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Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest - results!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 12:56 pm
by Sushidragon
I'm so sorry to take so long with the judging for this and the design contest! I was overjoyed to see so many delicious Samanayr treats, and while going through the entries I had to stop and make cupcakes so that I could get my own sugar fix XD I love how everyone incorporated Samanayrs into their entries too - you're a talented bunch of bakers! Thank you for all of the entries, and I hope you enjoyed devouring them when all of the pictures were taken!

If you'd like to see some real deliciousness and haven't checked out the contest thread on the forum, I'd highly recommend it - lots of people posted step-by-step photos and info about their entries!

Mr Sushi helped with the judging, otherwise I'd still be working on it XD

The participation prizes should also have been added to everyone's inventories - let me know if you didn't receive yours! All participants received a random modiem.

And here's the results!

First place - Delicious! ... eClose.png
We loved the detail that went into this yummy scene - Glint looks too yummy to eat! XD

First runner-up - silvermoondragon! ... gScene.jpg
We loved the details of this scene as well! Chocolate pudding and chocolate chip cookie 'cupcakes?' Mmmmmmmm.

Second runner-up - LakotaWolf!
A pudgy cupcake Mew-mimic Sam with homemade fondant? Yum!

Third runner-up - AranelSaraphim!
A sleepy Samanayr cake just begging to be eaten! And rainbow sprinkle cake, yay!

Delicious gets first pick of the prizes in the prize pot, so let me know what you'd like! silvermoondragon will get second pick, LakotaWolf will get third, and AranelSaraphim will get the remaining prize :D Congrats!


Break out those bowls and egg beaters - it's cooking time again, and those Samanayrs are eager for their treats :D

Your task this year is to create a delicious sweet treat that either resembles or has the likeness of a Samanayr on it! You're welcome to use whatever ingredients and cooking methods you'd like, the only restriction is that it has to be sweet! Once you've cooked your creation, you'll need to take a photo of it to post and share with everyone.


- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Your sweet treat should either be in the shape of a Samanayr or have one appearing on it somewhere. Don't worry if you can't draw a Samanayr well - as long as it has four legs, a body, and a head, we'll count it!
- Entries will be judged on creativity, deliciousness, and to some extent, effort!
- To enter the contest, you'll need to take a photo of your entry. Your photo must include a piece of paper with your username written on it.
- This contest is running on both PI and the Sam forums, but you're welcome to post your entry in both places to share with everyone!

There will be one first-place winner and three runners-up, and all winners will get to pick their prize from the prize pot :D First place will pick first, first runner-up will pick second, etc.

In addition to the prize pot, all entrants will receive a random modiem!

Prizes in the prize pot
Image Image Image Image
The cooking contest is open until August 18, 6pm PDT. To enter, please post your entry to this thread. In your post, please include the photo(s) of your entry and your name for it! Make sure your photo includes a piece of paper with your username!

Good luck, and happy cooking :D

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:55 pm
by Echos
Just to clarify, entries don't have to be baked, just sweet right? I know exactly what I want to do but I just want to make sure it qualifies first.

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:37 pm
by Sushidragon
It doesn't have to be baked, just sweet :D Baked, uncooked, fried, blended, broiled, whatever!

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 8:34 am
by Sushidragon
The prizes have finally been added to the prize pot :D

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:28 am
by feyani
ASFDFDSSDKsdsadsASDfff *o*

*whips out her cooking stuff and eyes up the Illiayr Mare* *o*

Those are some gorgeous prizes, Sushi! This whole event sofar. Just,. Wow! xD;;

*edit* Oh, I just thought of a question.. Does our entry have to be completely edible?

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:39 am
by RikkuGirl

Um... ya I think Ill be entering this as soon as I figure out something to do. :shock:

*steals Ill mare* O_O You didn't see anything * shoves in bag and runs*

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:54 pm
by RikkuGirl
Ok.... so we have to post our pictures on here? Are we able to pm them... O_____O:;;

I will be making mine tonight.. and well...

*shifty eyes* I dun wants no one seeing it till the judging. >_>... its a supreese :3

maybe i should just wait to post my pic till the last day. *ponders* BUT what if im not on.. *grumbles*

Shimmer: Dont think too hard my love, you might hurt yourself *nuzzles*

RG: O_______O *pops a gasket* *head starts to fizzle and pop*

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:36 pm
by AsaraDragon
Shoot! If it didn't have to be sweet I could make a Weinernayr. XD

Good luck to the entrants!

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:35 am
by RikkuGirl
Ok, before judges start judging me... Let me make this clear.


Normally I leave that up to my wonderful boyfriend, sean. He likes to get messy and make sugary crap to clog our arteries. :D Yay for sweets! xD Anywho. This is my attempt at baking. ^_____________^ Please note, Im VERY proud of what I have done, though my whole project flopped.

OK! here we go. Originally I was going to make a snow scene cake. It was going to have a lake of jello (as water), an igloo, trees and of course.. a sam. :D I thought the jello in the cake idea would have been perfect.. BUT! I dont bake! >___< How was I supposed to know cake was absorbent! *le sigh* needless to say, my cake sucked up all my jello and made my cake blue! O:

Only after the fact did I stop and say.. "Hey.. wait a minute.. Cakes are spongey" but nnoooooooo I used all my jello and had none left to try again (i am on a budget here. lol most of what I used I already had at home ^_^;;;). SO! Witht hat said, please dont be alarmed by the blue in my cake! It actually adds a wonderful touch of color and flavor ;)

SO! After my lake got sucked up, I decided to try to make my igloo (which is made of rice crispy treat squares, yes, I did do a whole igloo out of rice crispies that i molded into little bricks, twas fun xD) look like it was made of ice instead of RCT's. SO! I tried to use powdered sugar for that, but again... another fail in my baking career.

At first it was working just fine (i had put my igloo in the freezer over night to make it harder so i could do this). Then I had to pick it up for one second and BLAMO! Half of it fell apart. ^_^;; Lets just say at this point I was about to be in tears over my poor powder covered igloo (The neighbors probly think a coke head was hitting up outside on the floor with all the powdered sugar I left *giggles) . But! I decided to just think of it as a rock igloo? O: You know, like hobbits live in.. or is that a cave? O_o;; either way, its a hut thingy. ^___^

So once I did surgery on my igloo I decided to fill up my lake hole thing with the pieces that I originally took from it, then put my frosting on the cake to cover up the large semi filled blue hole. THEN i put my igloo over the hole just in case ;). lol. Once the igloo was in I took parsley (the only thing I had to look like trees, celery was WAY too big) and stuck it in for effect to look like trees and shrubs and ground cover.

Once that was in there, I went to town with coconut and powdered sugar! xD I HAD A FREAKIN BLAST WITH THIS PART!!!!!! *flails* OMG i never knew how much fun I could have with powdered sugar till I got to throw it at a cake ^_^. I did this hoping it would look like fresh snow! :D Though... with my lack of baking experience... I did not have a sifter to do the sugar with so... I have sugar snowballs :D. Then of course for the finishing touches.

My name and the sam I drew. I dont have colored pencils, no colored printer, or even a printer for that matter, and one solo pen. *fail again* So I did my best to sketch out a noticeable like sam and my name. And... now...

:D ^_^ I know I was going to wait to post this till the very end but... IM PROUD OF ME. lol. :D The cake is tastey, cool looking cause coconut rocks, and it had a sam on it *wiggles*. So yes, I decided to be the first to post on the sam site. So.. without further or due.. here is my disaster... I mean, FUN MASTERPIECE!

Sam snow in almost july!

Full view

Sam! :D I call her Flop of the Frozen Treat xD

Igloo hut thingy! :D Ricecrispy nomnoms (that was eaten first thing ;D)

A little closer? O:

I are in a helecopter! xD Top view

Zomgosh my name xD

Cake! :D (do you see the blue piece on the side? lol)

Coconut woot! xD

My proud picture of me and my cake. ^_^ *snugs her blue cake* see the blue? see it? xD yay for berry blue!

My cake as it appears today in my office for all the people to eats. :D I will try to get a pic of one or two people eating it.. but i make no promises. xD I will tell you what they say though! :D Most of them laughed at me when I said I tried to make a cake with a lake in it... O____o;; but.. um.. ya.. thats ok. lol

ok.. that is all kthnxbai :3 <3333

This is RG saying I approved this message. n_________n

Edit: A co-worker eating cake! :D She said it tasted good just it was VERY Sweet. lol


Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:05 am
by Orasteele
Hey no one said you had to be experienced at baking to make a cake! I've got an idea in my head so here's hoping it will come out!

I thought about doing the jello thing too, but then considered my medium and rethought it. Even if I set the jello before hand I just have this feeling that it would absorb. So I'm going to go with a frosting of some sort. >_>

Looks like your co-worker enjoyed it!

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:13 am
by RikkuGirl
:D That she did! ^____^

After the fact I was like.. DANGIT! I should have went and cut up a plastic cup and put it in first then put the jellow in and let the jello sit.

If you can do it go for it! I hope others can succeed from my mistakes. lol

CAKE IS ABSORBENT! beware!! lol

I would have redid it all.. but like i said... im broke right now and my budget said NO! in big letters... ok.. my budget is my boyfriend but still... it was a no none the less. lol Plus I dont think it helped that i took the cake to work and he couldnt eat any of it. lol

he will live :3

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:25 am
by feyani
I love the igloo! <3 And LOL about the jello. That's how they make Red Velvet cake, I think. You mix jello in with the batter. Or.. You pour it over top of it afterwards. I forget exactly. Either way is delicious. And your cake looks SO delicious. Makes me want to use up my last box of american cake batter and halloween icing I have squirreled away. xD

So, thinking about the jello a bit, I can imagine if you made the jello like a jiggler (with extra gelatin), and then put like, saran wrap over the cake and poured the jello on top of the saran wrapped cake to let it form in the right spot, it might work. The extra gelatin would make the jello more solid and easier to move. And once it was set, you could remove the saran wrap and put the jello "lake" directly on the cake. From my childhood recollection of jigglers, they were pretty tough things,and as long as the saran wrap didn't leak, I think it would keep it from absorbing into the cake. That might be overly complicated, but something to try next time you want to make a lake cake. :3

And in other news, I bought all the ingredients to make my sweet treat sam today! I hope it works. I'm mildly nervous, it's something I've never actually done before. So It might turn out awful! xD

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:41 am
by LakotaWolf
Rikku, that's REALLY clever. XD I love what you did with the "traditional" cake idea. Really awesome! I wish I could have had a bite :3

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:11 pm
by RikkuGirl
feyani wrote:I love the igloo! <3 And LOL about the jello. That's how they make Red Velvet cake, I think. You mix jello in with the batter. Or.. You pour it over top of it afterwards. I forget exactly. Either way is delicious. And your cake looks SO delicious. Makes me want to use up my last box of american cake batter and halloween icing I have squirreled away. xD

So, thinking about the jello a bit, I can imagine if you made the jello like a jiggler (with extra gelatin), and then put like, saran wrap over the cake and poured the jello on top of the saran wrapped cake to let it form in the right spot, it might work. The extra gelatin would make the jello more solid and easier to move. And once it was set, you could remove the saran wrap and put the jello "lake" directly on the cake. From my childhood recollection of jigglers, they were pretty tough things,and as long as the saran wrap didn't leak, I think it would keep it from absorbing into the cake. That might be overly complicated, but something to try next time you want to make a lake cake. :3
Really?! O: thats how they do the velvet cake *ponders* ^_^;; just goes to show you how much I cook.. in general . O_O;; I can make chiken fingers like a pro! woot! xD

I didnt even think of doing it as a circle jiggler first!.. only issue I had is that I dont have cookie cutters nor do i have ceran wrap O_____O;; *the tortures of just moving* lol But thats an awesome idea! if I ever do something like this again I will def be putting ALOT more thought into it. ^_____^;;;; Just like you this was my first ever atempt at baking something like this...

I was originaly going to do a cupcake and it was going to be Waltz's bum sticking out of the top of it, with a little tail and mini wings (since she does have wings on her duff ;D ) but I didnt have any of the ingredients to make the colors and such for her. I only had jello (Cause I dont like to eat jello so its been there for a bit) white cake mix and frosting (Left over from x-mas), Coconut (cause I cants lives wisouts it ^_^). Powdered sugar was the only thing I had to buy and it was like $1.50 n_n;; I think I did ok for on a budjet. lmao.

:D I hope my disaster/idea could have inspired some of you to do some out there stuff! :D I cant wait to see what everyone comes up with. :D

Edit: Oh! and the igloo was exactly 5 of the lunch sized RCTs. lol It took me like 2 hrs just to make it so it didnt fall apart completely. lol Good thing marshmallows are REALY sticky xD

LakotaWolf wrote:Rikku, that's REALLY clever. XD I love what you did with the "traditional" cake idea. Really awesome! I wish I could have had a bite :3
You are too freakin sweet! *hugs* I did my best with what I had! :D and I can mail you some... buuuuuuutttttttt... idk. o_______o might be um... mooshey?

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:30 pm
by Echos
Finished three parts of my entry so I figured I'd post. Weather I do anymore totally depends on my motivation this weekend.

So without further ado; hand made, sculpted and painted marzipan samanyrs!

From left to right we have Raitalle's Sway of Ancient Plans, Jenn's Sparkle of the Sunlit Sea (might be getting a redo) and Cosmics Music of the Open Plains.

I've never made or worked with marzipan before so I am incredibly happy with the outcome of these, especially with Music. Sway was the first one I molded followed by Sparkle than Music. However Sparkle was painted first and I think it really shows. I had no idea how the food coloring was going to work and did a lot of trail and error before I stared the other two. I really want to redo Sparkle if I have time but for now this is my entry.

Made from home made marzipan, sculpted by hand then painted with food dye- totally edible samanyr treats. Sparkle is about an inch tall, Sway is an inch and a half and Music is just under three inches because of her neck.

Hopefully I'll have some time to make some more of these. I've got a Northern Aquatic molded but I need to contact someone for permission before I start painting and I'd really like to make Asara's Sunshine.

Music Close Ups!

Sway Close Ups!

Sparkle Close Ups!

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:02 am
by feyani
So, apparently Echos and I have great minds... They think alike, you know? xD

I also chose marzipan ans my main sweet ingredient! I only made one sam, though. I made my Trickle after she'd gotten herself stuck on top of some chocolate truffle boulders. xD; The boulders are also glued together with marzipan. And the wings are made of rolled out and then cut into shape gumdrop with marzipan supports. They ended up being floppier than I'd hoped. xD; She's 8 - 10cm tall(3-4 inches or so). The colors are food coloring I mixed with the marzipan. The only thing about her that's not edible is the one singular toothpick support between her body and head that goes through her neck. The silly thing didn't want to stay on and I figured eating around a toothpick would be better than nomming raw egg. According to things I read, raw egg is recommended as marzipan-glue, but I wanted to stay as edible as possible, so, no raw egg!

Left Side

Butt View

Right Side

Face! (the light/eye shine bits are tiny pieces of gumdrop. xD)

Top view

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:37 am
by Orasteele
They all look so lovely! I too have umn... chosen Marzipan, but I'm using cake too. XD

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:25 am
by Raenia
Well, mine isn't nearly as exciting as all of yours, but... blueberry pie?


The crust cracked a lot, but it turned out nice and flaky anyway, and my pathetic little Sam was still mostly visible. Homemade crust, and homegrown blueberries. Delicious.

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:29 am
by RikkuGirl
WOW! OMG those are amazing! O: holy cow guys you got talent! :D lol put my cake to shame thats for sure! xD But in a good way xD

I LOVE the details on the marzipan creations, the coloring is wonderful! :D

and well... candy bars... O_____O!!! one of my many weeknesses besides cookies... xD VERY nice. I LOVE the eyes. xD just wanna...

eats them!!! xD All of em! *shovesinouthandchewswhilerunningaway* O:

(Eeeee Im so excited! I think ill be able to do my cupcake afterall! :D I think I have some extra $$ so Ill see if I can do that. Depending on how well it comes out I might change my entry O: If thats ok? o.o;;

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:03 pm
by Britain
LOL. We all seem to be on the same page this time. Steele and I have used marzipan, but with a little help from cookie and cake. I'll get my pictures up in a bit. n.n

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:12 pm
by Sushidragon
Oh my goodness, this thread is making me so hungry ;______;

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:30 pm
by Eirnae
I really love all the entries, and I'm excited to share my own! :D

As there have been two marzipan entries thus far (and one on the way), as well as a cake and a pie (and a cupcake?), I wanted to try for something a little different.

Presenting, Mystic of the Dark Echo as a rice krispie treat cake!

Top view:

From an angle:

Look, she's 3D! (Kinda):

This project was a lot harder than I thought it would be, mostly because I had no idea what I was doing. ^.^; I probably started shaping her too soon, because the rice krispies just wouldn't stay mashed together. However, with a lot of patience and margarine (apparently the sticky stuff liked to stick to my fingers and not the rest of itself), I had some progress:

Then it was time to slather on the frosting. The base layer was the hardest part. Again, the rice krispies wanted to come apart and be one with something other than the rest of their fellow rice krispies. I had a rice krispie rebellion on my hands! So I mixed the frosting up with some more margarine, and that seemed to do the trick. (Hint: Echo was tasting rather buttery by then. ^.^;) Her wings, both for her back and head, are pure icing. Sugar shock FTW!

Then came time to add some color. For about half an hour, I hit a roadblock. I didn't buy enough gel icing. Then I remembered that I'd picked up some black and blue sprinkles. After a vigorous application of all the above, with some green and blue sugar flakes to serve as the eye and forehead gem, I ended up with this:

My next issue cropped up when I realized that I didn't have anything to serve as her mane's main color. My mom saved me with the suggestion that I use peanut butter, and it worked beautifully! I had just enough gel icing to get in her streaks, too!

As for how Echo's rice krispie self tasted, I had to chop her all up into pieces and transport what my parents and I didn't devour to my apartment in a plastic container. It was all eaten up by my roommates that evening, all whom proclaimed that I should make rice krispie treats more often. The funniest thing one of them said when they first saw what was in the opened container was, "What's all of the blue stuff? Did you mix in some smurfs, or something?" *Snerk!*

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:29 pm
by Britain
Annnnd here we are. I was going to wait for Steele to post hers, but uh...she's dead asleep with a snoring dog laying across her butt. So.

We uncreatively used marzipan as well, which is NOT EASY TO WORK WITH MMKAY. My entry is a baby sam with a tree to keep him company, taking a nap on a cookie. ;D




Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:32 pm
by RikkuGirl
OMG! Crispy cake and cookies! xD

Zomgosh cookies. O-O;; those ... are... my ...


Wow.. you guys are so talented! ^____^ Its wonderful to see what creations you guys come up with!! So inspiring. ^^
Good luck you all! And congrats on great works of art!! *Mmmm pie* ^___^

Re: Birthday - Samanayr Treats Cooking Contest!

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:52 pm
by Britain
I am so jealous of Raenia's pie. :/ Homemade AND home-grown? Berries are MY weakness. @.@