I was joking yesterday about how I was tempted to make an all-black Samanayr for Black Friday. Well, it's not a joke anymore XD
Just a simple little one-day draw! To enter, just reply to this post with what you're looking forward to in the holiday season The draw will be open until November 28, 7am PST - good luck!
Personally I'm looking forward to spending time with my Vancouver friends and family over the holidays.. and all the delicious holiday food! <3
The thing I always look forward to the most is seeing Retta's face when she opens the presents I bought her. I always try to get her things that are unexpected, so that's my favorite part.
I'm looking forward to seeing Kill The Noise on December 12th for my birthday and then Knife Party on New Years day, I've been waiting to see KP for like 3 years now, and this'll be my 3rd time seeing KTN, and honestly all I need is to see Feed Me again and I would be seeing my top 3 favorites hehehe <3
I am looking forward most to my 3 little guys happy faces christmas morning. We have peppermint hot chocolate, husband cooks a delicious breakfast and we open presents together.
My youngest is two and this is the first year he's old enough to have an idea of whats going on this year, so im really excited for that.
What am I most looking forward to this year? Two things: watching my daughter open her Christmas presents - she gets so excited when she gets new things, and she's so adorable. I love watching kids open their presents. And...well, Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Dec 18. Not sure that counts though!
Mostly I'm looking forward to spending time with my daughter and husband and preparing for our new arrival. I'm also looking forward to finally closing on our house and getting settled in this new year!
I'm most looking forward to what I like to call Holiday Ham Potato Soup. XD Rasa takes the leftover Christmas ham and makes potato soup with it, and it is the most delicious thing in the world.
Hmm, I think I'm looking forward most to getting a bunch of things done and the end of a bunch of drama I've been dealing with in a club I'm a member of. But also the entire holiday season with all the Christmas lights, songs, and the day itself of course.
I'm looking to having a vacation from work so can I spend time with my family. It's great getting out of the city for a while! ...And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited for Star Wars.
Last edited by Jaes on Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'm looking forward to spending time with family and watching all the classic holiday movies/shows while snuggled under a mountain of blankets with a big bowl of popcorn.
I am looking forward to cooking Swedish meatballs for my family. It's a tradition I've been wanting to bring back for years but we've always been too busy with other things.
The thing I'm looking forward to this christmas is seeing my little brother open his presents (I love knowing what he's getting and seeing his face when he opens it!), and then spending the day playing video games with him and cooking with my mom. :3
"The universe is big. It's vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles." - 11th Doctor
Getting together with family. There's only a handful of us here, but we get some of the others to come for Christmas. And there's actually a big get together tomorrow to celebrate a couple birthdays which will be fun, I'll have some cousins there I haven't seen in probably 2 or 3 years!
Also look forward to seeing what funny things my cat decides to do with the present wrapping paper. He's nearly 18 years old now, and he doesn't get excited by much any more, but somehow all those presents and strings and crinkly paper perks him up.
And baking cookies...we always do so many.
And the lights, already walking around and enjoying them! After all it gets so dark so early might as well make it look pretty ^.^
I'm looking forward to seeing my sister Rikku again and my mom and family that is down in Naples. Also to go and get num num foods and *crosses fingers* a cooler winter here in FL. Plus I like to give presents to friends and fam for the holidies cause it is fun and feels sooooo good to give. ^_^
-Wow everyone has such great replys to that question. Cant wait to see who gets it! Glad I'm not the judge. lol good luck Sushi. xD
Visiting family I think is what I look forward to most. That and watching everyone open the gifts I got for them. I like making gift baskets of sorts with things like candy, fortune cookies, lotto tickets, small gifts, etc in them so it's a surprise every year.