Sigh of the Empty Sky is going with Nightfeathers, and Radiance of the Scattered Sun is going with cassiadawn - congrats! I'll be updating their certs in a few minutes.
Thank you to everyone who entered!
I'm not quiiiite at the halfway point yet, but I thought I'd set up my halfway point draws anyway! The two Samanayrs available are based on the main characters in my story, Amelya and Sunscattered.

This is a straightforward random draw - just send me a PM with the subject Halfway NaNo draw and the following filled out:
Are you particpating in NaNoWriMo?
If you are participating, what's your wordcount?
Are you looking forward to the Samanayr Secret Santa event?
(If you're not sure what a Secret Santa is, it's an event where you can buy gifts for your friends! I'm not entirely sure what all will be available yet, but there will be a variety of custom, semi-custom, and breeding vouchers available

This draw is taking place on the Samanayr forums and on PI, so please only enter through one of the sites, not both - thanks!
The draw will be open until November 12, 3:00 PST - good luck!