flavors and colors of 'stupid' and inconsiderate that people display towards their animals, it wears on your nerves a tad. You can only hear "well, I just don't have the time" or "my seven-year-old isn't taking care of it" as excuses for turning it in to the shelter so often before you want to gnaw on their arm.
hmm, I know a lot of things annoy me, but to recall them consciously is difficult.
I guess really bad chat speak is annoying, I can understand a few spelling or grammar mistakes, sometimes people are in a hurry and don't have time to proof read everything, but spell checks are so easy to use. I know I don't use commas correctly...
Hm. I was going to do a list, but then I thought about it some more and realized that it's just this one guy that I work with that sums them all up.
He whistles or hums all day long. When he happens to stop long enough to talk, he will only talk about things that will make him feel smarter or better than whoever he happens to be talking to. For example, he tells me all the time about his friends or relatives and how much money they all have and all the huge expensive things they own and how he gets to use them for free whenever he wants. Like, he'll say to me, "I spent the weekend with this guy I went to college with, we were out on his 52 foot boat all weekend and then at night we went to his house, which is huuuuge, I mean, like a 2 million dollar house, blah blah blah". And whenever he mentions a dollar amount, it's always followed up by "Not that it's important" or "Not that I care about that stuff".
I think perhaps I only have these pet peeves because of this guy. I've worked with him for 10 years now, and I think that maybe it's just that his mannerisms have grated my nerves down to nothing.
I get super irritated when people tell me I'm wrong. >_>;; Poor Steele and Ogre. They somehow manage to be very patient with me.
I think my biggest pet peeve is when people don't take responsibility. We have a project manager at my office who is always screwing something up...then he denies it and immediately looks for someone to point the finger at. He's lucky he hasn't tried it on me, I swear I'd leave a rotten fish in his shoe.