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Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 12:50 am
by Sushidragon
Happy writing, everyone! Congrats to everyone who's made it to 10k already, I was hoping to hit that tonight but apparently I need sleep instead of writing XD I also feel like what I'm writing is soooooo boring, I need to throw in a fight scene or something.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 4:05 am
by Britain
Do it. Go for the jugular! THE JUGULAR!

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 7:22 am
by RikkuGirl
ZOMGOSH! Im such a nerd :3 I figured out what Im going to call this novel.

J.A.W.S. (Just Another Werewolf Story) The tale of Ophelia Bane

Catchy? or... do I still need work -_o;;

what you guys think? :D

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:09 am
by Sushidragon
Whoo 10k party! I believe there will be celebratory Samanayr happenings when I reach the halfway point :D

@RikkuGirl - I think that's a cute idea for the name of your novel XD The Jaws theme song immediately popped into my head!

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:11 pm
by Britain
Yay, Sam happenings! ;D You can do it Sushi, you're making fabulous progress <3

My wordcount got halted by an upset stomach today. >.< Baw. I was hoping to finish this section. GRRR.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:54 pm
by Orasteele
Busy day at work and then had to do dinner with the grandparents makes for little time to do NaNo... also the prospect of a new puppy is quite the distraction >_>

Yay for a half way party!!

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 9:50 am
by Sushidragon
Widgets are finally working, whooo!


I still wish we could see the word counts of more than 11 writing buddies at a time, but those that I can see are really booking it XD

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 10:51 am
by Britain
Widgets? *blink* How on earth do we use those?

Also, YAY for the total wordcount working on the front page!

EDIT: HA I found it. XDD


Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:36 pm
by Bright Promise
I could only start last night because I had other commitments I hope I can catch up this weekend. :-/

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 4:44 pm
by Raenia
I was so happy to see the widgets working, hopefully that will help push me to keep working, seeing it whenever I post somewhere. I'm about 2k behind my desired wordcount, and likely to fall farther behind this weekend, but hopefully I can make it up next week. Silly fencing tournament all day Sunday.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:05 pm
by Sushidragon
I see everyone's been quiet this weekend, so I hope you were all busy writing! I sure wasn't, but oh well XD

I'll be setting up a draw later today with my halfway point treats, even though I'm not quite there yet, and setting up the guest artist post. I hadn't realized how much of a time crunch there actually was because I'd forgotten each new artist for an adoptable has to go through a 3-week introduction period on PI, no matter how established they are on other sites. Ugh! So if the guest artists want to have their Sams included on PI, I'll have to get a move on in setting that up.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:13 pm
by silvermoondragon
Ooh, sounds like fun! I'd definitely be interested in trying out as a guest colourist

I can't say I'm doing too well with Nanowrimo, English class never really was my strong point and I suck at coming up with ideas, but who knows, I'll keep on trying and maybe inspiration will hit.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:20 pm
by Orasteele
I was completely and utterly unproductive this weekend as well. But that was because I spent 10 hours on the road picking up this guy:


Meet Thrall (DS For the Horde) - I couldn't help myself with the name, it just fit so perfect! He's an 8 week old English Bulldog. Right now he's about the size of my dachshund girls (only with more wrinkles and a little more height). He's weighs 8lbs now (more than my girls weigh) and when he's finished growing he'll be between 50-65lbs. Now to teach him how to have a soft mouth - that boy is all mouth and he's got those sharp puppy teeth.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:26 pm
by silvermoondragon
aww, he's adorable!!! I miss my dog, although not too long now until I can go home and see her!

We taught our dog not to bite on fingers by sort of sticking our fingers in her mouth so that if she tried biting on them she ended up biting her jowls as well. It's no fun to bite something when you bite yourself at the same time XD

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:13 pm
by Xenon
Cute puppy!!

I had one productive day this weekend, and one unproductive, but my current wordcount is 26,745. Things are chugging along nicely!

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 2:48 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Saturday was unproductive as I lacked a computer to be productive on...but Sunday was productive! Still behind where I'd like to be, but catching up.

Oh, yes, PI's intro rule... Is that just to draw and edit lines or is that for even just coloring as well? Oh well, I shall be looking forwards to seeing what you can come up with!

And that is a cute puppy...

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:37 pm
by Sushidragon
I'm not quite at 25k yet, but since the Sams were finished I decided to set up the halfway point draw anyway!

@silvermoondragon - Ah well, if you're not feeling it, at least you got some writing done! Maybe you'll get some inspiration before the end of the month.

@Orasteele - AHHH what a cutie! I absolutely love bulldogs, they're all just folds and folds XD Definitely worth the trip!

@Xenon - Ooh, that's a nice hefty wordcount!

@Origami_Dragon - Sounds like you have a computer again, which is good! And the guest artists will be drawing and coloring their own Sams, so everyone has to go through intros for 3 weeks. Unfortunately the Samanayrs they'll be doing also have to be finished in time to go through intros, and they have to be displayed in the intro thread itself, so that will kind of spoil the surprise.. oh well.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:55 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Yup, I have computer again! Now to get back in the mood to write and see if I can make up more lost ground tonight... Oooh, completely guest done Sams... Boo to no surprises...unless one of them feels like drawing another Sam or two after the one(s) they put up for intros...

Is the NaNo site down for anyone else?

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:37 pm
by Echos
I've been very productive this week- less than 1000 words done since Monday, I'm really going strong XP

I've just had way to much school work to deal with to write and a huge research project to finish this month. Hopefully I'll have some time and get caught up but its not looking promising.

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:52 pm
by RikkuGirl
Orasteele wrote: Meet Thrall (DS For the Horde) - I couldn't help myself with the name, it just fit so perfect! He's an 8 week old English Bulldog. Right now he's about the size of my dachshund girls (only with more wrinkles and a little more height). He's weighs 8lbs now (more than my girls weigh) and when he's finished growing he'll be between 50-65lbs. Now to teach him how to have a soft mouth - that boy is all mouth and he's got those sharp puppy teeth.

OMGOSH!!!! SO CUTE! XD Love the Name, FOR THE HORDE! XD *wiggles madly* :3 im a troll o.o Shammy power :D

^_^ I cant wait to get another pet. I miss having a companion :3 Congrats on the puppy! :D Train em well :)

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:09 pm
by Britain
Omigah. puppy steals all energy. his teeth require constant evasion. @.@

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 8:37 pm
by DawnStar7
I'm participating! ^^ My name over there is the same, DawnStar7. Come and write with me! I has no writing buddies yet. <.<

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:23 pm
by Xenon
Today, I took a mini-break from writing, and drew! Yay! It's even a picture of the two central characters I'm writing about. They have a very complicated and messy relationship. ... ecolor.jpg

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 7:01 am
by RikkuGirl
Xenon! :D That looks awesome ^_^ Cant wait to read about them :3

Im just glad to be better. I was sick since thursday and wasnt able to write for 4 days! :( Im doing my best to catch up. *curses the flu*

Re: NaNoWriMo - Onward to Victory!

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:50 pm
by Origami_Dragon
I've almost managed to catch back up and should hit the halfway point today, just on time! Yay! But my current story, Scrap's backstory, keeps wanting to go sidetrack and look at the past of one of the mares in her birth Song who is in no way related to her... Boo for story wanting to go off track.

Hope everyone else is doing well too! It's easier to sit down and make myself work on these with a goal and motivators like this event. Of course it does mean my poor RP partners are getting neglected while I focus on NaNo... *eyes four RPs waiting for replies* Meep....