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In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:10 am
by Jennalyn
In Honor of the Eldest
A Samanayr RP Scavenger Hunt

Princess reclined on a velvet cushion near one of the Sharian complexes by the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. It was a pleasantly breezy day, which translated to slightly aggravating when she wanted to look perfectly groomed and the wind wasn't cooperating. At least there wasn't a gale or some such nonsense.

She surveyed the motley collection of Samanayrs gathered by her song, pleased at their number. They looked... capable. Hopefully. The sort who would be willing to perform the physical or diplomatic feats required to obtain some of these items. She would then present their collection to the Eldest in honor of the entire Samanayrs species. Wouldn't that be quite the feather in her metaphorical cap?

"Gyreetings to you all, and thank you kindly foyr coming. You do youyr Songs and youyr species pyroud by youyr willingness to seyrve ouyr Shayrian fyriends. They have done so much foyr us oveyr the yeayrs, payrticulayrly the Eldest. If you ayre not familiayr with heyr woyrks, you have only to speak to a membeyr of the Song of the yRainbow. They have many stoyries."

Not that she enjoyed sitting around and listening to them blather on about it. She'd been subjected to that sort of lecturing since her youth. She would cheerfully direct others to share in her past boredom, however.

"With the assistance of seveyral Shayrian fyriends, I have compiled a list of items that we can byring heyr to show ouyr yrespects. All ayre valuable in some way to ouyr species and none ayre payrticulayrly easy to obtain. Howeveyr, I have confidence that all of us can manage. If you could please appyroach one at a time and select an item, I can explain a bit about each one and give you suggestions on wheyre to begin youyr searches."



Read through the replies below to see which items are already claimed. Copy and fill out the form with the item you would like to seek. Fill out only the form at first and post it below.

Once you've secured the item, you may optionally draft up a roleplay reply and edit it into your form post. The reply would only relate to the item assignment and setting out, at this point. Save the rest for the actual hunt reply. The call to begin will appear sometime on Friday. Please feel free to begin writing as soon as you'd like, however!

You may hunt singly or in groups, provided that all segments are clearly labeled as to who wrote them. If you wish to run a brief post-by-post roleplay in lieu of a story-like reply then that's fine, so long as the RP is concluded by the end of the hunt. Don't plan out something that will require a million different replies. If you go this route, plan for long chunks and only a few posts.

You do not have to own a Samanayr to participate in this hunt. I have included the brief profiles of several of my Samanayrs who have never been roleplayed. You may select one of them to hunt with if you have none of your own. Please don't choose the same Sam as someone else.



+ Owner Name:
+ Item Number:
+ Samanayr Hunting:
(Note: As a proper Samanayr-kin lady, Princess would not accept the services of a Sa'krien or Misery in this endeavor.)


Hunt Items

1. Hollowed Triple Hoof
The hollowed and polished remains of a long-past Samanayr's triple hooves. Must be acquired by ethical means and treated with great respect.
Searching: Mystic of the Dark Echo (Eirnae)

2. Black Rainbow Feather
A specific color mutation appearing most commonly on Lamanayrs high above the southern ocean cliffs.
Searching: Darer of the Deepest Forest (Echos)

3. Velvet Mystic Strand Replica
Crafted by skilled weavers of a particular Song as good luck charms for those in need of magical intervention. Believed to bring a Mystic's assistance more quickly.
Searching: Mystic of the Iridescent Skies (Bluestarwolf12)

4. Icemetal Dagger Shard
Remains of a long-dead human culture that once inhabited the northwestern tundra. Used in jewelry by certain Northern Songs.
Searching: Cloak of Bashful Snow (Nighthenge)

5. Stranglevine Leaves
Growing high above the jungle floor, in the highest layers of the rainforest. Very dangerous to collect due to plant's hostile nature.
Searching: Chirp of the Harmonic Echo (Origami_Dragon)

6. Burning Lion Berries
Found deep within the desert sands, growing on a thin and unassuming plant. Difficult to find without some regional familiarity. Extraordinarily hot.
Searching: Splendor of the Boundless Sands (Xenon)

7. Woven Deep Clam Shells
Tiny slate blue shells harvested by ocean-faring Aquatics and fashioned into decorations for home and body. Valuable as underwater currency.
Searching: Lagoon (AsaraDragon)

8. Coal from the Brazier of Fire Elementals
Magical artifact guarded zealously by a mated Pair of Fire and Sun Elementals on a small island. Respectful supplicants may request an eternally warmed coal.
Searching: Fury of the Cheated Hunter (CosmicDragon)

9. Feathery Beaked Mask
Ritualistic ancestral mask worn by a series of Sa'grisayr Songs in seasonal festival dances. Highly revered.
Searching: Paean of the Elegant Dagger (Aranea)

10. Spidersilk Wing Structure
Originally made by Sharians for an Integrated stallion, his non-Integrated progeny have kept it in pristine condition for over a century.
Searching: Robot (Yuiven)

11. Etched Golden Dartfang Headband
Made in the image of a grassland snake, these headbands are worn by some young Tribal mares who have yet to find a stallion.
Searching: Sway of the Ancient Plains (Raitalle)

12. Enchanted Abalone Comb
A gift from an affectionate Sharian mage to one of his favorite Kodyla pets. It has since passed hands several times, but remains in the possession of a Kodyla.
Searching: Healer of Shattered Spirits (Puuka)

13. Scale-Studded Pendant
Several smaller yellow scales ring a large, gleaming scale in the center that could only have belonged to a Kirin. Origins unknown, but it currently belongs to a Samanayr Air Mystic.
Searching: Mystic of the Opal Veins (Janalee)

14. Glowing Spring Water
From the subterranean pools of the western caverns. It is said to possess healing qualities, or at the very least aid in digestion.
Searching: Vivacity of the Lurid Afterglow (Delicious)

15. Translucent Chameleon
A tiny, exotic reptile from a chain of tropical islands. They are incredibly difficult to spot, being partially transparent and the size of a small coin.
Searching: Luminosity of the Blue Sun (silvermoondragon)

16. Cosayr Mountain Medicinal Herbs
The Cosayr Mountain range is a jagged, inhospitable place that grows a veritable bouquet of valuable herbs used to make powders, salves, and potions.
Searching: Fringe of the Argent River (Raenia)

17. Carved Ivory Tusk
Though unclear whether this once belonged to a Northern Aquatic or another arctic mammal, this horn has been worn by the ocean and carved with intricate swirls.
Searching: Gem of the Scattered Sky (Celestial)


Available Samanayrs

If you don't own a Samanayr of your own, you may use one of mine below. All are mares and all are currently in Songs. Their stallions would have given their blessing to this hunt, I'm sure.

Image Image Image Image Image

A. Searcher of the Forest Secret
B. Creeping of the Mossy Stone
C. Height of the Distant Snowline
D. Shine of the Decorated Ruby
E. Sparkle of the Sunlit Sea

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:26 am
by Origami_Dragon
+ Owner Name: Origami_Dragon
+ Item Number: 5 (Stranglevine Leaves)
+ Samanayr Hunting: Chirp of the Harmonic Echo

Ah, this should be fun! I'll probably edit some RP in either over lunch today or after work tonight!

Edit: And now for the RP part of it!

The song had gone out, singing through the leaves and dancing across the sky. Many had been drawn to follow the joyous sounds back to their source, among them Chirp of the Harmonic Echo. 'Happy day approaches,' the song proclaimed. 'Join us in celebration and thanks!' And as the young bat-like mare glided through the sky she could tell that a very great many indeed had answered the song's call! The rustle and bustle of gathered Samanayr-kin all but drowned out the sound as she drew nearer to the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings.

For days now she had been making her way here, having heard the first far-reaching echoes of the song while investigating a little island out to sea. The news had come from the local Aquatic Song, passed through the waves from Song to Song, ever rippling outwards with growing excitement. Even as she took wing to see for herself Chirp had caught snatches of conversation as the Song members debated over sending one of their number across the seas and up the rivers to offer their own support.

So exciting was the call that Chirp had barely even paused as she passed over the jungle she now called home. Her stallion was used to her frequent absences as she explored and gathered fascinating stories and sometimes even trinkets to share with the ground bound members of the Song. A brief pause to chitter the news excitedly to him, and she was off again, heading for her first visit to the fabled Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. And now she was here! Vast crowds gathered, filling her long ears with a joyous din. Here and there in the crowd the taller forms of the Sharian moved, and Chirp wondered if by chance on of them was the Eldest as she prepared for her joining.

The milling throngs seemed a hazardous place for Chirp to land, ungainly on all fours as her unusual wings made her. Instead, she landed as usual, in a handy tree. Clinging to the branch she scurried out along it, leaping and hopping from tree to tree as she had sometimes seen the Aboreal-kin do. She lacked the grace that they possessed, but quick flutters of her wings kept her moving safely along the tree-path until she reached the center of the crowd where an elegant, if wind-blown mare was lounging at her ease.

It seemed that Chirp had arrived just in time, for even as she settled into a more comfortable position on her branch, the mare began to address the gathering. Chirp's long ears perked up with interest at what the mare had to say. With a quick flick of her wings she glided down to land before any in the crowd had begun to move and eagerly examined the list. So many wonderful things to bring as presents... She wanted to help with this! Surely Charge would approve offering her aid in bringing gifts to one of the Sharian, those who had always and ever done so much for the kin. On her second glance through the list Chirp's eye kept returning to one of the items. Talking someone out of their treasure didn't sound quite up her alley, though it was for a worthy cause. And many of the items she was doubtful of being able to safely carry back. However...

"Styranglevine leaves? I know wheyre those gyrow! I'll byring those back to offeyr to the Eldest! I will!" She nodded firmly to Princess. "I will fetch the styranglevine leaves foyr ouyre gifting." After the mare had confirmed Chirp's place on the list of searchers, the bat mimic fluttered back into the air and her tree to wait and see who else would join the search. Home and the leaves were not so very far away as all that. She would stay the night and rest and watch the rest of the volunteering. In the morning she would leave to go collect those leaves. How many to bring back... Perhaps the Sharian would provide her a little bag to carry them in. She could bring a far larger gift offering that way. Yes, she'd have to ask before she left. But for now, watch the excitement!

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:41 am
by silvermoondragon
woo! I made it! And so many cool items to choose from!

+ Owner Name: silvermoondragon
+ Item Number: 15. Translucent Chameleon
+ Samanayr Hunting: Luminosity of the Blue Sun

Depending on how much I get done packing-wise before I leave, my RP answer might have to wait until tomorrow

EDIT: I arrived home safely. So nice to see my dog again, I missed her. Here's my beginning RP
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
      Luminosity stood at the edge of the cliff of her birth song. She had finally reached maturity, and the world was now open to her. Now that she was finally able to leave the confines of her father's territory, the world seemed much more daunting than it had as a young foal. She would be on her own now, looking after herself and her pet, making her mark on the world. It wasn't like she was being kicked out, only encouraged to start her own journey; her parents had in fact told her that she could come back and visit whenever she pleased, a little sad that their firstborn was finally old enough to be leaving them. She would miss her birth song, they had been nothing but kind and supportive, even though she had been born a Sa’grisayr through Sharian magic.

      Spreading her wings, she pushed back her apprehension and stepped off the edge of the cliff. She let herself fall for a moment, enjoying the feel of the wind blowing through her fur and feathers. In a few moments she would be flying farther than she had ever been before, seeing new sights, smelling new smells, and learning new things. She circled around the border markers of her former home a moment before tucking in her wings and landing outside, racking her talons through the soft earth to commemorate the moment. Her first steps into the world. She turned back towards the mountain, squinting, to make out the tiny form of her father watching her proudly from the lookout rock.

      Her first stop on her journey of life was the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. She had heard many tales from her parents about all the events happening there, the many Samanayrs of all kinds always passing through, and of the great Sharians who had helped their species to flourish. She hoped that there she would be able to meet another Sa’grisayr and learn more about herself and the history of her species that her parents had been unable to tell her.

      After travelling for many days, Luminosity finally reached the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings where to her joy a scavenger hunt of sorts was just beginning. Overjoyed to be able to help out, she stepped up to the Kodyla offering the services of herself and her small hummingbird. Looking through the long list of items to collect, Luminosity hummed and hawed before finally deciding upon the Translucent Chameleon. “I will go and find a translucent chameleon for the eldest,” she said to Princess nodding, “I won’t come back without one.”

      With her wings, travel between the islands the chameleons had made their home should be simple. Finding them would be more difficult of course, being translucent and tiny, but she was confident that she could find one with the help of her pet and bring it back to order honor the eldest. And of course she had to find the chain of islands before she could even think about searching for the chameleon itself.

      She stood for a few moments, watching as other Samanayrs came up to choose their item, excitement building. Her father would be so proud, this would her first adventure after leaving her birth song and he had been so fond of adventures before settling down with her mother and forming his song.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:05 am
by Yuiven
+ Owner Name: Yuiven
+ Item Number: 10. Spidersilk Wing Structure
+ Samanayr Hunting: Robot

Whee, this is awesome! :D *is incredibly happy to have been able to make it* There were loads of such cool, unique items to choose from that it was hard to pick just one to find. Thank you for this chance, Jenn. I will try to edit my form with typed-up RP response for Robot either later today or early tomorrow.

EDIT: It's late, but here is my RP response:

The song had gone out, carried by the gentle wind. Musical notes rang out from across the wild blue yonder to the four corners of the homeworld of the Samanayrs. It whispered through the leaves of trees in the forests. Listen... if you listen closely, you could hear the lyrics.

Startled, Robot let out a 'bzzt' and froze mid-step at the unusual phenomenon which had suddenly pervaded the natural silence of the forest. He set down his raised steel cloven hoof with a soft 'clon' and looked around, gradually turning his head, scanning the current surroundings in an attempt to triangulate its source. At the same time, paper-thin metal plates screwed atop his cranium flicked in various degrees, picking up any sounds.

Where did that music originate from? Like the dial on a radio trying to tune into a particular frequency, the metal elemental's steel blue optics dimmed in concentration as he began sifting through the numerous signals all the while static crackled in his audio sensors. Eventually, over the span of a few moments, actual words began to form over the airwaves, garbled at first, but then Robot redoubled his efforts to home in on the signal. As it grew stronger, the words became clearer. Every single phrase that entered his cerebral processor was immediately filed into a translator and cross-checked with all installed basic language programs until he could translate the following from native Samanayr:

"Happy day approaches soon." "One of the oldest and most revered Sharians in the history of the species will be celebrating her joining." "Come join us in the celebrations to honour the happy couple!"

Robot's optics blinked off, and then on. An upcoming joining? That was a surprise! Well, he supposed, felicitations were in order. After all, it was implied that anyone was invited, so why not attend? With this new mission objective, the robotic Samanayr entered the coordinates for the renowned Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings into his navigational systems, adjusted his course and set off.

The wild forest stretched out miles, impossible for the eye to see the end of it. Deciduous and coniferous trees (though with an obvious favour toward the former) both crowded for space, and light barely penetrated the dense canopy. Robot, however, soldiered on, the bioluminescent glow radiating from his optics giving him some light in the gloom. Days and nights passed, yet never once did the stallion stop to eat or rest. There was no need when you're a completely inorganic being whose internal organs were substituted with circuits and wires; gears, cogs, ball joints and cylinders in place of muscles and bones; and skin replaced with steel plates. So, to occupy his attention during those solitary hours, Robot quickly searched his databanks, located the file which chronicled the shared history between the Samanayrs and the Sharians, clicked it open and started to read.

* * *

Three days, eleven hours, forty-two minutes, twenty-six seconds and counting, the clanging vibrations of huge steel cloven hooves were heard before anything else could be seen, and a pair of steel blue lights illuminated the shadows when Robot arrived at the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings on the day of the scavenger hunt. As one of the last to arrive, he stopped near the edge of the clearing, careful to stay under the cover of the large trees, out of sight but able to see everything.

Mingling here and there was a large crowd of assorted Samanayr-kin, filling the air with an elated commotion. Among the masses, the taller bipedal draconic forms of the Sharian were rushing back and forth, making preparations for the Eldest's upcoming joining. Darting his optics around the vicinity, in an attempt to look around without drawing undue attention to himself, Robot noticed at the head of the clearing, near one of the Sharian complexes, an exquisite long-haired, slightly windtousled mare- a Kodyla, his mind supplied helpfully - was reclining languidly upon a velvet cushion, with an unrolled scroll posted in front of her.

Silence fell over the clearing as expectant faces were turned towards the speaker; Princess of the Bard's Tales as she began to address the gathered Samanayrs. Head held high, audio sensors pricked, Robot listened attentively to what the she had to say. Slowly, he began to nod, and he drew himself up, as if getting ready to wade into battle. He now knew that to complete the primary mission he must first participate in the scavenger hunt to obtain a gift for his contribution in the tribute presentation. Thus the mechanical stallion strode out from underneath the tree cover. Robot moved forward purposefully between the Samanayrs, blithely ignoring the curious murmurs rippling throughout the crowd behind him. When he approached the extensive list of valuable artefacts he needed to choose from, he stopped and analyzed it... the tenth item listed sparked his interest.

A spidersilk wing structure.

The metal elemental considered this for a moment. The spidersilk wing structure would be the ideal gift for an individual such as himself to bring (and the chance to study the construction of the artificial wing was a bonus!). It was decided then. Facing the hostess, Robot's socialization protocols recommended a genteel smile, which he immediately composed upon his features. "Hel-lo mi-la-dy," he said by way of greeting, in a tone of voice designated as "polite" by his databanks, bowing his head deferentially to the refined Kodyla mare. "I can search and re-trieve the spi-der-silk wing struc-ture as my gift for the Eld-est."

Once Princess had confirmed his name and item selection on the list of searchers and provided some additional details, Robot bowed his head again and then turned on his heels, heading back towards his original place at the edge of the treeline. Where here he watched with detached interest to see who else was going to volunteer and which items were being chosen, while awaited further briefing.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 6:15 am
by Echos
Owner Name: Echos
Item Number: 2. Black Rainbow Feather
Samanayr Hunting: Darer of the Deepest Forest

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:48 am
by Raenia
+ Owner Name: Raenia
+ Item Number: 16. Cosayr Mountain Medicinal Herbs
+ Samanayr Hunting: Fringe of the Argent River

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:59 am
by AsaraDragon
+ Owner Name: AsaraDragon
+ Item Number: 7. Woven Deep Clam Shells
+ Samanayr Hunting: Lagoon



Lagoon wasn't sure why she had offered her services to Princess for the hunt. The Samanayr who told her about it had made it sound like a challenge, though, and she was not one to back down from a challenge! Still, what were some fusty old Sharians to her, the self-styled Queen of the Reefs? Nevertheless, she had accepted, and she would at least see what all the fuss was about.

She made her way to the Rainbow Hotsprings, glad that there was at least a river near the gathering. A small offshoot of the river led to a pool near to where Princess was waiting. Lagoon's fins twitched as she waited for the group to assemble.

"Let's get ON with it alyready!", she muttered.

When the last Samanayr arrived, Princess began to speak, though Lagoon wasn't paying much attention. She was staring at an odd elemental with glowing blue eyes that was standing not far from her pool. He was quite the strange one!

The mention of a list snapped Lagoon's mind back to the task at hand. Several Samanayrs reached it and chose items from it before she could properly summon her magic.

She had meant to create a streamlet over the ground so that she could swim closer to the list and choose her item, but she was so annoyed that others had already chosen that she almost overflowed the entire pool into the clearing. She glanced quickly over the list, and the word "shells" caught her eye.

Aha! Woven Deep Clam Shells, eh? She knew what those were, though she did not know anyone who had any. They were quite valuable! Her eyes had an acquisitive gleam as she related to Princess that she would search for the shells. She would go find some, keep the majority, and bring a couple back to Princess. Why do something for nothing, anyway?

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:39 am
by Raitalle
+ Owner Name: Raitalle
+ Item Number: 11. Etched Golden Dartfang Headband
+ Samanayr Hunting: Sway of Ancient Plains


Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:10 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
+ Owner Name: Bluestarwolf12
+ Item Number: 3. Velvet Mystic Strand Replica
+ Samanayr Hunting: Mystic of the Iridescent Skies

I shall return later with an RP response. :3

EDIT: RP Response. ^3^

The gentle, pleasant breezes of the day only lent more to Mystic of the Iridescent Skies' already high sense of confidence and excitement. He had heard the song only days before, and already he was circling over the clearing where those Sam-kin eager to offer their support waited. Being a Mystic, he had felt a strong sense of duty to offer his help as well, and so had quickly prepared and taken to flight the moment he'd heard of the Eldest's joining (with, of course, a few hours of delay bidding his mares a fond farewell and repeatedly assuring them that he would not be long, regardless of whether or not that was actually neccessary).

During the entirety of the flight there, Mystic had spent the majority of it marvelling at the land in which they lived and pondering the incredible amount of things that they, the Samanayr-kin, had to be thankful to the Sharians for. Without them, most of Sam kind would still be in hiding, hunted and afraid. But with their help they had found a place to live without fear of being hunted, a home within the territory of the Sharians. It was during these long, deep thought-filled hours that Mystic's sense of duty and determination to repay them was strenghened, and he would kick his speed into high gear with the help of the air around him.

Now, not three days later, he found himself circling the gathering place itself, gazing down and trying to pick apart the situation and determine where best to land. At the head of the clearing was a Kodyla that appeared to be running the event, and who had a list in from of her. Yes, that must be the list he needed to pick a gift off of, as many Sams were examining it with intrest.

Picking a rather clear place to land, Mystic began sloping his circles downwards (his favorite method of landing), waiting until he was not inches from the ground to untuck his legs from his fluffy chest and make his landing seem much more graceful and fluid than it really was. Upon reaching ground, Mystic instantly turned to the front of the clearing and made his way to the list. He scanned over it intently, and finding several objects that seemed to relate to him personally, had a difficult time deciding. However, the third object, the Velvet Mystic Strand Replica drew his attention due to it's description. 'Believed to bring a Mystic's assistance more quickly' seemed like the perfect gift for a Mystic like himself to bring. "I would like to give this one as my gift, the Velvet Mystic Strand Replica." he announced to Princess with a brief nod. It would not be hard to carry, so the only issue Mystic faced was it's location. He had not been living in the area long, so did not really have any connections. And, being somewhat shy as he was, did not currently have the courage to go up and ask someone. So, instead, he slunk back into the shadows to ponder possible locations while he quietly watched other Sams for signs of what he was supposed to do.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:31 pm
by Esperanza
+ Owner Name: Celestial
+ Item Number: 17, Carved Ivory Tusk.
+ Samanayr Hunting: Gem of the Scattered Sky.

The hairless samanayr mare walked through the long grasses that tickled her legs softly as the winds blew. Her blue color matched the cloudless skies quite closely. She was looking for adventure, not wanting to stay in most places for more than a few days. Gyre had given her permission to wander off some, as long as she returned and she immediatly took that offer, no matter how much she missed him. She shook off the thoughts and sped up slightly, her ears twitching forward as she heard some new noises. She chirped softly in happiness and began a swift trot, her eyes firmly locked on where she had heard the noise.

She finally arrived at the area as soon as the Kodyla started to speak, and she sat in the back, listening intently. "A scayvenger hunt, yeh?" She thought to herself, a smirk appearing on her face. She nodded to herself, and trotted over to where the list was. "A carved ivory tusk? It sounds pryetty! I'll be glad to seyarch for that." She cooed, moving back slightly to let everyone else begin their pick.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:43 pm
by Janalee
+ Owner Name: Janalee
+ Item Number: 13 (Scale-Studded Pendant)
+ Samanayr Hunting: Mystic of the Opal Veins


Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:28 pm
by Xenon
+ Owner Name: Xenon
+ Item Number: 6, Burning Lion Berries
+ Samanayr Hunting: Splendor of the Boundless Sands


Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:17 pm
by Nighthenge
+ Owner Name: Nighthenge
+ Item Number: 4. Icemetal Dagger Shard
+ Samanayr Hunting: Cloak of Bashful Snow

I've no idea what I'm doing, but I want to give this a try!

ETA: RP response
Cloak settled down to listen to the Kodyla's instructions. He though back to the converation he'd had with his mares surpried that they had let him go off on this little adventure. Flurry had laughed at him a bit, but he's gotten her blessing.

I suppose she has a point. He thought to himself Life in the noyrth is it's own adventuyre.

One of the items on Princess' list caught his attention, an Icemetal Dagger Shard. "I know what that is!" he interrupted. "I shall seayrch for that!"

Cloak looked around, startled to be the center of attention.

"Soyrry," he blushed. He settled back into his spot and waited for everyone else to finish.

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:42 pm
by CosmicDragon
+ Owner Name: CosmicDragon
+ Item Number: 8 - Coal from the Brazier of Fire Elementals
+ Samanayr Hunting:
Fury of the Cheated Hunter

-- EDITED to add a short RP reply. <3

"Ffff..." Fury padded along one of the many thin, trailing forest paths that meandered towards the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. The small, cleared space had probably been walked by hundreds of other samanayrs in their time, and there were birds in the trees, and any other in her position would probably be enjoying themselves, perhaps even excited.

All the feline mare could think, however, was, 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' True, these group things weren't here thing. But anything with the word hunt in it was bound to be right up her alley, and so far it hadn't been difficult. Even if she had had no idea how to reach the hotsprings, the crashing of the unprecedentedly large gathering of sams would have guided her better than any signpost.

When she arrived, it was quite obvious that she had missed the introductions. Others were already milling around and talking about their designated objects, and it was all the mare could hope for that she wasn't doomed to have to dive for some gall-be-darned seashell. She hated water. With a sauntering, light-footed step, she lined up behind another waiting for an item.

When she finally had the attention of the vaguely windswept looking Kodyla was was running the 'hunt', Fury stepped forward and was pointed to a list of the remaining items. It was instantly clear to her which one to choose, though luckily there were still a few land-bound items, and with a light paw she inscribed an invisible 'X' next to the line that read; 'Coal from the Brazier of Fire Elementals'. It sounded challenging, and she had yet to meet one of these famed elementals, though her life had been far from sheltered.

"I shall take this as my task. I shall retuyrn with the eteyrnally wayrm coal as my gift to the Gyreat One." With a nod to herself, she remained only long enough for the other mare to give her what information she could on where her item could be found, before curling around and weaving back through the group of other searchers. No point in wasting time!

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:48 pm
by Puuka
+ Owner Name: Puuka
+ Item Number: 12 - Enchanted Abalone Comb
+ Samanayr Hunting: Healer of Shattered Spirits (198)

(edited to add in her image.)

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:19 am
by Aranea
Hmm, I'm not doing anything this weekend, so I might as well have a go:
+ Owner Name: Aranea
+ Item Number: 9, feathery beaked mask
+ Samanayr Hunting: Paean of the Elegant Dagger

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:48 pm
by Delicious
+ Owner Name: Delicious
+ Item Number: 14, Glowing Spring Water
+ Samanayr Hunting: Vivacity of the Lurid Afterglow

I think Vivacity might just have a bit of extra luck with that item, having grown up in caves! :D

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:16 pm
by Eirnae
+ Owner Name: Eirnae
+ Item Number: 1 (Hollowed Triple Hoof)
+ Samanayr Hunting: Mystic of the Dark Echo (593)


EDIT: No worries, Jenn! Now, to get Echo on the move. *Gently pushes her Tribal mare forward* :D

To say that Echo was learning a bit about Samanayr-kin culture over the past few days would have been the understatement of a lifetime. Since her arrival in the territories of the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings, the mystic had blundered her way from hotspring to hotspring. Her goal wasn't to garner directions, as what use would they have been if she didn't have someplace particular to go? No, she wanted to know more about the kin she met, and asked questions in what sometimes was considered too direct a manner. Her catgryph, Shadow, didn't make matters any easier with all of his protective posturing. Thankfully, most of the kin she encountered were curious about her as well, and an exchange of information was usually enough to earn her and Shadow a place to sleep for the night and some food come morning before they were off again.

A couple of the stallions that Echo encountered during her exploration invited her to remain, and while Echo blushed from the attention, she insisted that she and Shadow instead be on their way. It was overhearing the news of the call to gather at one of the Sharian complexes that saved Echo from having to gently refuse the third such offer. Having fluttered her wings with sudden excitement, the mystic swung up her ears to listen closely to the song that had tickled her senses. It sang of honoring the Eldest of the Sharians, for the time of her Joining was nigh. "Oh, we must see this!" she declared with a swish of her feather-tufted tail, then turned to properly address the surprised seeming stallion that she'd interrupted, "Thank you foyr youyr Song's hospitality, but Shadow and I will be going now. May only the sweetest winds gyrace youyr hotspyring!"

Leaving the Lamanayr stallion and his Song behind, though Shadow took the time to give the stallion his smuggest of "Hah! Told ya so!" catgryph grins before taking off after Echo, the Tribal Mystic followed the song. Often Echo found herself humming the melody as she traveled. It took a few days, since the singers of the song were really just messengers, and as soon as Echo found one they would direct her to the next. Eventually, she and Shadow ended up at the complex described by the song, and found its courtyard to be packed with Samanayr-kin. The claustrophobia of her kind clamped down like a cage, surrounding Echo's bravery and squeezing its bars. She shivered, tucking her wings about herself as if cold and ducking her face down so she could cover it with a single wing. She would have to go in there? Surely there was another option. Peeking out between black tipped feathers, she saw none.

Shadow purred comfortingly and rubbed against his Echo's legs. That earned him a smile and a lowering of the mystic's head so she could nuzzle the top of his. "We can do this," Echo murmured mostly to herself, then stood up straight and tall. Her wings folded over her back her like a cloak, and the ones behind her long ears flapped once to settle into a similarly regal position. "Let's go, Shadow."

Her determination to get through the crowd that way lasted about, oh, ten minutes. There simply wasn't enough room for her to navigate without possibly running into somesam and having Shadow start a hissing fit. After wading into the crowd a short distance, Echo decided enough was enough. She excused herself back to the edge of those gathered and kept going as if having chosen to leave, only she eventually spun about and ran back the way she'd came. The difference that time was in her flapping her wings rapidly, and sooner than later she was airborne. Shadow squeaked a sound between a meow and a squawk when he caught on to her plans and struggled to keep up. He was right behind Echo by the time she glided through the tall entrance, into the building, and over the heads of many a kin waiting for their chance to listen to Princess's announcement.

She'd landed near the list by chance, mostly because it was where the most room was available for a safe landing. The other choice was too close to Princess's cushion for Echo's liking. So many had already come and chosen the item that they would fetch that Echo found herself looking at the only selection remaining. Had she really arrived that late? It didn't matter, though, as any chance for adventure was something to be seized! "This hollowed tyriple hoof sounds fascinating, and I believe I know some places wheyre I can stayrt looking," she said with the confidence of a lover of history. Hadn't she met a Song that lived near a burial ground not a week before? Yes, she was sure of it. That would be a great starting point! Now, if only if she could remember exactly how to get there. "Are theyre any yrecoyrds that I may glimpse before I go on my seayrch?" she asked with a hopeful look.

Later, bolstered by her name being signed as being the responsible party for the retrieval of her chosen item and having read some bits and pieces of ancient history concerning the last known whereabouts of a triple hoofed Samanayr, Echo and Shadow left with their provided traveling supplies in the direction leading to where Echo hoped she would find the Song of the Bone Keepers.

(( I hope that my putting in there that Princess did have a smidgen of research material for Echo to look over is alright. ^_^; ))

Re: In Honor of the Eldest - Item Selection

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 3:22 am
by Jennalyn
And thus is the last item taken! :D

My apologies for not posting the prompt for replies directly last night. I was hit by a sudden wave of exhaustion for most of the evening and I wasn't good for anything. I'll hopefully be able to get it up today, before I go out to a friend's.