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Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:36 pm
by Echos
((I'd personally like to rp the journey since I like longer rps and would like to explore Ferocity's character more.))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:49 am
by AsaraDragon
Reflection greeted the fiery Lamanayr with a smile, happy for some conversation to pass the time. She always loved making new friends!

"Greetings, Ferocity! My name is Reflection of Sunlit Rain. And yes, we live somewhat close by. I can certainly say it took me less time to answer Glint's call than it will to travel to our destination!"

((Pathos, would you say that's accurate? Not sure if you've got a location set for Tyger's song or not, so I tried to be vague. XD ))

"How about you, have you traveled far to join us here today?"

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:02 am
by Slydogg121
((sorry I didn't post a reply yet, family trouble came up, but I would like to RP the trip, as Shifting Sands is a made up character, I'd like to get more used to RPing a Sam. I'll post my reply tonight (my time) to Glints call to leave.))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:46 pm
by Pathos
((it's all good Asara,I hadn't really put any thought into locations or anything :) whatever you decide is fine!

Also I'm okay with the long RP, might as well continue now that I've gotten into it ;) ))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:11 pm
by Origami_Dragon
As Gyre finally managed to get himself straightened out again, much further into the crowd than he had planned to run, not being used to anywhere near this many Sams all at once, a faint giggle caught his attention. He didn't particularly think that this trip was amusing, not with what waited at the end of it. Looking around for the source he saw more than one set of eyes shift away from him in an attempt to avoid being caught staring. He was...sort of used to staring, though not at all comfortable with it. But he had come to see since leaving home that scaled skin like his was not at all common, much less scaled skin mixed with fur.

It took some time to locate the giggles, but eventually he decided that it was probably a rather cheerful looking blue mare who appeared to have even less fur than he did. Carefully he began to turn his path towards where she was running in the group, curious why she was so amused as they set out to rescue stranded foals from a giant bird. Maybe he just looked that silly with a sulky white catgryph draped over his back.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 6:39 pm
by Slydogg121
Shifting Sands lurched to a trot, not realizing that Glint had called the gathering to journey. He ended up almost running into the other hairless Sam of the bunch a pretty little mare colored like the sky over a sand dune, when the wind kicks up a bit (Gem). "Oh, sorry" he said "Did I startle you? I am not used to running with a group."
He trotted along beside her, watching ahead to see if there were any landmarks he might need to remember. He looked skyward as a shadow passed overhead, the Misery was actually coming along, that fellow needed to be watched, he behaved as no other Misery in the histories he had been told. he kept trotting along, a much faster pace than his normal traveling ramble, but it was keeping him warmer than he thought he'd be with the air temperature getting steadily colder.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:56 am
by Esperanza
Gem turned her head quickly around when she felt something bump into her. She noticed a stallion (Shifting Sands), and tilted her head slightly. "No, its fine, and, no, you didn't frighten me." She smiled at him. Before turning her head back around and continuing on. She felt the stallion still beside her and became a tad self-conscious. She continued to move, still glancing at him slightly.

She suddenly heard more hoof steps, ones that where directed toward her. She turned her ears back and glanced back slightly, noticing the stallion she was just giggling at for almost slipping on the ice turn his direction to where she was. She frowned and looked forward again, "Maybe, he is just coming to say 'hello', maybe he didn't hear me giggling." She thought to herself.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:11 am
by Origami_Dragon
Gyre hesitated as another stallion approached the blue mare before he could work his way through the crowd to her. It wasn't that he was overawed by the presence of a Mystic, no, his father was friends with a pair of them and Gyre was familiar enough with them to still feel comfortable. Or at least as comfortable as he was going to feel in this chill in a huge crowd heading off to deal with a giant bird anyways... No, not hesitant about approaching a Mystic, more about the fact that the mare might be his and Gyre didn't particularly want to deal with an over protective stallion.

But as Gyre hesitated, matching his pace to the group's travels rather than worming his way through the crowd so that he could watch the two for a bit, he noticed something that made him resume heading towards them. How often did he see another Samanayr with scaled skin? Almost never since leaving home and his mother behind, that was how often. And the was she coping with this without any fur or even a nice toasty catgryph to warm her back?

As he approached close enough Gyre gave a soft, hesitant trill of greeting. A few curious heads in the crowd turned, saw the direction of his gaze, and turned back to their travels, though a few whistled, hummed, or chirped back greetings of their own.

((I'm assuming that there are more Sams in this group than just the ones we're playing...which is why I've been talking about reactions from others. Hopefully that's right.))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:39 am
by Esperanza
As he moved closer, Gem began to get slightly more paranoid, which wasn't normal for her really. She was usually optimistic, but she should of held her laughter. She frowned slightly, as he continued to move toward them. She began to lengthen her gallop, which made her go slightly faster. She lowered her head slightly when suddenly she heard him hesitate and she looked back again, breathing a small sigh of relief. As she heard him begin to move closer again, she bit her tongue.

She suddenly heard him give a soft greeting and she again turned her head around to look at him. She slowed her pace slightly, and let out a gentle, slightly audible chirp in response to his greeting.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:05 pm
by Sushidragon
((I'm back from my trip, so if you'd like to wrap up your trip RPs I'll be continuing the main plot along in the morning tomorrow!))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 3:11 pm
by silvermoondragon
((I just arrived in Guelph as well!))

Spirit was deep in thought when a deep blue and purple Samanayr caught his eye. He turned his head to get a closer look and once he noticed her characteristic throat mane, he bowed his head to her and welcomed her to the group. “Gyreetings healeyr,” he said with a bob of his head, “what an honouyr it is to meet one such as youyrself. Have you come to join ouyr yrescue mission? Youyr seyrvices might come in quite handy should the unfoyrtunate need ayrise.”

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:08 pm
by Slydogg121
Shifting Sands kept his pace to the group, noting that time was passing quite swiftly. He heard a soft trill as another came up behind him, as he turned his head he was surprised to see yet another scaled Samanayr, this one with a Catgryph along for the ride. He perked his ears at the greeting but as the other Stallions attention seemed to focus on the little scaled mare beside him, he just chirped back at him and edged a bit away, not sure how the other stallion would be this close, some got rather testy.

He turned his attention ahead, wondering if they were close to the end of the trek, keeping an eye on the sky, hoping the Misery would be able to see if this bird was in the air and wondering if he would let the group know if it was. He glanced around not seeing the Sa'Krian or the other Mystic near. The pace was not one that boded well for conversation so he just nodded at the others in the group as they glanced his way, everyone seeming to keep an eye on each other as well as ahead and above.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:09 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Neither of the two Samanayrs he was approached was reacting in a way that Gyre would have expected. The cheerful, happy looking hairless blue mare suddenly seemed uneasy and began to speed up. Gyre responded by slowing a tad so that once more he was moving with the group rather than advancing through the crowd. By now though he was already quite close and only a few other rescuers were between him and the mare. He stayed there, rather bemused at the idea that he had frightened the mare. Perhaps she was like unto his mother, though honestly Gyre couldn't see his mother joining an expedition like this.

But even more surprising was the Mystic's reaction. Clearly he and the blue mare were not together since rather than stay to protect her from whatever had made her nervous he had glanced around, noted Gyre...and moved away. That put a slight frown on Gyre's face, which probably didn't help Gem's nerves any. Mystics were good, they helped things. So why wasn't this one protecting the mare. Not that she needed protection from Gyre; he didn't want to hurt her. But if their positions had been reversed Gyre didn't think he would have left a frightened mare to face her fears alone.

Without his noticing it the few Sams running between Gem and Gyre had shifted so that they were traveling elsewhere. He didn't notice until the mare turned and quietly chirped a response. Keeping one eye on the ground ahead Gyre eyed her cautiously, suddenly uncertain of what to say. Very few in the crowd were talking, preferring to save their breath and attention for the run. So rather than trying to find words he hummed a soft, inquisitive sound combined with a soothing note that was almost a purr, trying to reassure her that he meant no harm.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:45 pm
by Esperanza
Gem wasn't normally like this, she was generally quite cheerful. Something about large crowds made her extremely nervous. It was mostly about her past, she was always happy but her parents were in a pair song and of course she had a lack of socialization from this, she had got used to small groups, probably about as many as a full song, that was perfectly fine. But more than that was quite enough. Though she was perfectly fine with talking to other sams, she wouldn't truly be herself unless they were atleast alone, or in a small group atleast.

She slowed down again slightly so she was almost directly infront of the male that had wanted to talk to her. Gem shyly gave a soft smile to the stallion as he tried to make her feel safer. She cooed softly to him, and then quietly murmered, "Hello." Her voice was quite soft, but still audible. She turned her lion-like ears toward him, waiting for any response.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:12 pm
by Origami_Dragon
The tip of his tufted tail twitching ever so slightly Gyre swung sideways slightly so that he wasn't so directly behind the mare, and also so he was where she could see him. He knew his mother had always hated it when someone came up right behind her, outside of her field of vision. As she glanced over at him with a faint smile he hesitantly returned it.

At least he hadn't frightened her senseless. Keeping his voice quiet as well he whispered, "I think I pyrefeyred it when you weyre amused. Why do I scayre you?" He wasn't exactly the most versed in proper social behavior either, having spent most of his life in the desert alone with only his parents and two catgryphs. While the 'gryphs were splendid company...they didn't exactly talk.

On Gyre's back Moonlight was still pretending to indifference, but her ears were swiveled around to listen to the two Sams chirp and coo at each other. She still refused to turn her head to where she could see Gyre though.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:28 pm
by Esperanza
Now that Gem could see him, she felt somewhat calmer. Of course, she could of always tilted herself slightly so she was almost side-stepping, but at a faster gait. "Eyr, you didn't exactly scayre me. I mean, I was amyused at how you almoyst lost your footing. But when you started comying toyward me, I thought that I may of offendyed you, so I was worryied..." She answered quietly, looking at him with her yellowish eyes.

When he moved to the side she noticed that their was a catgryph on his back, and she smiled with amusement. She must of not noticed it when she was looking at him before. She once again shivered and was annoyed at how she was hairless in winter. She really would be better suited for a desert or something.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:09 pm
by Puuka
"Gyreetings Healeyr" She heard from somewhere directed behind her. Healer of Shattered Spirits slowed her gait to match pace with the firey coloured Stallion that was addressing her. “what an honouyr it is to meet one such as youyrself. Have you come to join ouyr yrescue mission? Youyr seyrvices might come in quite handy should the unfoyrtunate need ayrise.” He spoke so warmly.
Healer smiled at his greeting, flattered that he had recognized her for what she was. "Gyreetings to You Kiyrin!" She uttered softly, her voice clear as a soft rainfall. As she spoke, she gave a little bow of her own. and continued "An honoyr to meet you as well. I don't come acyross many of youyr kind in my jouyrneys. I have indeed come to join you, I hope that my abilities will not be needed, but if they ayre, I will be yready to help."

((I hope you don't mind Silver, I coloured Spirit's text where I copied it just so there would be no confusion as to who was talking in my own post xD ))

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:19 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Misery had been lost in his own thoughts for a bit, letting his mind wander. Blinking and glacing back down at the group, he was startled to see a Healer had joined them. Immediately his mind flew to his mother, and her damaged wings. He didn't know if she was alive or not, but maybe, if she was, this Healer would possibly know how to fix her wings! Deep down, he knew she was probably dead, but some slim ray of hope still lurked in him. And that prompted him to go to the Healer, even though she was in conversation with someone else.

Carefully changing the direction of his flight, he landed a short distance from the moving group, and then hurried to catch up, careful to stay to the outskirts of the group, so as not to cause trouble. As he approached, he hummed softly, a song of apology, inquisitiveness, and curiosity. Hopefully she'd allow him to speak with her. Hopefully.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:43 pm
by CosmicDragon
It took a moment for Odyssey to notice the Healers approach, as it wasn't directed at her, and even though she trilled a soft greeting towards the other mare she didn't harbour any notions to join their conversation. She had met Healers before, in her travels, and while their powers were intriguing they weren't so different from normal Sams in other respects. It wasn't until, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the approach of a stallion. But not just a stallion, it seemed... His back mane denoted him as a misery, one of the few breeds she had seen little of in her travels. She had avoided their known haunts when she'd been young, and now, even as an adult, some deep-seated instinct steered her away from songs and lands frequented by their kind.

Her curiosity was too strong, however, to pass up a close encounter with one who did not seem to be as vicious as she had been led to believe. With firm steps she trotted over in his direction, relinquishing her spot behind the rainbow'd stallion to some other eager traveller. With wide, inquisitive eyes she trilled a high greeting.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:49 pm
by Puuka
As Healer greeted the Kirin Stallion, a dark shape caught her eye. It was the odd Mysery that was traveling with their group. The thing unnerved her greatly, though she tried not to think ill thoughts of it. She was in her heart unprejudiced: helping and healing wherever she was needed, but she had seen so many times the damage to body and mind those creatures could do. Damage that sometimes could not be mended. Still, it walked with their herd, distanced but with obvious intent - perhaps not all of their kind were evil. As it approached her, she made a nervous attempt to smile a welcome.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:59 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Startled, Misery's head jerked around. Intent on asking the Healer about how butterfly wings would be best healed, he hadn't noticed the other mare's approach. Even more, that she was willing approaching him. Confused, his feet and head went in opposite directions, and down he went.

Muttering to himself, he swiftly got back up onto his feet. Luckily, he had fallen out of the group, and not into it. That would have caused some major problems. Looking over at the mare, he bobbed his head at her in greeting, "Sorry about that, I'm afraid you startled me. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings again." Curious, he eyed her, wondering what she wanted. Hoping that he'd get a chance to speak to the Healer later, as well.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:04 pm
by Origami_Dragon
As the mare didn't seem so upset Gyre slowly moved up to pace along side her so that she didn't have to twist to see him from the corner of her eye. It was hard to run at this pace like that. His head ducked slightly as she explained why she had looked so nervous and he softly laughed at himself. "Snow is diffeyrent fyrom sand. I'm not used to it yet." He shook his head slightly at the thought of being offended. He'd been a fool. And the laugh hadn't sounded nasty.

Noting her smile and gaze Gyre risked a brief glance over his own shoulder to his sulking pet. That glance away from the path made him stumble slightly and Moonlight hissed and tried to dig her claws in slightly for a better grip. His scales didn't really give her a very good purchase on his back though, and in the end she had to flutter her wings to regain her balance. Gyre was just glad that he was used to her moving around on his back by now and that the motion didn't throw him off his stride as he continued to run.

The mare's shivers made Gyre shiver in sympathy, knowing that without Moonlight on his back he too would be shivering. He trilled sadly. "Ayren't you cold heyre?"

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:26 am
by Pathos
Tyger glanced over Reflection's back at the Lamanayr she was cheerfully speaking with, happy that other mares were taking the chance to get to know her better. Eyes scanning the crowd stretched out behind him, he caught sight of the Misery Stallion cautiously approaching a healer on the outer fringe of the group.
Glancing around, he saw that several individuals in the crowd had noticed as well and were pinning the stallion with suspicious, even fearful gazes, apparently content to have a Misery in their midst when he kept his distance but not when he approached...
Tired of this juvenile behaviour, Tyger turned to Reflection and murmured quietly "I'll be right back" then wheeled around and trotted back to where Misery was approaching the healer. Not wanting to interrupt his conversation, Tyger simply walked beside the Misery Stallion, keeping a respectful distance, but giving a clear and bold message to those who continued to show such blatant disrespect to a member of the party who was offering his support in such a dire situation as this.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 6:09 am
by CosmicDragon
Unable to help herself, Odyssey chuckled as she lurched forward, her automatic impulse to help those in need undetered by what he was, but rather spurred on by what he was trying to become. She lent over to help, only to find he had regained his footing as quickly as he had lost it. With an slight, embarassed blush at her obviously unneeded impulse, she quickly composed herself.

She returned his greeting with a bob of her own, shrugging off his apology. "No apology needed, it is easy to be crept up on in such a crowd." It was true enough, and being as unused to the mass as she was didn't help things. His glance was curious, but no more so than hers, which was sweeping him up and down without hesitation. Even if he hadn't carried the back-mane that stood him apart from the rest, the stallion would have garnered her interest merely for the stange combination of butterfly and dragon presented in his wings.

Suddenly, with the curious-yet-emotionless voice of a scientist (or someone trying to pretend they weren't really interested) the mare blurted out a question. "So... Why are you here?" She seemed almost surprised that the question had come from her, but was truly intruiged by his presence. Miseries didn't mingle. It went against her whole image of them, ingrained in her from foalhood, and the sight of one travelling with (if not exactly in) a group this large was such a phenomally odd thought that it had forced the question out of her without giving tact or even introductions a chance.

Re: The Great Bird Hunt

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 7:38 am
by silvermoondragon
((@Puuka – That’s fine, I always forget to colour my own text))

      Spirit turned his head as he heard a hummed song to see that Misery heading towards them. His first raw thought was of danger before he took note that the misery’s introductory song was one of apology, inquisitiveness and curiosity, rather than violence, anger, and conquest. Maybe this Misery was different from the rest of its kind. A quick mind check confirmed that the misery was not harbouring any harmful thoughts at this moment. Spirit unwittingly caught an image of torn butterfly wings before severing the connection, not wanting to invade the Misery’s thoughts any longer.

      The Misery’s approach however was interrupted by another mare and Spirit had to stifle a chuckle as her approach startled him onto the ground. He then returned to his conversation with the healer, the Misery now in a conversation of its own, “Has anyone byriefed you on this jouyrney yet? Why or wheyre we’yre going?"