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Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 6:39 pm
by RikkuGirl
Username: RikkuGirl
Samanayr name (optional): Jargon of the Proud Foundation
Gender: Stallion
Species: Illiayr
Markings: Black tiger stripes down the back to the tip of the tail (
Okapi stripes that fade to black down the legs. Add other subtle stripes and solid black dots as you see fit.
Colors: Main body color is white but has light touches of blue, purple and green faded in. The hooves, horns, body spines on the neck and the eyes are purple. His mane is white with highlights of Green, blue and purple faded in.
Belly Mane. Demon touched eyes (purple). Gems (large and small). Integrated. Leonine Mane. Chin Beard. Large Horns. Body Spines. Bioluminescence (Hooves, Gems(faint), Large horns/body spines (faint) & Flex Spine tips - All Purple)
Large hooves. Bat Ears. Tufted Tail. Extensive Foot Tufts
Accessories (optional): He is proud to wear a fancy bit, a small saddle and reins. Silver
Night Elf-like for all metals.
A word or two about personality: Strong and in command, Ready to fight!
Would you like to be notified by PM if you win? I'll be stalking ^.^
Integrated Example - Natural Armor - Silver - It coils around the gems and horns and spans out to cover subtle portions of his body like
Armor - Across his chest, The front of his face, Front of his legs, Rump, Shoulders, etc. be creative.
Night Elf Design
Horns Example -
Horns 1 Horns 2
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2014 8:32 pm
by Kodai
Username: Kodai
Samanayr name (optional): You can name him~
Gender: Stallion
Species: Mystery
Markings and colors: Body is leafy green that forms a gradient to dark green down the legs, up the ears, and on the muzzle. Body and legs have thin, light blue tiger-like stripes outlined in darker blue. Eyes and hooves are yellow-gold. Mystic Strands are water (blue gradient) and Back Mane is earth (brown-green gradient).
Traits: Horizontal Pupil, Large Ears, Sharp Hooves (Mystic Strands, Back Mane)
Accessories (optional): Mystic Strands and Back Mane are criss-crossed with brown leather strips, creating a dread-lock-like appearance.
A word or two about personality: Distant, quiet
Would you like to be notified by PM if you win? No thanks, I'll be stalking. c:
Here's a reference~

Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 7:31 am
by Toxick711
Username: ToxicK711
Samanayr name (optional): Rainbow
Gender: Mare
Species: Elemental
Markings and colors: Rainbow with Black Tribal-like patterns... Do as you please... Sushified Tribal Rainbow!
Feather Tufted Ears. Solid Eyes. Belly Mane. Tendril Fins. Long Horns. Horn Nubs. Nose Horn. Kirin Scales. Gems. Cheek Feathers. VERY Fancy Feathers. Phoenix Tail. Giant Wings. Combination Wings (Draconic x Butterfly x Feather). Abbreviated Posterior Wings. Ankle Wings (Feather)
Accessories (optional): Ribbons of all colors (or rainbow ribbons) that wrap around various parts of the body (Legs, hair, horns, ETC.) Beads would be cool too.
A word or two about personality: Overly Happy and Gay. Joyful
Would you like to be notified by PM if you win? I will be checking in so no, thank you!
Inspiration: ... 243559.jpg
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 8:36 am
by SilverDapples
*bucket of craziness*
Username: SilverDapples
Samanayr name (optional): Rider of the Shifting Canopy
Gender: Male/Stallion
Species: Tribal Arboreal Shifter Rider
Markings and colors: Since Seren isn't here to help me I don't know what to do with myself color wise. *shakes fist* XD
He's based in the Amazon, and thus I wanted to use animals from there to make up his colors, the very basic idea being that the reticulated poison frog's design was a big part of his body pattern/colors (black, blue, gold), with the strawberry tree frog making up much of what his scales show (the red/orange and blue-black), with the feathers looking like a macaw's. The whole idea with his coloring is to 'scream' "don't eat me", like any smart animal that could get eaten in the rainforest has. There's a slight incorporation of the banding you see on a harpy eagle on his wings, feather mane, and tail (this is especially important on the feather mane, and doesn't
have to be on the wings) - the banding can work in different ways rather than just dark, such as a darker/lighter value of the color it's on (but if it's easier to just to do flat out dark or light bands I'm totally okay with that XD)
Eye is a grey/white color, hooks and horn nubs are grey like steel.
Mane strand being green/brown/blue/colourfulness for the rainforest
These are the pictures I looked at:
Strawberry Poison Dart Frog
Red and Green Macaw
Red Eyed Tree Frog
Reticulated Poison Frog
Traits: Prehensile tail, Hooks, Horn Nubs, Lapideus (metal hooks and horn nubs), Mane Strand (grows on his left side), Feather Mane (mohawk), Long Ears, Wyvern (feather), Scales (along his topline, back flanks, down his shoulders a bit, and just a smidge up his neck)
Accessories (optional): Lots of piercings, especially on his ears and nose, goggles for his eyes (worn around his neck when not flying, a harness for flying, a scrunchie to tie his ears together. Feathers on his harness are from his mount (can be more banded, I was doing this up fast before classes)
A word or two about personality: Total punk, adventurer
Would you like to be notified by PM if you win? Yes please!
Here's kinda a basic idea of him
His mount would be a harpy eagle:
Harpy 1
Harpy 2
*runs to school*
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 11:54 am
by Seren
Username: Seren
Samanayr name: Sibyl of the Cavern Vibrato
Gender: Stallion
Species: Tribal Kirin Illiayr Sibyl
Markings and colors: Sibyl's horn, spines, hooves, and eye glow a faint, otherworldly tropical blue color. His hooves and eyes are the same pale blue color. His mane and tail are streaked with blue, indigo towards the lower two-thirds, while the upper portions are near-white in color. His legs have darker markings on the undersides and around the hooves, like the shadowy depths of a cave. He has a blue mask over his spine and down the sides of his body and face, darker towards the spine and fainter towards the bottom, with a pale off-white underside. His markings on his back mimic the ripples of water in pools or on cave walls. His Kirin scales are a very faint rainbow, like light glittering on an
opal. His Stellar crown fades from near-black, to blue, to white.
Traits: Combination Ears (Kirin x Bat), Belly Mane, Kirin Scales, Kirin Horn, Tufted Tail, Leonine Mane, Flexible Spines, Bioluminescence, Solid Eyes, Stellar Crown
Accessories: Indigo beads on some strands of his mane and foot tufts, with a couple of linked silver bands with indigo beads on them as well. He has a braid in his tail with a few feathers, one white, one a bright blue gradient, tied to the base of the braid. He wears thin silver cuffs on his spines and on the lower prong of his horn, and has a tiny silver piercing over one eye.
A word or two about personality: Taciturn, mysterious
Would you like to be notified by PM if you win? Oh no, I will be stalking like mad, you can be sure of that!
Also, I would like his hooves to be cloven, I accidentally made them solid in the sketch, I know! The sketch is rough, and doesn't show the rippling markings as bright as I'd like them to be. :3 (Darn you phone quality!)
Extra Notes:
Sibyl divines from ripples in the pools of the caverns in which his dwells. The ripples themselves, the shadows and light refracted from them, and the sounds of the water all matter to him and his rituals.
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:47 pm
by Sushidragon
Thanks so much for sharing your dream customs, everyone, it's been a lot of fun looking through all of the forms

Random has spoken, and big congrats to

Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:07 pm
by Willow
Stunning! Congrats Britain! ^^
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 2:21 pm
by Operetta
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:22 pm
by CosmicDragon
Ooooh, beautiful~ :O Big congrats Britain! He looks absolutely regal.
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 3:53 pm
by AranelSaraphim
Gorgeous! Congrats!
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:43 pm
by Orasteele
Just wow!! He's stunning!! I can't wait for Brit to see him!!
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:46 pm
by tierasa
Wow, he is beautiful! I knew he would be when we saw him on the stream. Britain is so luck!
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 6:04 pm
by SilverDapples
Soo handsome!
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 7:31 pm
by Codress
CONGRATS!! Very handsome one. First of its kind too i think?! o.< Very cooly congrats!! ^_^
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 8:17 pm
by Seren
He's such a looker, I love those fiery edges to the wings and hair! <333 And those ornaments!

Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:02 am
by Britain
I had not even the SLIGHTEST hope of victory on this, I can't even believe- and SO GORGEOUS?! This is exactly what I needed after a very brutal semester T_T
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:02 pm
by Yildun
Wow! Congrats, Britain. I'm so glad he made your day! He made mine too, just seeing him in all his glory. Talk about stunning! He'll turn all the heads.

Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2014 8:28 pm
by RikkuGirl
omg congrats!!! dont be surprised if I bother you in the future!! ^o^ Oh he is just immaculate! big congrats. nive job sushi!!
Re: I wish, I wish.. an ultimate custom draw! Result page 2!
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 2:48 am
by Bighorns