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Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:37 pm
by Sushidragon
As we all know, breeding Samanayrs is a lot of fun - picking out the perfect pair and seeing how their traits and markings come together! Sometimes, though, the perfect pair just isn't available. Maybe someone's already applied with them, maybe they're in different Songs, or maybe they're even the same gender! Well, now's your chance to splice together two Samanayrs that wouldn't be able to breed together otherwise :D

Splicing rules and info

- This is not a breeding, and the Samanayrs being spliced do not count as the spliced Sam's parents. It's just a Samanayr that 'happens' to have traits, patterns, and colors similar to the original two ;D
- The Sams involved don't have to be in the same Song or even opposite genders!
- If you don't own both of the Samanayrs involved, you need to get permission from the other owner(s) before applying. This applies even if the Sams are members of open Songs.
- Because this isn't a breeding, some things work a little differently. There's a 50% chance of a trait being inherited if one 'parent' has it, and a 75% chance if both 'parents' have it. The spcies will be that of one of the 'parents.'
- Each Samanayr can only be applied with once.

So how can you win a spliced Sam? There's a couple of ways :D
Ooh, that's neat!
The combination that I determine to be the 'neatest' will be spliced! This may result in more than one splice if there's more than one combo that really catches my eye XD
At least two more splices will be given away in a raffle! There's three ways to get a ticket:

- Post the form! Easy enough :D
- Drawing! Do a little doodle of what you think your combo may look like.
- Writing! Write a teeny tiny short story (eg no more than a few hundred words) describing the reaction of one of the Samanayrs involved when they meet their 'offspring!'

Raffle rules

- This is running on PI and the Samanayr forum, so please apply at once of those places, not both.
- Everyone can win up to three raffle tickets.
- If you decide to get an extra ticket by writing or drawing, please edit your original raffle post rather than making a new one.
- Please don't edit your post after the end time.
- Quality isn't a factor for the writing and drawing, so don't be afraid to enter :D

To enter the raffle, just reply to this thread with the following form:

Sam #1's name:
Sam #1's ID or image URL:
Sam #2's name:
Sam #2's ID or image URL:
Do you have all applicable permissions?

To get your raffle ticket for writing and/or drawing, just include your work in your post!

This will be open until July 21, 11am PDT - good luck!

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:14 am
by AsaraDragon
Username: AsaraDragon
Sam #1's name: Gravel of the Ancient Timber
Sam #1's ID or image URL: ... 00/374.png
Sam #2's name: Lagoon
Sam #2's ID or image URL: ... 00/497.png
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep!

The results of this contest are going to be awesome! :D

Doodle ticket:
To explain a bit... the green/brown bits are seaweed, like a cross between fins and florae, she has coral horns instead of stone, and the little spotty things are supposed to be barnacles. :D And yeah, there are supposed to be two wings, I forgot to draw on the second one. XD

Story ticket:
Lagoon swam idly through her reefs, pondering what the morning might bring. Lost in thought, she didn't see the pair of bright eyes that watched her as she moved through the coral. Their owner had taken pains to disguise them, however. It had taken some time to find a growth of coral that matched the ones that branched off her head, but it had been worth it to catch a glimpse of her aquatic "mother".

Lagoon had left behind some fragments of bloody bandage after the task she performed for Princess, and these had been collected by the Sharians for their new splicing experiment. When their creation was grown, they told it something of Lagoon's story, and a little something of Gravel as well. However, being aquatic itself, it had little interest in trying to locate its more "earthy" predecessor. So as soon as it was able, it swam for the sea and the only family it ever cared to claim.

But now that it had found her, what to do? It worried that she would not care, wouldn't understand what it had been through. The Sharians were kind, but nothing could take the place of a blood-kin mother. It watched as Lagoon twined slowly away through the coral, yearning to know her, but still so afraid. They said she seemed kinder, more thoughtful, after her encounter with the Ek'ketsi... but would she resent being used as she had been, without her knowledge or consent? So many questions, and no way to know the answer.

Perhaps another day it would find the courage to approach her. But not today. It shook its head sadly, crept out of its hiding place, and slipped off into the tides.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 6:30 am
by Mr. Aranel
Username: Mr. Aranel
Sam #1's name: One of the Blitzkrieg Squad
Sam #1's ID or image URL: ... db/708.png
Sam #2's name: Reflection of Sunlit Rain
Sam #2's ID or image URL: ... db/283.png
Do you have all applicable permissions? Of course.

edit: hmm Big one's image seems to be broken. here's his database image: ... 50/708.png

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:52 pm
by amazondreamer
Username: amazondreamer
Sam #1's name: Murmur of Twisting Brambles
Sam #1's ID or image URL: ... 50/715.png
Sam #2's name: Catastrophe of the Luminous Sky
Sam #2's ID or image URL: ... 50/629.png
Do you have all applicable permissions? Got permission from xenon via PM

This is an amazing opportunity to create some fantastically unique combinations! I can't wait to see what "pairings" are made :D

Random question about same-gender splicing... would the offspring automatically be the same gender as the donors?

Edit: Story entry for the drawing. I took some artistic license in assuming a few traits for the offspring, but it is just a story :)

High in the boughs of an oak tree, Murmur of Twisting Brambles greeted the rising sun. Surely dawn is the loveliest time of day she mused. Overcome by the beauty, she raised her voice in a lilting bird-like song. It had taken many seasons of wandering since she had left the lands of her parents, but the shy young Samanayr had finally found her little piece of heaven.
A tightness in her belly drove her to seek her breakfast. Murmur traveled through the canopy, leaping from tree to tree with wings extended. A break in the canopy signaled the location of the small brook which threaded through the valley. Pausing at the edge of the clearing Murmur scanned the banks of the brook, and gasped in surprise.
Drinking from the brook, from her brook, was… well Murmur could only imagine it was a Samanayr of some sort. It had an odd, gangly look to it, and its feathered body sported an assortment of spines and crimson horns. Crimson horns Murmur thought as she pressed herself against the tree’s trunk in hopes of remaining unseen I know I heard something about crimson horns once… so long ago…
“I know you’re there,” the stranger rumbled, her ears flicking though she did not raise her head. “I’ll not eat you, you know.”
Torn between fear and curiosity, Murmur remained silent. There was humor in the stranger’s voice… but something more, something Murmur couldn’t recognize.
“Have it your way,” she sighed, “it’s nothing new after all.”
Creeping along the tree’s limb, Murmur studied the intruder. There was something hauntingly familiar about her look… but no. No that couldn’t be. Murmur shook her head, banishing the thought.
“I am sorry to have intruded,” the stranger continued, bitterness creeping into her voice, “I know my kind is not… well received. I simply wish to slake my thirst, and fill my belly. Then I shall go.”
Seeing the dejected slump on those narrow shoulders, Murmur bit her lip. Hoping she was not making a huge mistake she cried “Wait!”
The stranger raised her head and red eyes met blue.

Edit Doodle

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 2:17 pm
by Orasteele
Username: Orasteele
Sam #1's name: Fathom
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 510
Sam #2's name: Tremble of the Delicate Grass
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 564
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes I do! Thank you Rikku!

Image Image

It was one of the rare times that Fathom rose from the depths toward the surface of the reef his song called home. The sun's rays played across the brilliant coral, welcoming life to blossom. Laying in at the base of one of his favorite configurations the large elemental found a suitable spot to lounge. Stretched out he basked with eyes half lidded.

A school of brightly colored fish darted past as the smallest sam he had ever seen gave chase. Now there was something worth paying attention to. Rising from his spot he watched as the school and sam did laps around the reef. The tiny creature laughing with delight as it neared the group. Something about the small sam looked familiar, the tail, the body structure. But no, it wasn't his get. He'd only sired one child. Shaking his head he watched the small sam till it disappeared into one of the tiny crevices within the coral.

So much for dull days. He sighed and left his sunning spot in search of his mares. Perhaps one of them could help him to place why the small sam looked a bit like himself.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:34 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Username: Origami_Dragon
Sam #1's name: Luster of the Iridescent Chestnut
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 500
Sam #2's name: Trumpet of the Victorious Past
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 722
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yup, both mine!

They may not have much in common besides some rainbow...but I think they'd make for an interesting "child".
Story entry for raffle

Luster of the Iridescent Chestnut was basking on a stone carved for that purpose in one of the many little clearings that surrounded the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings when he heard footsteps behind him. He paid them no heed at first; this was safe land, a luxury he very much liked. But when a voice softly chirruped from behind he raised his head curiously. "Yes yes? Someone wants to talk with me? Oyr you want a tuyrn on the basking stone?"

What he found behind him was a shy looking little mare, pawing the ground uneasily as her dark eyes peered worriedly up at him. Oh, she was a pretty thing! Dark, dark chestnut and with a fabulous array of rainbow patterning! He fluttered around her as she stared in shock at his reaction. Pausing for a moment Luster admired her tail, which had a fan like his on the very end, then darted back to her head to study the furry antennae that framed a bony spike. "Why, you'yre payrt Minayr, ayren't you!" he exclaimed in delight.

Gulping, the mare shook her head, then nodded. "Actually...I'm...payrt you," she whispered. "One of the Shayrian mages was...playing with things maybe he shouldn't have been. And he mixed you with otheyr fatheyr. I've only been able to find you so fayr th-."

Whatever else the mare might have said was cut off as Luster got over the shock that had knocked him from the air. "I have a daughteyr? I have a daughteyr! I'm a daddy! I missed heyr gyrowing up! I want to know eveyrything! I HAVE A DAUGHTEYR AND SHE IS ADOYRABLE!" His rainbow wings blurred as he fluttered madly around her, trilling out his delight at the top of his voice, much to the mare's bewilderment. As he finally calmed down enough to walk with her to the shade to talk she decided that she didn't have the heart to tell the tiny stallion that no one else was likely to recognize her as his child.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 6:32 pm
by Ogre
Username: Ogre
Sam #1's name: Glow of the Rising Sun
Sam #1's ID or image URL: ... 50/536.png
Sam #2's name: Zephyr
Sam #2's ID or image URL: ... 00/193.png
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes I do! Thank you Steele & Jennalyn! :D

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:17 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Username: Bluestarwolf12
Sam #1's name: Mystic of the Iridescent Skies
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 576
Sam #2's name: Spectrum
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 709
Do you have all applicable permissions?: Yes! Thank you a thousand times, Ori! X3


The morning sun peaked warm and glowing on the horizon as Mystic made his way out onto the cliffs that surrounded his Song's hot spring home. The chill of the night would cling to the air for a few more hours, and the Sam again felt glad for his fluffy coat of fur. His mares were still asleep for once, leaving Mystic to pick his way up the cliff until he stood alone with his natural element, the wind. His eyes slipped shut, allowing his magic to escape his body and flow around him. The wind seemed to move and shift as with the white Sam’s breathing and heartbeat, his lifeblood pouring out to bend and twist the wind.

After several minutes of this outpouring, Mystic of the Iridescent Skies allowed his eyes to open just in time to see a glowing, twisting, rainbow-encased form dancing away from him; its solid pink eyes glancing back to catch his. The gaze was so familiar and yet so alien to Mystic, and his mind went back to the time the Sharians had requested his presence for some experiment. He had not thought much of it at the time, but now, something told him that the result of that journey was this Elemental Samanayr twisting and dancing away from him, so familiar and so alien, drawn to him by that same feeling. Mystic gave the creature a small smile and it twisted away from view before turning around to return to his mares and with them greet the morning.

He would not speak of this familiar, alien creature again. He would not need to. The meeting that morning had connected the two in a way that they would always remain together, their hearts connected as one. For this creature was his daughter, while at the same time, very much not. Such a connection… Would need to remain a secret.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:34 pm
by Harroway
Username: Harroway
Sam #1's name: Shiver
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 575
Sam #2's name: Hazard
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 376
Do you have all applicable permissions? Sure do! :D

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:04 am
by Esperanza
Username: Esperanza
Sam #1's name: Stealing of the Luminous Lichen
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 655
Sam #2's name: Plume
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 332
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yup. Thank you Silver & Echos. <3


I was lazy and only drew her face and some of her spines. She seems to have feather-tufted ears so far.

It was dark inside the cave, and all anyone could really see was an array of glowing orange spots. As she came closer to the brightness of the outside world, her glowing began to become even lighter until it was almost completely unnoticeable until you came very close. She stepped out of the cave and squinted her eyes in the morning light. "It huyrts." She whined, lowering her head so her long forelock would cover her eyes more.

She rarely came out of her cave, unless it was very important. But she just had a feeling that she was meant to come out today. She flicked her feathered ears gently and sighed, flicking her mane out of her eyes as they adjusted. "Okay, what is so impoyrtant." She mused to herself, looking at the sky just as she saw an extremely feathery samanayr float throughout the clouds with his song. He glanced at her as they passed, and the two felt a curious spark. She had heard from the sharians that she was a splice, but never had she actually met one of her "parents". She knew from the instant that their eyes met that he was her father. Now, she needed to meet her mother. She was amazed, to say the least, but couldn't help feeling a sense of loneliness as she turned and walked back inside the cave.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:33 am
by Britain
Couldn't Resist!

Username: Britain
Sam #1's name: Void of the Twisting Nether
Sam #1's ID or image URL: ... 50/710.png
Sam #2's name: Nemesis of the Emerald Dream
Sam #2's ID or image URL: ... 50/628.png
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, thank you both!

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:10 pm
by Pathos
Username: Pathos
Sam #1's name: Outcast of the Twin Worlds
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 600
Sam #2's name: Challenge of the Blood Moon
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 469
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes!

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:33 pm
by Jennalyn

Username: Jennalyn
Sam #1's name: Singe of the Wild Contempt
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 530
Sam #2's name: Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 379
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, and thank you both!

Image Image


((With my utmost pardons for using and 'abusing' Sibyl. I tried to keep it minimal and brief. <3))

There were few enough Sibyls in the world that, when one chose to pay a visit to her territory? Sibyl of the Twisting Nebula took note and made a point of introducing herself. She had seen his arrival foretold in the stars, a strange one of foreign custom and fluid ability. And something more. Something strange.

Looking at the proud young stallion as he pranced around her on tiny, tuftless paws, she reflected that strange was certainly a good word for him.

Blues and salmons and blacks danced across his lightly furred body like paint on a confused canvas. His markings looked almost too jagged to be real, but she could see the truth of them in his fur. Piercings and numerous ornaments decorated his wiry frame, necklaces and bangles rising up in a cacophony of sound with every jittery step.

Strangely enough, his wings mirrored her own. Flutter for flutter, he watched her with a look of faint confusion. He seemed struck by the same sense of deja vu as her.

Odd. Very... very odd.


((Sushi... I take you at your word. To the rest of the world, I APOLOGIZE.))


Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:23 pm
by Janalee
Username: Janalee
Sam #1's name: Sybil of the Ocean's Spectres
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 719
Sam #2's name: Pearl of the Darkest Deeps
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 584
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes! Thanks so much Echos and Delicious! ^__^


(Despite the fact that I made the colors too pastelly, and got lazy with the pattern, I still think these two would make the most gorgeously marked and colored Sam ever. :D)

The glowing algaes hung suspended in midwater, dimmed and hardly stirring; it was rare for them to wait so patiently, so silently. Sibyl watched them cautiously, wondering what they wanted to tell her; try as she might, she couldn't think of any questions she should be trying to answer at the moment. Well, nothing to it but to start then. She stretched, before dancing into the lambent tide, trusting the lights to tell her what she needed to know without her trying to guide them towards it. Her movements became somehow both more fluid and erratic as the trance came over her completely, the algae sparking into messages as she moved the waters around them.
-Hm, a homecoming, a child- oh, her daughter was approaching. That was nice.-
A more conscious part of her brain slowly caught at the meaning of that, causing her to come partially out of her trance in a struggle with confusion; she didn't have a daughter. Or a son, for that matter. Could she have forgotten somehow?
The lights starting shining more urgently, calming her back into the trance again.
-No- daughter, but not daughter. Same? Similar.-
She wasn't sure if that really made any more sense; either the dancing lights didn't quite know the right word, or she didn't. It was odd; the visions were frequently vague and confusing, but usually because they were about sporadic events all trying to be told at the same time. This time, it clearly had a message just for her, a single message- and yet, it seemed incomprehensible. It must not be though, or it wouldn't keep trying to tell her it. One more time.
As she sank deeper into her lull, the lights changed forms, directing her eyes somewhere else, further off. At first, it seemed as if they would only lie there, still and silent once again; slowly but surely though, their glowing curtains were pulling apart, showing other lights coming closer and closer. Bioluminescent fins stood out, well before the approaching Sam came close enough to be seen. And then- the purple and orange markings, playing along the velvety fur, were thrillingly unmistakable, even hidden among blues and yellows. Daughter, but not daughter.
Huh. Who knew?

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:50 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Username: LvSoulFriend
Sam #1's name: Healer of Shattered Spirits
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 198
Sam #2's name: Mystic of the Mysterious Rhythms
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 711
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes! Thanks very much Puuka :D

Story Entry:

Mystic shifted slightly in his sleep, slowly waking up. His nest in the tree was suited perfectly for him, sheltered, and yet still open to the wind. It was the wind's soft caress that was slowly bringing him to wakefulness at the moment, though he truly wished that just this once, he could sleep through the dawn. He'd been having such a lovely dream! Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he tried desperately to remember more of her. She's been so sweet, and kind, and restful. And something about her suggested the color pink too. Sighing, he gave it up as a lost cause, and rolled over, opening his eyes to view the dawn, as he had fallen asleep to the sight of the sunset. Blinking, the first thing that he saw was not the dawn, but the sight of a small body curled up, wings wrapped around, tousled hair showing. Stripes and spots of black, green, purple, white and pink decorated the body, and the hair was not only mussed with sleep, but in dreadlocks. He stared, flabbergasted, until the head shifted, and the young Sam looked up at him, blinking eyes that were between black and dark pink. "Good morning! Isn't it a beautiful day?"

He had the strangest sense that his dream hadn't been a dream, after all ...

Image: Very scribbly, so I apologize for it XD I did have fun with the markings tho XD

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:34 pm
by Puuka
Username: Puuka
Sam #1's name: Treader of the Fathomless Fissures
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 632
Sam #2's name: Symphony of the Undefined Resonance
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 392
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yep, Thank you so much Orasteele! <3


Image Image


I though what better way to combine her spines with his aquatic-ness than to connect them with fin. :D

Also, Combination Fin/ Tufted Tail = <3


Okay, prepare for really bad, rushed story thing. I did want to enter something though. <3

Rarely did Treader visit the shallow waters of his ocean home, where the waves touch the sand. Most of his days were spent beneath the currents among the brightly coloured fish that swim within the reefs, or wandering the ocean in search of interesting flora. Today he visited the surface world. He was waiting for his Mother, Healer of Shattered Spirits, to meet him here this day. As the sun rose from the horizon he caught glimpse of a Mare bathing in the surf. For a fleeting moment he thought it might be his mother, but her shape was wrong. She was beautiful but not his kin, though she looked as if she could be related. He turned toward her, with intention of walking over and introducing himself. Perhaps she knew of his lost father. As he began to step in her direction, he heard a call from behind him. His dear Mother had arrived and was hailing him. He greeted her warmly, it had been so long since he'd seen her. After a moment he turned to catch another glimpse of the mystery mare but was disappointed; she was gone.

Sorry for that. xD

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 6:32 am
by Rekyrem
Username: Rekyrem
Sam #1's name: Gale of the Tempestuous Sea
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 713
Sam #2's name: Nature of the Generous Earth
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 543
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes I do! : )

Image Image

Silently, motionless, pale eyes watched the newcomer. Gale was a statue on her stake of the shore, lungs taking in deep breaths of salty air. What she saw before her was some abomination: an amalgamation of land and sea. Stone and wave. A being that could have been her kin, but... something was wrong. She had no kin, so what was this creature? Staying still, she watched the child pass on. Like the sea, Gale simply kept on flowing. There was no need to dwell on mysteries.


Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:54 pm
by HybridSiren
Username: HybridSiren
Sam #1's name: Flash of the Summer Storm
Sam #1's ID or image URL: Image
Sam #2's name: Desire of the Aurora's Descent
Sam #2's ID or image URL: Image
Do you have all applicable permissions? Flash: Check! Desire: Check!

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:21 pm
by oakleafwolf
Username: oakleafwolf
Sam #1's name: Prism of the Misted Earth
Sam #1's ID or image URL: #303 -
Sam #2's name: Helix of Forgotten Dreams
Sam #2's ID or image URL: #153
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes! With many compliments to perryunicornboy and amazondreamer!

Sketch Ticket:
I'd also like to start with a sketch ticket!
The colors on my monitor seem to wash out unless it's right at eye level, but there's a bit of blue on the antlers, too. Traits, of course, dependent upon fate... but the antlers are charming, and what I love most about both sams is the color patterns. ^_^

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 9:16 pm
by silvermoondragon
Username: silvermoondragon
Sam #1's name: Torrent
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 206
Sam #2's name: Blaze
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 363
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, thank you so much Tervenna and rekyrem.

Fire and Water, two opposite elements, seems like pretty good candidates for splicing to me :D Plus I just love Torrent's beautiful fins and Blaze's rich fiery colour.

Picture Entry:
Combination flame/fin tail = Awesome!

Story Entry:
As Torrent swam through the depths of the ocean, chasing after a lanturnfish, a strange flickering glow caught her eye. She turned towards the much brighter light source to investigate, abandoning the scared lanturnfish.

She was incredibly surprised to find the source to be an actual fire, burning brightly on a rock, despite the water all around. As she reached out to touch the flames, another Samanayr rose up from behind the rock, it's face mirroring her own. With a gasp, she swam back, worried that she was seeing a vision of herself burning. The other Samanayr then opened his eyes, and she noticed their deep red colour and then began noticing other sutle differences. It was almost as though...

It was then that she remembered the Sharians that had asked her for a DNA sample. Perhaps this Samanayr was the result? Could he then be considered family, perhaps her daughter? But then who was the father, or was there even a father? All were questions buzzing on her tongue as she began to introduce herself.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:53 pm
by RikkuGirl
Sam #1's name:Mantle of the Obsidian Chasm
Sam #1's ID or image URL:463
Sam #2's name: Splendor of the Ultraviolet Flux
Sam #2's ID or image URL:545
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yup! :D

Red glowing eyes pierced through the dimly lit cave as Mantle casually walked through the corridor. He had heard news of a new...edition to his lands. Spines of biluminescence glow down his back, helping to light his path. As he neared the exit of the cave he stopped quickly. Small little purple glowing eyes stare at him from the floor. Little tines stretch as the small creature yawns and stretches its front legs. Small thick horns lay on the small ili's head. A baby Sam lay in mantles way, oddly familiar.

He walked to the foal and sniffed it, a large puff of smoke expelled from his nostrils. He snorted smugly and eyed the foal. Stomping his foot he reared in a large show of splendor and then walked offs leaving the foal behind...he could care less. Poor foal.

Illy baby! Im hoping for... Tines, Body Spines, Thick Horns, Claws, and all Illy traits of course. :)

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:47 am
by Yuiven
Username: Yuiven
Sam #1's name: Robot
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 577
Sam #2's name: Healer of Ruined Lives
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 659
Do you have all applicable permissions? Affirmative; both Robot and Healer belong to me. ^_^b

*cackles maniacally like a mad scientist* Splicing is a brilliant idea! You're a genius, Sushi! ^_^ Thank you for this exciting opportunity to combine fantastic Sams who wouldn't be able to breed under normal circumstances otherwise! I am eagerly waiting in anticipation to see which pairings are chosen, and the "offspring" who are spliced from them.

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:01 am
by Sushidragon
Ooh yeah, this really would be Robot's time to shine since he's an unbreedable Sam XD

I haven't had a look through all of the pairs yet (I'll be doing a thorough go-through when the event closes) but there's definitely some awesome combinations!

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:28 pm
by Echos
Sam #1's name: Shifter of the Quiet Ocean
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 191
Sam #2's name: Mystic of the Shattering Glass
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 595
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes, thank you both very much!

EDIT: I'd meant to give him more accessories but got to frustrated trying to figure out the anatomy.

((This is spliced Shifter talking not Shifter of the Quiet Ocean))

There was nothing like a late season rain to bring the desert to life Shifter thought barreling down a suddenly flower covered dune of hard pack sand. The ground had exploded with color overnight; orange, purple, crimson, yellow and white splashed across the dunes as every bush and plant raced to push out flowers while the precious water brought them life. It was to that water, glistening invitingly in the shaded dip of the hill, that Shifter ran with all the exuberance of a moonstruck foal.

Letting loose a wild war cry he jumped up and plunged head first into the water, barely ten inches at its deepest. A large fish, its scales sparkling blue and orange, hit the surface with barely a splash before Shifter reappeared, now back in his samanayr skin, rolling around until his striped and spotted coat was completely drenched. His thick mane plastered itself over his face and with a shake he cleared his eyes only to come face to face with the reflection of another who could almost have been his double.

Looking up he eyed the Mystic curiously, taking in the same striped coat, green eyes and twining tails that he himself sported. His mind flashed back to the words of his foster-song. We raised you but you are not ours. You are Sharian made, a child of two spirits merged together. Was unknown yet familiar face what they’d meant he wondered? Had he finally discovered part of the mystery of his creation?

Re: Samanayr splicing! ..wait, what?!

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:16 pm
by Delicious
Username: Delicious
Sam #1's name: Hazard
Sam #1's ID or image URL: 192
Sam #2's name: Lash of Summer's Flame
Sam #2's ID or image URL: 653
Do you have all applicable permissions? Yes! Thanks so much Janalee & Lv!

Doodle ticket:

Writing ticket: (please forgive some license with your Sams, please. XD)

"You can't POSSIBLY be related to me..." Lash spat, eyeing the smallish red Sam derisively. "For one thing, you are far, FAR too short. Anything graced with my genes would be shoulder height at the very LEAST." She snorted and peered down again. “And you are definitely of the ‘least’ sort, if that sort of thing were to apply. But you can’t -possibly- be related, so it doesn’t.”

“But the Sharian’s said that it was definitely you whom they took the sample from…” The little red Sam replied, voice quavering a bit – she wasn’t too sure about this whole splicing thing anyways, but someone in her playgroup earlier that week had waxed poetic about their mother, and as a result she had become determined to find one of her own.

“Well, as loathe as I am to criticize the Sharians, they obviously got it wrong.” Lash sneered. “And I’d appreciate it if you took your smallish red little self elsewhere, and bothered someone more deserving of irritation. I have THINGS to do.” She huffed and promptly stomped off a few feet, back pointedly turned towards the small creature.

The little red Sam blinked, smallish tears of flame starting to pool in the corner of her eyes, before turning herself and slinking back the way she had come.