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Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 4:38 pm
by amazondreamer
D'awww, what a sweet little filly!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:11 pm
by hardwired
Jennalyn wrote:OH MY GOODNESS, she is precious! Just look at that little prance and those feathers! :D Aranea, you did a faaaabulous job with her. I love how alert she looks with her mama's perky little ears.

I would like to gift this filly to hardwired, please, as her first Sam. <3
*You can hear a pin drop* After I picked my jaw off the floor I still sit here in shock. This is such an unexpected surprise. Are you certain? Cause you know how much I love that green. I would be forced to love her as my first you know. *can feel the attachment drawing me toward little filly*

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 6:30 pm
by Jennalyn
I am absolutely sure! She's a special little thing, since's she's a filly from the very first Song that I ever created. :) I hope that you have a lot of fun with her. And if you need any naming help, please just let me know.

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:09 pm
by SilverDapples
hardwired wrote:*You can hear a pin drop* After I picked my jaw off the floor I still sit here in shock. This is such an unexpected surprise. Are you certain? Cause you know how much I love that green. I would be forced to love her as my first you know. *can feel the attachment drawing me toward little filly*
Hardwired, you've got the greatest little filly on your hands!! You're so lucky! And Jennalyn is just amazing for giving you her <3 (*whispers* Accept it and run! XD)

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:20 pm
by hardwired
And yes, I will accept her and run! XD She is just too much for me to pass up. But I will need some guidance on how to find her name... I want to make sure it fits and that follows the rules. Any tips? *Goes to research in forum.*

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:21 pm
by hardwired
Jennalyn wrote:I am absolutely sure! She's a special little thing, since's she's a filly from the very first Song that I ever created. :) I hope that you have a lot of fun with her. And if you need any naming help, please just let me know.
Yes please! Very much so thank you!

Edit - I think I am straining my throat try NOT to scream... I am the only one up right now. XD

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:21 pm
by SilverDapples
I love nameeess XD XD 'of' or 'of the' basically XD and don't use 'real' names as the first name (and no foreign words either D: ); example: Surge of the Enveloping Lands or Whisper of Lands Reborn

just not something like Tallulah of the Bright City XD

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:27 pm
by Sushidragon
A new group of foals has arrived :D Congrats to Ssassoo, Echos, and Origami_Dragon, and thank you AranelSaraphim, Rekyrem, and silvermoondragon!

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Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:00 pm
by Jennalyn
I love seeing my babies having babies...! Congratulations you guys! :D

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:17 pm
by Aranea
Oooh, I hope Charge's daughter is into sports! If not, it might be a problem when Charge talks her ears off about his races. Maybe he already has.

They're all quite charming- congratulations you three!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:43 pm
by ssassoo
Oh my, I came here to finally comment on the foals so far, and what do I see? *squees and then gets all teary eyes* My Vanilla has a filly of her own now?

Thank you!! <3 She's so.. -perfect!

Thank you Sushidragon, for the Samanayr adoptable
Thank you AranelSaraphim, for the foal
Thank you Jennalyn, for inviting me to the Sapphire Skies
Thank you Cobalt, to sire Vanilla's beautiful foal

*stares and tries to focus* WhatwasImeanttodohere... Ohhh! Yes, I remember:

Those foals are so pretty! I love guest artists... -it's so exciting! =D Not knowing, if your pair gets chosen.. not knowing who would draw the foal.. not knowing what the baby could look like... better than chocolate! *noms on Vanilla's filly* Can't decide if I want to admire the cuteness of all those pretty foals just as they are, or see them all as adults. <3

So much fun~

Thank you!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:51 pm
by RikkuGirl
:D YAY!!!!!!! Look at all 5 of them! xD Eeeeeeeee they are soooo cute -wiggles- OMG you guys are so lucky LOOK AT THEM xD Congrats Chao, Hardwired, Origami, Ssassoo and Echos! I am uber jealous!

Chao - What can I say... Shes freaking adorable! xD She came out WAY better than I had expected. For some reason... fluffy isnt my strong point >.>; I get REALLY nervous with it... so.. This was an AWESOME experience! :D Shes my first fluffy drawn :3 <333 I hope you like her -hugs-

Hardwired - I just LOVE how flowy she is ^o^ Her hair makes me squeeee! I am the BIGGEST fan of long luxurious hair and let me tell you... She made me double take :) I love the coloring and I cant wait to see how elegant she is all grown up.

Origami - I LOVE the tail! Im a HUGE fan of scorpion tail and draconic so OMG so precious xD and the cute pose! The adult is going to be pretty playful I think ^_^ Im so glad you got a bunch of the traits! The colors are so prominent as well, very striking. :D That is a nice pair indeed! Congrats!

Ssassoo - What a beautiful little filly! She has an elegant air as well. I love that she has scales! They are one of my fav traits, and her tail is so unique though may be deadly if you cross her. Her expression is almost...forlorn.The colors are going to be amazing when she grows up...I feel it x3 Congrats on such a gorgeous girl!

Echos - O-o -squeals- I LOVE his colors and pose and just... >.> EVERYTHING. He looks so innocent and pure. :D He ranks in my top for northern aquatic babies! xD Congrats on such a cute colt! I cant wait to see him grow! <3

All the artists so far have done an amazing job! I cant wait to see the last of them!!! good job guys and congrats!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:51 pm
by Echos
Eee! Look at my little colt! I love, love, love his pose Reky, it's adorable. He looks so shy and cuddly! I can't wait to see him grown :)

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 3:57 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Ooh, lookit all the cute little foals running around so far! All so sweet and full of personality! Fluffy and smooth and flippers and wings...

Oooh! *cuddles own foal* Oh my, look at all the traits piled on that little girl! She looks like she got most of the traits from both parents! Eee, she got the wings! And horns, and is that a little poison tail I spy? And a domed head? Looks like her daddy's stripes are passing down too! Thank you Silver, she looks adorable! I wonder what she's reaching out for. Looks like she's set her sights on something!

These guys are all so tiny and cute! Now the excitement can build as the last few come in and the timer to grow up starts! I'm sure they'll all be adorable as adults too! Congrats everyone!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:10 pm
by SilverDapples
Oh these three new ones are absolutely adorable!!! Echos I love how yours is drawn, and Ori, yours has so many of the parents traits, it's really noticeable! XD Ssasso's is so cute with those eyes and the wings <3

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:22 pm
by Seren
B'awww so adorable! I love the wings and tail on the first little lady (congrats ssasso!) (Vanilla is one of my favorite-colored samanayrs, how exciting to see a baby!)

Ori's baby looks so decked-out...I can't wait to see her all grown up in her dinosaur-reptilian glory!

Oh, and Echos, that is one adorable little baby. Seriously, words cannot describe it!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:54 am
by amazondreamer
Ooo three more guest-babies! Ssasso's little girl is so delicate and tentative! I love Echo's boy, he's just a tiny ball of fluff and flippers! I've been curious how a northern/n.aquatic cross would come out and I'm just enchanted! And Ori has quite the adventurous little las there! Such a neat set of traits on her too! Congrats to the proud parents and owners! Marvelous job by the guest artists! <3

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:03 pm
by Janalee
Aww, a Selkie's Kiss foal! :D The entire batch is really just adorable so far; congrats to all the winners!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:37 pm
by PookaWitch
*squees* Oh my goodness, such adorable foals showing up! :D It's interesting, and exciting seeing how the different artists have their take on the foals, so cute. <3

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:53 pm
by Sushidragon
Two more foals today! Congrats to SunBlind and tierasa and thank you to oakleafwolf and Janalee!

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Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 2:51 pm
by SilverDapples
Oh how cute!! I love how they're both hanging onto/splashing in something XD I think I'm especially eager to see tierasa's... *sa'grisayr <3*

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:00 pm
by Jennalyn
Foals from two more of my Songssssss... I am just aflutter with glee! Look at how cute those precious babies are. Congratulations, guys!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 3:13 pm
by SunBlind

I love how he's playing with that puddle, looks like he might be the kind to get into mischief xD

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:33 pm
by tierasa
Awwwwwwwww, look at all the cute babies! Congrats you guys!

Uh.... wait, is that one mine???? Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, she's so cute! I can't wait to see her grown. Oh wow, I'm never going to be able to think of a name for her. Thank you so much, Sushi and Janalee!

Re: Guest artist breeding draw!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 8:07 pm
by Seren
B'awww. so adorable! I echo Dapples, I love how they're playing with their enviorment! <3