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Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:28 am
by Sushidragon
As promised, there's going to be breedings and customs open for you forum folks :D I'm going on vacation from May 1 to 7, so the forms will be open during that time and closed when I get back (at about 2pm PDT May 7th).


Everyone is welcome to apply for a breeding! The only rule is that if you already applied for a breeding on PI, you can't apply for a breeding through the forum as well.

For detailed information about Samanayr breeding, see the breeding page on the website and the breeding section of the FAQs:

Here's the basics!

- To apply for a breeding, you need a mare and stallion in the same Song. If they're not yours, and if the Song isn't open, you need to get permission from the owners.
- The list of registered Songs is on the forum: ... p?f=8&t=54 If a Song is Open, you can apply with any pair. If a Song is Closed, you need to get permission from the owner of the stallion and the mare to apply. If a Song is Semi-closed, some mares require permission.
- The natural breeding success rate is 30%. There is also a small chance of natural twins or spontaneous mutations.
- There is a limit of two modiems per breeding, with the exception of rarity modiems, which are unlimited. If your breeding successful, your modiems will be used up - if not successful, you keep your modiems.
- A pair can be applied with more than once, but each pair can only have one successful breeding. If two people apply for a breeding with the same pair and they're successful for the first applicant, the second applicant will be out of luck.

If you need permission to use someone's Samanayr - it's up to you to get that permission, and there's no permission form to send in. However, if you apply for a breeding from a closed Song and don't ask permission from the Samanayr's owners, you will be banned from Samanayrs for a time. If you're worried about getting permission in time, there's lots of open Songs to choose from!

There will be 10 breeding slots open on April 23, 3:15 PI time! To apply, post the following form:

Mare and stallion's Song:
Song URL:
Sire's name:
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name:
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions?

If a Samanayr doesn't have an ID number, just provide a link to its image.


Customs are also open! There's a limit of one slot per person, and you're welcome to get a custom even if you're a member of PI XD

Prices, some general custom info, and the custom form can be found on the customs page:

There's also some more specific information on the FAQs page:

Some info to keep in mind before claiming a custom:

- These are $-only customs.
- There's a limit of one custom slot per person, and a limit of one Samanayr or starter Song per slot.
- No cosplays please!
- While I do try to match colors as closely as I can, I am limited to what pencil crayon colors I have.

If you'd like to claim a custom slot, just PM me the custom form! I'll get back to you with the price and everything when I get back from my trip on May 7th (or possibly before, depending on how much time I have).

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:15 pm
by Jennalyn
Username: Jennalyn
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Amazon Rains
Song URL:
Sire's name: Mystic of the Rainforest Growth
Sire's ID or image URL: ... /Sam4.html
Dam's name: Mystic of the Dusty Sky
Dam's ID or image URL: ... stysky.htm
Modiems (if any): Breeding Modiems (2)
Do you have all applicable permissions? Oh yes. My mare. <3

Also. Must PM about custom slot. Hooooly cow.

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:04 pm
by nathalia
Username: Nathalia
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Highland Hills
Song URL: ... -song6.htm
Sire's name: Blaze of Highland Glory
Sire's ID or image URL: ... -blaze.htm
Dam's name: Arc of the Peaceful Koi
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any): None
Do you have all applicable permissions?: Yes, he's my stallion.


Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:23 pm
by wolftlou

Username: Tlouey
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of Soft Moonlight
Song URL:
Sire's name: Lilt of the Summer Fireflies
Sire's ID or image URL:
Dam's name: Gleam of Stained Glass
Dam's ID or image URL:
Modiems (if any):
Do you have all applicable permissions? yus ma'am

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:44 pm
by Harroway
Username: Harroway
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Fiery Gemstones - ... -song5.htm
Sire's name: Mystic of the Opaline Fire
Sire's ID or image URL: ... nefire.htm
Dam's name: Wave of Molten Gold
Dam's ID or image URL: ... e-luci.gif
Modiems (if any): Nope!
Do you have all applicable permissions? I sure do! Even though Jenn's song states that since I have a mare in it, I can request a breeding whenever, I still asked her ahead of time. :)

EEEE so exciting!

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 9:06 pm
by Dragonspyrit
Username: Dragonspyrit
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Autumn Foliage
Song URL: ... -song4.htm
Sire's name: Steam of the Boiling Geyser
Sire's ID or image URL: ... -steam.gif
Dam's name: Creeping of the Mossy Stone
Dam's ID or image URL: ... eeping.gif
Modiems (if any): nup :0
Do you have all applicable permissions? yup, open song :)

=D *crosses fingers*

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 5:09 am
by Harroway
I had a quick question! I read on PI that everyone who submitted a story would receive a random modiem. If we end up with one we'd like to use in the breeding, can we do that retroactively?

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:07 am
by Sushidragon
@Harroway - That's a good question XD I'm going to say yes, since I'd meant to add the to your inventories yesterday but didn't get a chance. They'll be added sometime this week (I'm off on a trip today but should have some time while I'm away) and you'll be able to add them to your breeding application at that point!

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:57 pm
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Glistening Night
Song URL:
Sire's name: Rend
Sire's ID or image URL: [edit: Fixed the URL]
Dam's name: Mystic of the Burning Metals
Dam's ID or image URL: ... Metals.gif
Modiems (if any): Not this time. <3
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep!

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:06 am
by SunBlind
Username: SunBlind
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of Timeless Circle
Song URL: ... eless.html
Sire's name: Polaris
Sire's ID or image URL: (no ID) - ... mbers.html (top one)
Dam's name: Drift of Delicate Twilight
Dam's ID or image URL: (no ID) - ... ings8.html (top one)
Modiems (if any): Didn't have enough to trade for what I wanted, but just their combined colours will be amazing, no need for modifications!
Do you have all applicable permissions? I believe I asked Mouse ages ago...but since we're in the same Song and it's my mare it should be fine, right? Been waiting for a foal from this Song for, well ever since Drift joined about 3 years ago LOL

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:29 pm
by Sushidragon
Sorry I haven't replied to any custom PMs yet, it's been a pretty busy past few days XD We've been apartment-hunting here without too much success so far, unfortunately.. I'm hoping to get to them tonight or tomorrow!

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:08 pm
by AsaraDragon
I'm hoping I'm not too late!

Username: AsaraDragon
Mare and stallion's Song: Song of the Willful Spirit
Song URL: ... t=100#p759
Sire's name: Scatter of Refracted Rain
Sire's ID or image URL: 119
Dam's name: Beat of Syncopated Rain
Dam's ID or image URL: 126
Modiems (if any): none
Do you have all applicable permissions? I think so, Scatter doesn't have a restriction, and I own Beat, so I think I'm good :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - breedings and customs!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:55 pm
by Sushidragon
Alrighty, breedings are now officially closed, and here's the results :D

Successful breedings were submitted by jennalyn, Tlouey, and SunBlind - congrats! Foals should hopefully be finished within the next few days! I'm off on another trip next Saturday so I'm going to try to get everything done before then XD

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 7:59 pm
by Harroway
Yay, congrats everybody! *hugs all around*

Can't wait to see the foals, and I hope you had a great time on your trip, Sushi! :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:37 pm
by silvermoondragon
Congratulations, I can't wait to see all the new foals and the customs! And... squeeee the PonyIsland yearlings are soooo awesome!!!! I want to steal them all!!!!! I love Lift's tail!

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:12 pm
by Jennalyn
...oooooooh my goodness. YAY! YES! OMG! *flail* You have just MADE my night. And probably some of my tomorrow. Oh, thank you, whims of fate and chance! *glomp* Twins! Good chance at Mystic! Yaaaaay! *does a dance*

Congrats to Sunblind and Tlouey as well! <3

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 5:06 am
by Harroway
jennalyn wrote:...oooooooh my goodness. YAY! YES! OMG! *flail* You have just MADE my night. And probably some of my tomorrow. Oh, thank you, whims of fate and chance! *glomp* Twins! Good chance at Mystic! Yaaaaay! *does a dance*

Congrats to Sunblind and Tlouey as well! <3
*Squees and tackles Jenn!* :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:30 am
by Jennalyn
Harroway wrote:*Squees and tackles Jenn!* :D
*grins and swings around, fluffing you!* When you do end up getting that breeding, I will be drooling so hard over the foal that it'll probably need an umbrella. xD

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:26 pm
by Harroway
jennalyn wrote:
*grins and swings around, fluffing you!* When you do end up getting that breeding, I will be drooling so hard over the foal that it'll probably need an umbrella. xD
*cackle* One day, Mr. Opaline Fire WILL have a behbeh! Whether he likes it or not! *cackle cackle*

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:56 pm
by Orasteele
Congrats to the expecting songs!

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 3:51 am
by AsaraDragon
Congratulations, you three! :)

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:59 am
by SunBlind
*dances around like a maniac attracting all kinds of strange looks from family members*

Actually had to stare at my name a couple times to ensure it was mine and not someone else that starts with an s, lol.

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:36 am
by Sushidragon
Heeeeere's the foals :D

Image Image Image

Now, you guys can decide together when you'd like them to grow. I'm leaving for a trip on the 16th, so they could grow up before that, or they could grow up after I get back on the 24th. If they grow up earlier you'd get to see their adult stages soon, but you wouldn't get to enjoy their foal stages for very long XD Let me know which you'd prefer!

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:45 am
by Jennalyn
For the love of all, they're precious! And twin Mystics!!! This thrills me more than I can possibly express. Holy cow. Just, YAY! I'd been hoping so hard that they might both follow their parents' species. I love the subtle differences between them. Bet they were a serious handful.

...I suppose I would dearly love my pair to grow, because I have an interesting muse for the colt as an adult stallion. But is there any way you could PM me a link to their foal picture to save for forever as well, please?

SunBlind's part-elemental foal is absolutely precious and I love the bits of cosmic earth floating around him. And Tlouey's girl is going to have the most spectacular wings when her widdle ones start to grow! Eeee!

Re: Festival of New Spring - closed, results!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:10 am
by Harroway
Awww, they're positively ADORABLE! Congrats everybody! <333