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Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure - results!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:06 am
by Sushidragon
With summer just a few days away (already?!) it's a great time to get outside! If the weather cooperates, of course. That's right, rain, I'm looking at you >:[

Anyway! Grab your camera and great ready to shoot, because it's time to take a Samanayr on a photo adventure! Your task is to draw or print out a Samanayr image, then take a photo of it in a neat location! Everyone who posts a photo will be entered into a draw for a chance to win one of these adorable SotR foals:
Image Image
In addition, there will also be a prize for the photo featuring the 'coolest' place - this happy Oquiesa!
In addition to that, everyone who enters will receive a random tradeable item :D

Here's an example of the kind of photo we're looking for! I don't have a single Samanayr image handy, so here's a page of Samanayrs hanging out with my mom's cat XD



- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Your photo should be of an image of a Samanayr hanging out wherever you want!
- You can print out any Samanayr image to use, draw your own, or use any original artwork you might have (art cards, customs that were mailed out, etc). Please don't put too much effort into it, though!
- Please make sure your image isn't too huge, since it needs to be posted to this thread! If your image is wider than the page, please post a link to it instead.

To enter the photo adventure, just reply to this thread with your image! This event will be open until June 21, 9am PDT. Good luck and have fun :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:08 am
by RikkuGirl
eeeeee I wanna do! I know a great place!

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:50 pm
by HybridSiren
Could I make it into like.. a little photo comic? I have an idea..

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 7:55 pm
by Sushidragon
You could make a little photo comic if you'd like, if all of the photos were taken at the same location :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:13 pm
by HybridSiren
Ooo, okay, thank you Sushi! :D

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:42 pm
by cassiadawn
My neat place is hanging out with the mini cows!

And I had to include this one, because I just find it hilarious. XD

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:58 am
by AsaraDragon
My lady Reflection found herself at work with me. She is astounded at the Infrared scanning machine we use to test meat!


Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:20 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
So, technically it's three pictures because none of them alone really conveyed what I wanted them to convey with my cruddy laptop camera. So... If that's unacceptable, just count the middle one. XD

Bolt and Leone on a GIANT DRAGONFLY OF DOOM.

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:10 pm
by Janalee
Unfurling decided to come check on my wild strawberry patch with me, and was most pleased to find out that the strawberries are as big as her head. XP Now, if only they were as big as my head, we'd be in business...

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 6:12 pm
by Origami_Dragon

Well...I was planning to take Searing's family out for an adventure...but Scrap wriggled her way out first. She didn't make it out of my bedroom though before finding a gryphon to get excited about and insisted on getting her picture taken with him and his dragon buddy. Also the bat...whom she's sitting on... I think the bat was trying to ignore her as she bounced around and almost didn't hold still long enough to snap the photo...

(I have a relatively wide screen...if this is too wide poke me and I'll resize it some more.)

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:12 am
by oakleafwolf

I decided to take Flash out on a walk with me to work and she wanted to know why she and the T-Rex were the same color. :)

(Let me know if it's too big, I think it's resized enough...)

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 3:34 pm
by Esperanza
Looks like Drowse went out for a fly, and decided to rest in the trees for a while.

(Not Entry)
But I had to include this, because Drowse fount a little lizard.

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:19 am
by CosmicDragon
Hmmmm... Unfortunately, even after I explained that my brother's model guitar wasn't actually meant to make music, Rush was still adamant about giving it a go.
... And singing along. *winces* I love the little guy, but he is not a musician, by any stretch of the imagination.

-Without the awkward case-

Also I just want to note that, without a printer handy, I had to trace, line, and colour him all by hand. XD But it did give me a chance to play with my new watercolours, so that's cool.
Showing off my attempt at pattern-mimicing with watercolours.

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:46 am
by silvermoondragon
Spirit and S'qui came with me this weekend to Sandy Bay on Saturna Island for a Memorial for my Grandpa's brother.

Here they are playing on shore with the boats moored out in the bay:

And here they are hanging out on the boat:
Photo One
Photo Two
Photo Three

And here's some sheep on the island they met

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:14 pm
by Mr. Aranel

Big One decided to get himself a fresh flower. A gentleman is always prepared, right?

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:38 pm
by AranelSaraphim
Took Captain Marvelous on a trip to the grocery store, where he misinterpreted having his picture taken in the "coolest" place.


He demanded his picture be taken here, next to his favorite ice cream in the freezer. He is from another planet, so I suppose it's to be expected.

He also tried to meet the "locals"....which was too funny not to post too.

He was also quite disappointed to find out there was no treasure to be had. Ah well. Poor space pirate! We'll get you some treasure next time!

In case anyone is wondering why he is so huge (and Mr. Aranel's One), I free handed them, since we don't have a printer and the sams we have the original art for are framed at the moment!

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:11 pm
by RikkuGirl
So...I took my sams with me around the block... quite a long walk if you ask me...but still a walk none the less...

through all the walking and searching I still couldn't find anything that I thought enough to take a pic of with my cards...

Though as soon as I got home... My fat evil devil of a tabby cat, Ostentatious (Ozz), decided that she was NOT fond of sams... told you she was evil... So as I went to get my cards back from the depths of her evil kitty clutches, she made sure they did not leave without a keepsake...A few bite marks in the hard plastic shell (TY SO MUCH FOR THE CARD COVERS SUSHI! lol Id be in deep doodoo without them! <333)

Please... see below. O_O;;;

Pooooor little Depths.... O:

Chilling is safe... she laughs in the face of danger...

Chilling...NNNoooooo! D:

^_________________^;; So ya... I confiscated my prized sams back and now they are happily watching over me sleep on my night stand as always...Safe from my cats evil grasp lol

Word to the wise... dont EVER let your sams be around the ostentatious... they are bound to be bitten! D:

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:55 pm
by Orasteele
Well here is Symphony visiting the fish tank and checking out our giant mystery snail. He's about the size of a half dollar and growing. >_>


Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:02 pm
by Britain

With Steele's nudging here is Mystic of the Summer Rapture spending time with Captain Hook. She almost can sit on his shoulder. XD

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:22 pm
by Nighthenge
I decided to take on of my Sams to work at the high school with me. Storm on the Coming Horizon graciously volunteered :)

Here he is visiting my classroom sans students (we are not allowed to take pictures of the kids without parental consent). I have students with emotional and behavioral disabilities.

Visiting my student's favorite incentive. A pair of Corn Snakes.

After school I work in one of the libraries a few times a week. Storm greeted the students and made sure they signed the log.
Helping a student find a book in the card catalog.
Helping to shelve books.
On our way home. The large building in the background is the gym and indoor pool.

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:41 pm
by Echos
Ferocity of the Flowing Lava decided to take a ride on my giant paper dragon kite.


And so you can actually see Ferocity:

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:55 pm
by Jennalyn
Poor Misery just can't catch a break. She wasn't sure what to make of the oversized denizens of this bizarre place, but she decided to make a tentative foray for food, confident that her abilities would serve to protect her. Unfortunately, there is no earth to be found and the air is remarkably still. With no recourse, she became dinner.

Seriously. They ate her.


Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:21 am
by Tervenna
Point decided to investigate my potted vegetable garden today... she was rather disappointed in the squash plant and rather impressed by the oregano, before being inspected in turn by Betsy!


Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:57 am
by LvSoulFriend
Gloss the Sam meets Gloss the model!


Taken with 5 minutes left to go XD

Re: Festival of New Spring - Samanayr photo adventure!

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:37 am
by HybridSiren
Eeeek. ;; Shoot, I missed the deadline. Ugh. My computer got reformated and I lost all my info and then I'm out here with my dad.. shoooot. >_<;;; I feel so stupid for forgetting!

Gah. Good luck everyone!