Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

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Blue of the Howling Stars
Blue of the Howling Stars
Posts: 1240
Joined: Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:17 pm
Favorite Sam species: Sa'Grisayr
Location: In your head.

Re: Stallion looking to Love the Unloved

Post by Bluestarwolf12 »

((Yay! :D I was thinking that Slice's lands would be somewhere in the forest where the environment begins to shift into a jungle. It'd be right beside a large cliff face with a big abandoned cave dug out of it. Inside is a huge hotspring with a waterfall that seems to come from a large gap in one of the walls. Outside, since it's partially jungle and partially forest, there are lots of birds and reptiles for Devil and Challenge to play with. :D Yes, I do spend too much time thinking about Sams. XD))
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