I'm back!

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Samanayr Wrangler
Samanayr Wrangler
Posts: 5392
Joined: Mon Dec 17, 2007 1:55 am
Location: The Great Wet North

I'm back!

Post by Sushidragon »

So, uh, surprise if you didn't know I was away? XD;

The family and I spent the week in Vancouver and just got back last night! The drive home was a bit dicey because the route we normally take, through a canyon, was out due to a rock slide, so we had to take the route through the mountains, which were getting a ton of snow and a lot of people didn't have snow tires on.. but we made it, yay!

Among other things I got to spend time with a giant 'Han Solo in Carbonite' statue XD


I also did a bit of writing and got the Samanayr info sub-site, now called the Library, back up and running! I haven't written anything for the other races yet but I did add some stuff about magic and Elementals, and there's more to come!

http://samanayrs.net/info/samanayrs/soc ... lementals/

I'm taking the day to recover and recuperate and hope to be streaming tomorrow night!
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