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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:57 pm
by Sushidragon
The old members board has been closed for now!


I have the board for older members all set up (I hope - you shouldn't be able to see it unless I've added you to the group that has access!). Before you request access, please keep the following in mind:
  • You must be 18 years old or older to join. If I find out that anyone has lied about their age to join, they will be removed from the older members board and may receive a temporary Samanayrs ban.
  • You must have been a member of the Samanayr forum for at least a month before you can request access.
  • There will not be any kind of giveaways - Samanayrs, items, pets, or otherwise - on the older members board, so if you're not yet old enough to join yet, know that you won't be missing out on anything like that!
If you'd like to be added to the older member board, please send me a PM with the following:

Are you 18 years old or older?
Why would you like to join the older members board?

I'll try to add people in a timely manner!