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What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 3:10 pm
by Sushidragon
I'd like to have some more guest artist Sams available, since I love seeing how the guest artists interpret Samanayrs in their own style, but I was wondering what I should offer as payment. With the last batch of guest artist Sams, each guest artist had to draw one themed Sam for the event and then could draw another Sam for themselves to keep, give away, or sell.

So, what do you think would work as payment? Items? The choice to draw a pet instead of a Sam? Love? Unfortunately I can't offer cash, PG, or stuff drawn by me, since I'm poor in monies and time XD;

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:04 pm
by amazondreamer
Drawing a Sam to keep/sell/give away seems fair to me. But if you wanted to do something different perhaps giving the guest artist the option of drawing a guaranteed breeding? Same rules as normal, the parents have to be in a Song and get permission if applicable. And probably limiting the number of offspring to a single foal.

Just an idea, but it think it could be a lot of fun :D

Edit for clarity: The guest artist would be drawing the offspring, rather than Sushi.

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:11 pm
by RikkuGirl
I would think coupons and vouchers would be good. Or the chance to draw one to keep or gift. :)

Id be happy to draw one for myself as payment xD lol

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:30 pm
by Zincht
I'd suggest tokens of some kind, tradeable for things like
1) drawing your own to keep
2) getting sushi to draw one (semi-custom, custom, mimic)
3) pets
4) guaranteed breeding results (or +50% chance per token..)
5) items or equips

That way, it keeps them motivated to draw for you ;)
They would be a new 'class' of item, only available for those who draw (or those who win design contests!), and they work like other items, sitting until the item owner knows what they want to do with them. Sort of like the 'points' given out for the great trait database hunt done recently. That sure seemed like a motivated group to me!

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 4:38 pm
by oakleafwolf
Well, you don't want to repeat what you've already done once, so let's up the anty by combining a "draw one to keep" with "Sushi's love".

I mean, I'd want love from teh Sushi. ^_^

Seriously though, I think the option to draw a second one is fine and made even better if it becomes more flexible with the option to draw pets (or Amazon's breeding idea). Much more important to take care of yourself and Baby Sushi!

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:59 pm
by silvermoondragon
I do like the option to draw one for yourself(although I still need to finish mine from the last event XD)

Tokens for things like a guaranteed breeding(during the breeding season) also sound pretty nice, as well as being able to draw yourself pets or accessories for yourself. Perhaps you have the option to draw yourself one Samanayr, two pets, or 3-4 accessories? and the guest artist could choose which one?

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:03 am
by Pristine
I think letting the guest artists draw their own Sam for themselves is a GREAT payment, in theory...

In practice, for myself, I haven't even done my last payment for the 12 days of Christmas Sams, because I suck at coming up with ideas; I have, like, no imagination. Tell me to draw something and I can draw it, but ask me to draw from my imagination and all my mind gives me is a big white blank space of nothingness. More often than not, in ANY adoptable, when I get a custom, I'll ask the adoptable runner to just do what they think is best, go with their inspiration, or whatever... whatever they do, it's bound to come out better than my feeble attempts at creating something.

So, that being said, I'd honestly much prefer having something drawn by Sushi (such as a semi-custom Sam or, better yet, a breeding... omgz I luvz the Sam babies!!!) BUT I do see where she has (understandably) mentioned she doesn't have the time to draw Sams for each of us. I mean, there are a LOT of guest artists!

So, after all of that... I'm fine with just getting to draw my own Sam. I just wish I could think of what to do for them :I

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:38 am
by silvermoondragon
Hmm, I just got a kind-of cool idea, the guest artists could always do a swap and make Sams for each other as the payment/reward, although it might get tricky if multiple people want one from one person or something like that. Maybe not a fully feasible thing but it could be interesting.

Re: What should payment for guest artists be?

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:19 am
by Sushidragon
I think a swap sounds like a really neat idea, if people are interested :D Otherwise I would be happy to help out with ideas!