Sorry I've been so quiet..

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Sorry I've been so quiet..

Post by Sushidragon »

#2 has been going through a bad sleep patch that started at the beginning of August and there's no end in sight. I'm so tired and have been feeling really low the past few weeks. I'm hoping he'll start sleeping again when his last few teeth finally come through, which should be soon..

Anyway, I'm still slowly working my way through the 'do stuff for me' board, and there's another birthday thing or two in the works sometime soon. Sorry the timing for everything is so vague but I don't know when this will be over.

I also feel like I've been doing a lot of apologizing this year, I feel bad for not living up to the expectations of myself and others D: With #1 I felt a lot more together at this point but #2 has been a whole different ballgame.
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Re: Sorry I've been so quiet..

Post by RikkuGirl »

Awwww -Hugs-

I hope #2 gets into a good sleep schedule soon. I know how it feels to not have any sleep. I just went from sleeping on a couch for a year, to a bed! I tell you, sleep is a HUGE part of how people feel <333 So, I feel you Sushi.

No need to apologize, life isn't easy and things happen. Just keep us posted so we know you are ok :) <3
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Re: Sorry I've been so quiet..

Post by Codress »

Totally agree with rikku. Sushi real is most important so do what you gotta do. Hope you all start geting some sleep. Huggles ^_^
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Re: Sorry I've been so quiet..

Post by Sushidragon »

Thanks guys <3 The past few days have been a bit better, he's 'only' been up 2 or 3 times, but I still feel like a new person! Imagine how I'll feel when he finally starts sleeping through the night O_O
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