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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 4:56 pm
by RikkuGirl

Roar would like a courageous and prideful group of ladies. He may have one female who is soft...because he does have a soft spot himself. But he is looking for furred ladies or fire like :)


Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:42 pm
by Jennalyn
Here are some ladies who might fit what your handsome beast is looking for! <3

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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:07 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Neither Glimmer or Cynic are looking at this time, sorry!

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 9:40 pm
by Sushidragon
I should add, if anyone needs to get in touch with zeigfreid I can make it happen, since he doesn't come by the forum much these days.

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:09 am
by RikkuGirl
YA! Sushi would you mind asking if Sol would be interested in being in Roars song? :) She would be an AWESOME mare for his song :D

Thank you! <3

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 11:57 am
by RikkuGirl

He is still trying to start his song with a mystic (rp in progress) bbuuutttt he was hoping there were some ice like ladies out there that might take interest in his song once its created. Whites blues and ice like features are great, he also has a secret desire for northerns ;D


Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:48 pm
by Seren
Dive Rikku! Pick Dive! XD


Okay, but that reminds me... It's time to look for possible stallions for Dive!

Dive of the Melting Glacier in a word: Daredevil. She loves to live life on the edge, and she often doesn't realize she's in danger. She loves flying and going fast, zipping around like crazy, and has a hard time slowing down... but that's the job today! Finding a stallion to make her slow down some and enjoy life!


Dive (When I managed to catch her and ask her) says these are traits she likes in stallions:

- I love wings! Especially draconic. If a guy wasn't winged, he'd have to be fast... or strong! :D -look at the silly smiley I did Seren- Okay continuing...

-I like all sorts of colors! But I like colors kind of like mine: whites, purples, blues, reds, reddish tones (Orange would be cool!) and black! Even though I don't have any, I like black!
If a stallion wasn't those colors, He'd have to be colorful so I can spot him when I'm way up high!

-I love my dragonet Chinook... and I love pets of any sorts, especially dragonets! I'd love to breed super fast dragonets, and maybe become a trainer one day!

-Seren says I need to slow down, and that I get myself in trouble... so stallions that could be firm with me would probably be a good idea! :D *giggles* I love these faces!

Focus Dive.

-I love pretty things! A stallion with a good eye for nice things would be nice!

-I don't have to be first, but I'd like to be first or second, I suppose. :3 Third or fourth would be okay, but I'm interested in slowing down (shhh! Don't tell anyone!) and spending some one-on-one time. I don't need to be the only mare, of course! If a stallion wanted to continue a song later, I wouldn't mind...
as long as I got to fly! :D

Silly faces!

Seren: Please help me. >>

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 1:48 pm
by Jennalyn
For Misery, here are some mares whose looks might interest!

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Tear of the Clouding Sky (Nyx - I can get in touch with her easily)

Jewel of the Forest's Reflection (Lexington - she sometimes responds to PMs)

Speaker of the Listening Heavens (Lexington)

Ice of the Fallen Morning (Lexington)

Stir of the Sea's Sword (Lexington)

Prize of the Bright Lapis (SunBlind - PM)

(I can look through tons more older ladies if he wants as well.)

And pretty Dive! Here's a collection of stallions who meet all or some of your interests. :)

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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:01 pm
by RikkuGirl
Thank you Jen!!! :D A good amount in that group caught his eye! :D <3333 tytyty

and Seren... He would def go for her, though... He isnt a flyer and I think she NEEDS a winged male to keep up with her ;) Unless he is strong right? Misery is NOT a fighter at all.... More...Calm? And meek if you will. He will only if cornered or his mare(s) are in trouble. ^_^;;; Mischief is still interested though ;D lol HOWEVER I think...

Rush of the Tial Dragon, Tragedy of the drenched Flame, or Grandeur of the Ancient Ruins would be the best fits. ^_^;;; BUt thats just my opinion! <3333 *Mischief of the Gleaming Desert shoves his name in too... Just in case he says with a smile* :)

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:14 pm
by Seren
She wouldn't mind wingless, but she'd probably drive poor Misery to distraction with her zipping around and be unable to keep an eye on her... XD

I will try and contact the owners of those three and see what the stallions say! I was looking back at the other foals and superdoug's stallion caught my eye, but I doubt he'd be interested. XD Thanks Jenn!

And Michief, you silly boy, you're on the list for sure. XD We'll see what people say. ;3 Misery is too, we have time to find a stallion... *cue loud crash*

Sigh... time to go untangle her again!

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 2:27 pm
by RikkuGirl
Doug is awesome!!! :D You should message him! Dont be shy! ^_^ He just may! :D Dont doubt till you ask. He was uber sweet and let my vixen join his Captians song and it was a match in heaven! :D Two marvel characters all in looooves and stuffs. <333

Dont ever be shy... we dont bite on this site.... much ;P *gigglesnort*

Mischief: She is VEYRY goyrgeous... Howeveyr... I tiyre of the constant movement... *sighs*

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 7:09 am
by CosmicDragon
Rush would most definitely be interested in such a gorgeous mare with an interest in dragonets, and he has to be a fast flyer to keep up with certain mares. (*cough*Dash*cough*) But I'm not sure how much of a 'firm hand' he would be, he's relatively easygoing and just about lets his song do whatever makes them happy. XD Not to say he wouldn't step in to stop them from doing something that would harm themselves or each other, but often he becomes easily preoccupied with training his pets.

Personally though, I love the idea of her and Doug's Influence of the Old Masters. |D They're closer in age, so they'd probably get along better.

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:26 am
by Seren
Well you know I love Rush, since I got to use him for the roleplay contest last month. :3 He's an awesome stallion. XD

But.. I have to agree about Influence. XD I'm going to message superdoug about him.

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:02 pm
by CosmicDragon

Well, with some serious prodding, Brew of the Roasted Bean has started to show a little interest in starting a song of his own, so I thought I'd drag him out here to see just how many beautiful mares there are out there. |D
I don't think he's really looking for anything in particular, so I'll just tell you a little bit about him. ^^

Brew is a very physically strong Samanayr with a gentle, intelligent soul, but I'm afraid he's rather paranoid around others. He can be jittery and high-strung at times while being sluggishly relaxed at others, and this is often tied in with whether or not his small perennial growth is currently laden with beans or not. He'll likely need a mare who can put up with his often strange behaviour, someone who can be a voice of reason, or perhaps someone just as strange as him. XD His steam also smells of freshly roasted coffee.

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:21 pm
by Seren

I love Brew. If only I had a mare for him... >.> *flees*

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:08 pm
by Jennalyn
In my personal opinion, he could make one of the most beauuuutiful, simple, and gorgeous natural-touched Songs around. With his brown and green? Omg. Frsrs.

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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:05 am
by perryunicornboy

Crisp is looking for a lovely stallion with a spunky personality. I'd love one with antlers

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 6:21 pm
by Jennalyn
There aren't all that many Sams with antlers, but here are three that pop to mind!

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And some other stallions she may like:

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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:30 pm
by perryunicornboy
oooh I really like Rise :)

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:55 pm
by Jennalyn
With the advent of so many beautiful holiday Samanayrs, I'd like to bump this thread up in case anyone needs pairing help! :D It's such fun.

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:04 pm
by Pathos
Wander isn't in the database yet, but he thinks Crisp of the Autumn Breeze is pretty cute ;)


While he attempts to court her, are there any other ladies who might be interested in creating a song with him? He likes colourful, sweet ladies, no matter what their traits are. Whether they fly or walk, he doesn't care, as long as will return his affections :)

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:14 pm
by Jennalyn
Pathos, they would be so cute together. o____o

And since Mr. Wander has appeared in this thread, I shall play matchmaker in his general direction as well! Muahahaha!

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Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:17 pm
by Pathos
Thank you Jennalyn! There are some extremely pretty mares there!

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:40 pm
by BJJLilly
Hey everyone, totally new her, and I just got my first sam mare!


Not sure if she is elemental or magical - I don't know how to tell, but I assume I would be able to tell somehow? lol, any help with that would be nice. I think for her, I'm just looking for some fun colors to make pretty babies, maybe a brighter green would be nice, but I'll consider anything really. I'm sure once I get more mares and stallions I'll be more picky, but for her I don't really have any preferences :3

Re: Matches for Men and Mares

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:15 am
by Jennalyn
Heya! Many congratulations on your first - she's a lovely thing and I absolutely adore the styling of her mane. Not to mention that wicked tail. She's not Elemental or magical (you would be able to tell by the species and she's listed as a Samanayr mare) but she's got some really fun traits. Let's see who I can find that might suit her! Because she has so much black, she could look nice with many stallions with that color.

Here are my favorite choices for her:

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And here are some other choices!

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