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Lucky Butterfly Shots

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:16 pm
by Neocridders
Well, I consider these pictures from today art. I've never been so lucky!

Today I was sitting around all day, but then I saw my new camera. I decided to take it outside to take pictures. I saw some flowers that would be nice to take pictures of. And then some bees were pollinating, so I took pictures of the bees on the flowers. But then, out of no where, a beautiful butterfly like none I've ever seen before landed on the flowers I was photographing. It was the luckest thing ever. New camera with me. Where I was. When a butterfly landed there. :O I took so pretty amazing photos, the best I've ever taken.

So here is one of the pictures I took of the flower.

And here is one of the bees on the flowers.

And then here is a rose I was taking pictures of.

And butterfly landed = tons of pictures! Here are a few:

And then I made this:


And if you'd like to see larger pictures, or a few more, here is the photobucket album. ... 10/Photos/

Sorry for such a large post ><

And these are just thumbnails. So the quality is not too great. But I figure it'd be killer to load so many pictures that were any bigger!

Re: Lucky Butterfly Shots

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:40 am
by silvermoondragon
Wow, that is lucky! I think the only place I've been able to take a good butterfly shot was in the jungle room at the Vancouver Aquarium since the butterflies are everywhere. It's a pretty butterfly too, *is very much a fan of the combination of black and blue* Taking random pictures with a camera is quite fun, and good entertainment when you are bored, I have some cool shots of ice cubes, and of ghost/invisible people while playing around with the night shot function :D