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Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 4:09 am
by Seren
Etching's so fine and lovely, I love her design and forelock, she looks like a snowflake! And Crisp is probably my fav, I love the autumn colors with the antlers and feathers, and shes just so happy looking <3. Caper looks like she's floating along, shes adorable, and Mr. Study looks more like he's eyeing me suspiciously, but I love his feather traits!

And I love Lurk <3 her pose, expression, coloring, and how her mane is tied up... too cute! along with that dragonet, of course. ^__^

*pets them all, more careful of Study*

Fantastic job Sushi! You've done a great job this month with so many Sams, now you can rest easy!

... I hope? X3

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:39 am
by RikkuGirl
Goooooo sushi!!!!! Seee! You can! I failed miserably....but...I did get quite distracted :/ either way they all came out so wonderful! The sneaks are killing me!

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:30 am
by Sushidragon
Here's the windblown Sam from yesterday's Ustream :D Congrats to Kagari!


And also a growing :D


I have 8 more finished Sams to edit and cert today, which will take us up to 40 for the month of November O_O

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:41 am
by silvermoondragon
So pretty! Congrats Kagari!

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:53 am
by Origami_Dragon
Kags, that girl is gorgeous! Major congrats on her! Just love those colors, and she looks so very intent. Stunning!

And Sibyl grew up quite stunning too! Tribals do so love their bling... Not that he really needs it with those gorgeous sunset patterns. I'll be interested to see what his method of divination is. He's got a gorgeous little bird too! And it looks like he's using some of his pet's feathers for decoration. though he's grown now...I do still need to go reply to that foal RP. Can just...pretend he's still little there.

You just outdid yourself this month Sushi! A full third more than the goal! Guessing those last 8 are the set Jenn ordered?

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:04 am
by RikkuGirl
congrats kagari!!!! :D

and WOW is she beautiful! I love the coloring of that tribal! <33333

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:30 am
by Jennalyn
I'm going to take a second first to delight in the windswept fur on that Northern lady. I love how glossy she looks and her chin beard brings me much happiness. It's a favorite trait of mine.

But really, I have to say that dear Sibyl takes my heart. He's absolutely my favorite of any that have appeared this month. I love him, is the long and short of it. I love the blue blush to his cheeks and jaw, the way he wears his familiar's discarded feathers proudly, his charming expression, his excessive and fantabulous bling, and the way that he mixed his parents' colors and markings so nicely. Tribals are always complex and I love them for it. I have a particular fondness for his front paws. <3

And his dear little Creel is beautiful! Her markings mimic his so well and I absolutely adore her head-feathers in all ways.

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:19 am
by Seren
The windblown mare is precious <3333

That said, Jennalyn's Sibyl is simply... stunning! :D

I just can't find the words to describe him, he and his birdy friend fit perfectly together, His markings are so native-looking, and he's just so decked out, with lovely muted colors, he's the perfect blend of his lovely parents! <3

And Sushi, I don't know how you do it! Its simply amazing. X3

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:27 am
by Janalee
Ooh, congrats on getting to 40 Sams! Now I don't know if I should tell you to ice your hand or go for broke on the last two days of the month... XD
And this last batch is definitely stunning; congrats guys!

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:40 pm
by Nako
Wow. You are on a roll o_o They're all just so fun to look at. I can never get tired of seeing these getting created.

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:38 pm
by Jennalyn
Image Image Image Image Image Image

1. Peat
2. Turquoise of the Vibrant Artist
3. Ebb of the Gentle Current
4. Survey of the Charmed Eccentric
5. Cant of the Serpent's Tongue
6. Plenty of the Feathered Pelt

SO MUCH COLORRRRRRR! There will be much inadequate flailing on my part before words can properly come out.

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:12 pm
by Jennalyn
Sushi, you managed to make me look away from Johnny Depp singing for a whole ten minutes at these beautiful, beautiful creatures. And please believe me when I say that's not exactly easy to do. xD Now that I have sense again, I want to thank you properly and in far less silly a fashion.

Peat has got to be my favorite. Each Elemental that you do comes out entirely different and unique. Even as common an element as Earth can be entirely reimagined every time it appears. "I already have one" is never an excuse with your art. I may have fun with the collection aspect of things, but when it comes down to it, each individual Sam captures me all over again. For this boy, it's the thickness of his florae and how perfectly everything reflects off his inspiration cake. His pebbling texture is gorgeous, his markings are so soft and pretty, and his pose is solid. The little orange flowers aren't lost on me either. <3

Turquoise is an absolutely shining beauty. Having a Large Phoenix Tail? That blew me away right from the first. She matches the portrait so well without in any way being a 'copy'. Her head ornaments are lovely, the pale details on her feathers make them glow, and her appearance is overall so fresh! She's a chaos of feathers without in any way being a 'mess'.

Ebb is still my favorite as far as pure furry aesthetics go, just like she was in sketch. I looooove Extended Foot Tufts. I will never not love them. Her little bobby butt hides in the shadow of her glorious rack of antlers and she manages 'cute' even with such a darker color scheme. Her shadowing really delights me. And it's just kind of amazing how clean you can keep your lines of color when it's all in pencil. I mean... seriously. It's seamless. xD

Survey hits my mad love for Steampunk right in the nose. Boots on a Sam are so bizarre but so cool, especially when executed with all the buckles and details. Her snout continues to delight me, kind of like a rough metal edge. Her mane is aaaawesome and I kind of really want to touch it. The fact that you gave her speckle pinto-esque markings all over her butt? So. Cool. All the little bits of bling make her seem Tribal-esque but in a very 'civilized' opposite. The goggles frame her eyes in such a quirky-cute way. And her tail? Her tail's this excellent bauble collection. I can only imagine how long she spends arranging ornaments in the morning with that little hook of hers.

Cant gives me shivers, but in the very good way. Her eyes are absolutely wicked. Combined with draconic wings, huge fangs, and a scorpion's tail? Not to mention antlers that look like they've seen a battle or two? And those sleek, smooth, dangerous lines? So cool. I'm so glad I decided to go with her. She's this awesome combination of dragon and serpent. The teal on her wings is my absolute favorite shade. She looks like she could mess somebody up, whether or not she ever actually would.

And then there's Mr. Fluffy-butt-floofy-poofy-glory over here. Plenty is huge! And gorgeous! And made of so many huggable elements! His tail looks like it's straight off of some exotic show dog breed. His colors blend so softly all over it. His wings are a much firmer separation and I can only imagine how much size he gains when he spreads them (or gets scared). The head wings have such a potential to be silly in general, but they just come off as precious on him. They're just sort of a trait inclusion instead of an oddity to giggle at and play with (which, hey, never anything wrong with that!) His expression is the best for me of any of them. I think there's just so much personality coming out of it.

Sushi? Thank you. These guys are going to look so amazing in the office space.

And guys? Omg. JUST WAIT until you see the contest Sams! They're sooooooo pretty! Definitely don't forget to participate! :O

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:36 pm
by Janalee
I don't know why, but I particularly love Peat's branches... *grins, suddenly imagining a driftwood themed branched Sam* Congrats on all your lovely new Sams Jenn! Now I definitely need to find time to make my first contest entry better, and finish my second... XD

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:17 am
by Seren
WOW Jenn. Just WOW.

You have yourself a herd of beauties right there!

Peat... has to be my favorite... I really want an elemental, and he's just so... solid. strong-looking. His florae makes me want to giggle, the style is just perfect. Turquoise is so elegant, kind of reminds me of a tropical peacock, especially with that large fan fancy tail and the flowers! She will definitely bring alot of color to your office (as will all of them!)
Ebb's such a rich colored northern, she's lovely, all that fur makes me just wanna cuddle her! And Surveys outfit is just so perfect.... The boots, watch, and earrings just blow me away <3 I love her dark serious tones with the expression on her face.
But whew. Cant has eyes which are creepily like my stalker kittens, all flowing and slit-pupiled, shes so sleek and dragon/snake-like, its a fantastic look for her. :3
And Plenty just makes me wanna cuddle him. I LOVE his wings... the detail and coloring is exquisite (as it is with all of these!)
I do not know how you do it Sushi. *shakes head*

Jenn, this has to be the best office decorating idea of all time. XD

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:31 am
by Delicious
Absolutely stunning Jenn :D You'll definitely have to share a photo of when you get them all mounted up on your wall. What a lovely inspirational piece to have hanging up...! They're a bunch of beauts! :D

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:58 pm
by RikkuGirl
Wow! Those are gorgeous! Im so jealous!!!!! I can't wait to see how they accent your work space! So much color is right! Congrats major my dear <3

Re: November pickups!

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:39 pm
by SilverDapples
Holy Godzilla... *-*