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May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:08 am
by Minionayr
If you'd like to join the mailing list, just post your username in bold!
Samanayrs are tiny equines which come in a brilliant rainbow of colors, and with dozens of different traits and species. Each Samanayr is hand-drawn and -colored, meaning that each one is unique! With Samanayrs, you can breed, race, collect, and more!
This thread has only one rule:

Please keep any complaining, whining, or comments that could make winners feel badly about their win out of the thread.

This includes comments like:

- "Random hates me! I never win!"
- "You won my dream Samanayr! I wish I had won!"
- "I don't know why I entered, I never win anything and I have terrible writing/art!"
- "I'm never going to get a Samanayr!"

If there's any questions or concerns, or if you have an issue with another user, or if you have something you'd like to vent to or at me about, please send me a PM! I love the Samanayr community, and I'd like to keep it friendly and happy <3
You can link back to us with these buttons!

Image Image
Image Image Image Image

Top button by Bluestarwolf12, left button by Puuka, right button by Delicious!


Your Samanayr staff are:

Sushidragon - Creator, artist, events and stuff

Sweet~Intoxikation/Minionayr - All-around awesome assistant

Guest Artists - Delicious, sera, Rekyrem, Xenon, dray, Harroway, Janalee, LakotaWolf, silvermoondragon, Pristine, and Unyko!

[url ... ic=2464022]guest artist intros week 1[/url] | [url ... ic=2468581]week 2 and 3[/url]


Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:09 am
by Minionayr
Little Lamb Doodle

I know as it heats up and we head into the summer months that I find it hard to fall asleep (most nights). So I resort to counting sheep til I fall asleep, but sadly my imagination has been running dry and I can't picture all the cute little lambs that I need to count!

This is where you come in and help! I'm running a doodle draw and you need to doodle me up some countable lambs/sheep to help me sleep! Will you help me? Well... if not me ... how about this little beauty:


Everyone who enters a sketch/doodle/drawing will be entered into the raffle to win that little cutie above! So put on your doodle caps and let's get this party started!!


- Art MUST be your own and made for this event only.
- Keep it clean (PG)
- Art must be of a sheep, a lamb or both! ^^
- You're piece can not stretch the thread! (500px by 500 px MAX please)
- You must sign your art piece with your username and "I am number __" Pick a lucky number for yourself! ^^ It's a raffle after all.
- 1 entry per person. (Not per account.)
- Have fun!

Doodle Draw Starts: [RGBgreen]NOW![/RGB]
Doodle Draw Ends: April 30th, 2011 @ 2:00 pm PST

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:09 am
by Minionayr

Many have heard the story about the lion with the thorn in his paw, and even as a child I wondered just how that lion got the thorn stuck into his paw! I mean, what did the big ol' lion ever do that deserved such a pain in the paw!


This little Sam shares my curiosity and he wanted you to all tell him the story in your own words. Short and simple or long and exaggerated! He loves them all! So will you be the one to tell him the story the best and explain how a lion could possibly get a thorn stuck into his paw as a punishment? I thought so.

Your task, should you choose to accept it is as follows:

You are to write a tale for this little Samanayr explaining what the lion in the old story did to deserve the thorn into his paw. Was he a naughty boy who was cursed? Or maybe he tripped and landed on a prickle holly bush. Whatever your idea, tell us!

This MUST be your own work, minimum of 500 words but more is fine as well and decent spelling/grammar DO count. When you're done PM your piece to this account for the little lion boy to look over! So, have fun, be creative and we're looking forward to seeing your ideas!

Contest Starts: April 28th, 2011 @ 12:00 am PST
Contest Ends: May 1st, 2011 @ 12:00 pm PST

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 11:09 am
by Minionayr
Group 3 - Game 3

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 2:15 am
by AsaraDragon


Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:31 pm
by silvermoondragon
I has a sheepie!!!

Sheep always make me think of the game Settlers of Catan and the sheep resource cards :D

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 7:45 am
by Orasteele
And here we have the black sheep of the family already fast asleep. >_>


Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:30 am
by Janalee
Counting stuffed toy sheep works, right? Seems safer to me anyway... ^^
Hehe, and I love that just about no one calls the resource cards 'wool' in Settlers; sheep is just way more fun. XD

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:40 pm
by Minionayr
AND... has spoken!
There were 29 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

Sugar Candy
Lady Whimsy
Shades of Venus
Timestamp: 2011-05-01 00:34:53 UTC

Congratulations Janalee (from the Samanayr forums)! You're little sheep doodle as brought home to you this little lamb!


Thank you to EVERYONE who entered this doodle draw. I loved it soo much! ^^<3

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 8:42 pm
by Janalee
Eeee! *dances around excitedly* She's just so absolutely adorable; thanks so much Minionayr and Sushi!
*continues bouncing happily and plotting as she waits to see who'll be lucky enough to win Arrival* XD

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:14 am
by Minionayr

Lion's Share = Story winners!

I went through the entries and I loved each one! They had something unique and fun to them all. However, only one could win the lion - so for the others who entered.. I found a little something to show my appreciation for your wonderful works!

So, here it goes lovely Samanayr stalkers!

In [RGBgreen]3rd place[/RGB] - Sugar Candy.

You're story was adorable! So for you, Sushi and I would like to award you with this color modiem. It's a breeding item for Samanayrs and at the end of the post I will put up a link to the site where you can read more and plot! ^^

In [RGBgreen]2nd place[/RGB] - Aranel Saraphim

Loved the context of the story! Made me laugh and made me sad - the poor poor lion. For your story Sushi and I would like to award you with this species modiem. It too is a breeding item and you can read up on it's multiple mixes for future plotting.

And finally.. in [RGBgreen]1st place[/RGB] - Pristine

I adored your story. I really did! The littlest lion.. <3 You struck a cord with me, and the lion samanayr! ^^ So he has decided to go home with you!


To the winners go the spoils! You are all winners and we thank you for participating in the event!! ^^

[rgb purple]Flower Shed Scramble![/rgb]


- Everyone gets to pick 1 shed. (person, not per account)
- If you're shed is taken just post a new door! (First come, first served)
- Sheds will open when all have been taken (want to find the prize(s) faster? Bring your friends!)
-Several sheds have prizes but only one holds this little wanderer!
We must find her before she eats all the flowers in the sheds! ^^ Good luck.
- Have fun! ^^

The Flower Sheds

1. LvSoulFriend
2. Janalee
4. Yuiven
5. silvermoondragon
6. Jennalyn
7. perryunicornboy
8. origami_dragon
9. Orasteele
11. Echos
13. AsaraDragon

[rgb green]GO! GO! GO![/rgb]

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:32 am
by silvermoondragon
Shed number 5 please!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:38 am
by Origami_Dragon
Congrats Pristine on winning the little lion boy! He's darling!

And...i would like to choose Shed #8 please!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 8:40 am
by AsaraDragon
Can't resist shed #13! :D

Congrats to the winners so far!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:08 am
by Yuiven
I would like see what's hidden in Shed #4, please and thank you! :)

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:12 am
by Echos
I'd take a peek into shed #11

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:13 am
by perryunicornboy
I would like to see Shed # 7 please

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:26 am
by Jennalyn
I'd love Shed #6, please!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 11:30 am
by Orasteele
I'd like Shed #9 please!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:05 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Shed #1 please!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:12 pm
by Janalee
Congrats to the writing contest winners!
And could I have Shed #2, please? ^_^

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 3:29 pm
by Minionayr
Three sheds left and then we shall see who caught the little one! ^^

Also, if anyone would be willing.. I'm wondering what the community would like to see next for the Sams. As in some game ideas that you'd like to see played in future forum events. I'm working on being on the forum a lot more.

And keep in mind, Sushi and I are talking about starting up official story line RP for these guys in the not to distant future. So, if you're interested please let me know and again.. ideas are love!

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:09 pm
by HybridSiren
Can I claim shed #12, please? <8;

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:23 pm
by Ogre
>_> *peeks in* I'd like Shed #3 plx?

Re: May Spring be Gentle and Summer Fierce

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 7:26 pm
by Britain
Well then I guess I'll follow Ogre's lead and take the remaining shed #10!