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Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:39 pm
by Seren
Tailwind spell on Equid!

(4 tickets remaining!)

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:43 pm
by silvermoondragon
As our head racers run, the come across the crumbly exit to the ravine as the third obstacle.


Kentouma and Echos goodwill and illwill spells both happen to reach Tusk this round and combine together creating a harmless cloud and neutralizing both effects.

Kagari's tailwind spell blows up behind Strike giving a +1 speed boost

Kentouma's tailwind spell whips up behind tusk and boosts her ahead by +1

Nighthenge's tailwind spell whirls around Notch before giving a boost of +1

Janalee's goodwill spell helps Scaling get down the ravine safely

AsaraDragon's tailwind spell helps Equid move along but the rocks begin to slide out from under her as she climbs up the ravine

Yildun's tailwind spell blows Scaling up and out of the ravine with a +1 speed boost

@Yildun - yeah, sorry, there is a round's delay in the spells or I almost definitely lose track of who was using which spells when and on who... it's already way more complicated and confusing than I imagined XD

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:45 pm
by Yuiven
Tailwind Spell on Equid!

(7 out of 10 tickets left, after spending 3 tickets)

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:48 pm
by Kentouma
((Tailwinds/headwinds are 3 tickets each))

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:49 pm
by tierasa
((I hope there's still time for this... hehe)

Retinue squinted her eyes as the racers began to make their way through the final stretch of the course. She still had some tickets left and she was going to use them. She hurried back to the Sharian booth. A slippery banana peel was just the thing for Notch, and a goodwill spell for her hopeful Question. (All tickets gone)

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:51 pm
by Yuiven
((Whoops! :o Thank you for the reminder, Kentouma. I have edited my post to reflect the proper ticket amounts.))

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:54 pm
by Nighthenge
Flare glared and flicked her wings in irritation. She turns back to the vendor and purchases a goodwill spell and another tail wind spell for Notch.

I should have 3 left

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:59 pm
by Echos
A good will and a tail wind spell for Blood please

(2 tickets left)

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:05 pm
by Kentouma
Practically sitting on Pearl to keep her frothing herd-mate from climbing onto the track and physically attacking/tripping racers, awhile also trying to tether Omen to keep her from trying to join the racers, Pursuer watches solemnly as shy Peek cheers almost inaudibly. Ruby and Flicker return carrying snacks and start screaming encouragement to Tusk.

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:06 pm
by Janalee
Ooh, good, got back in time to spend my last ticket! :D Goodwill Spell for Scaling, please! (10/10 tickets spent)

And I certainly don't envy the amount of work the tickets and spells are making for you Silver- it definitely makes the race even more fun though, so thanks for doing it! :D

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:11 pm
by Yildun
No problem. I realize this is really hectic for you, Silver and I wasn't trying to make more of a hassle. I'm also using my last three tickets for another Tailwind Spell on Scaling. XD

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:11 pm
by Novanight
Tail winds in Question.

(I have 7 points)

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:15 pm
by silvermoondragon
As the race continues, our winners may be right around the corner.
The effects of Kagari and Yildun's tailwinds continue into this round, giving Strike and Scaling a +1 speed boost

tierasa's tailwind spell floats over to Question and gives a +1 boost

Kentouma's goodwill and ill-will spells have no effect this turn

Operetta's goodwill spell gives Flash and Question a speed boost, but the illwill spell is not quite as fast acting. The headwind spell pushes back against Equid neutralizing the effects of Seren's tailwind

Sushidragon's headwind spell buffets Notch, slowing him by 1

Yildun's tailwind spell pushes Scaling closer to the finish, but the illwill spell doesn't quite reach is target yet

Kagari's banana peel lands right in front of Pursuer and manages to trip him up

Seren's tailwind spell tries to push Equid farther ahead but is neutralized by Operetta's headwind

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:18 pm
by Echos
Ill will spell for Notch, good will spell for Blood

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:25 pm
by Yuiven
Goodwill Spell for Equid, please!

(Let's see if I have the corrects totals for this round... 6 tickets out of 10 left, after spending 1 ticket).

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:55 pm
by silvermoondragon
As this round concludes, Equid manages to cross the finish, claiming first place.

Last rounds illwill spells from Operetta, Yildun, and Kentouma all combine this turn to slow Pursuer by 3, and Kentouma's goodwill spell speeds up Tusk by 1

Kentouma's goodwill and illwill effects reached their mark this turn boosting Tusk and slowing Pursuer

Yuiven's tailwind boosts Equids speed by 1

tierasa's goodwill spell doesn't quite reach Question this round and Notch is able to doge the slippery peel tossed out in front of him

Nighthenge's tailwind picks up boosting Notch towards the finish but the goodwill spell doesn't quite reach him yet

Echos' tailwind once again bubbles up the stream behind Blood, pushing her on towards the finish, but the goodwill spell takes a turn off in the wrong direction before fizzling out

Janalee's goodwill slowly makes its way onto the course but is a little slow

Yildun's tailwind spell boosts Scaling towards the goal

Novanight's tailwind blows behind Question helping her increase speed by 1

((my brain just about exploded... I definitely need a better way of tracking everything for next time!))

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:58 pm
by Nighthenge
Flair uses her last 3 tickets on a final tail wind spell for Notch.

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:00 pm
by tierasa
*pets silvermoondragon* You're doing a great job.

Go, Question, go!!!!

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:11 pm
by silvermoondragon
And with that round, a swarm of racers cross the finish. tierasa and Janalee's goodwill spells manage to reach Question and Scaling just in time as they pass the finish line, just ahead of the rest of the pack. Of the two of them, Scaling manages a fantastic leap right at the end, claiming second place and leaving third for Question.

First: Equid of the Prehistoric Past
Second: Scaling of the Lush Jungle
Third: Question of the Ancient Fields

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:17 pm
by Yildun
Wow! That was a close race. Poor Pursuer... We all ganged up on him. I was just worried he'd barrel out front and end it before Scaling could even come close, but she managed to pull through! I'm actually amazed at how well, but then she had a lot of help from Janalee as well.

This was super exciting, Silvermoondragon! I hope we get more like this in the future, but hopefully we can figure out some fixes so it won't be quite as hard on the host next time. XD

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:19 pm
by silvermoondragon
Equid of the Prehistoric Past will be going home with Yuiven, Scaling of the Lush Jungle will be going home with Yildun, and Question of the Ancient Fields will be going home with tierasa

The other Samanayrs will be used in other events in the next few days/weeks so make sure to keep your eyes peeled if you didn't win this time.

Also, birthday cupcakes go to: Nova Night, Seren, AsaraDragon, and Janalee

Thanks for participating guys, things got a little crazy and confusing but it was still fun, and I hope you guys enjoyed it too. Even though it's more work for me, I still like doing races with interactive components! I'll definitely be brainstorming better ways of keeping track of things to make it easier next time.

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:22 pm
by Codress
Boogers I missed the race. Maybe next time. Hope you all do well!! HUGGLES

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:22 pm
by ElvenArcher
Wow what a race! Congrats to the winners :D
Poor Pursuer didn't win :( wish I could have been online to help him out a bit

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:24 pm
by tierasa
What a great race! Congrats to the winners.

EDIT: WOW! I won Question? I'm so happy. When I saw Sushi coloring the other dino-sams, I was really hoping for an ankylo-type since that was always my favorite. XD

Re: Prehistoric Gambit

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:25 pm
by Seren
Aww, I do love the creature that Equid is based off of, but... cupcake, yay! >:3