Hopefully will be updating the unfinished references when I can - easiest way for me is to roleplay them to figure out how their personalities likes/dislikes really work, but XD
The list
Rustle of the Willow's Tears
Erosion of the Sand-swept Gem
Wrangler of the Errant Herd
Wanderer of the Endless Flight
Rapture of the Silken Sands
Mask of Hidden Blessings
Cider of the Last Apple
Retreat of the Timid Twilight
Dusk of the Sprawling Sands
Shift in the Departing Song
Ride on the Little Carousel
Samanayr Referance
Code: Select all
[b]Samanayr Name:[/b]
[b]Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult):[/b]
[b]Physical Description:[/b]
[b]Abilities (magical and otherwise):[/b]
[b]Aspirations and Goals:[/b]
[b]Favorite Color:[/b]
[b]Odd fact:[/b]
Code: Select all
[b]Birth Song:[/b]
Code: Select all