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Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 7:18 pm
by Sushidragon
The theme is - stars!
Your writing needs to include stars in some way. Good luck!

The two-hour writing contest is a new event. Your task? To write something awesome related to the given theme! Your time frame? 2 hours!

On August 13, 3pm PDT the contest will start when I announce the theme that your writing must follow. You'll have until 5pm the same day to complete and submit your work. The winners will be chosen based on quality, creativity, use of the theme, and originality :D

Here's the prizes in the prize pool!




First place will get first pick, second place second pick, and third place the remaining prize. In addition, all entrants will receive a random modiem :D

Rules and info!

- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Your entry can be a story, poem, or whatever you feel best expresses the theme.
- Your entry must be written in the 2-hour timeframe and must incorporate the contest theme.
- All writing must be your own work!
- There's no minimum or maximum number of words, just remember - quality over quantity!

I'll edit this post on the 13th when the contest opens with the theme - it'll be in big letters at the top of this post :D When you've finished your entry, please PM it to me with the subject Only 2 hours?! I'll try my best to have the winners announced later that day, but it all depends on Baby Sushi!

See you on the 13th!

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, opens Aug 13 3pm PDT!

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 4:37 am
by Pristine
Looking forward to entering this even though I'll have to miss the art one... I like to think my writing is better than my art, anyway ;P And I really love Pattern, she's such a beautiful, natural-looking mare!

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:00 pm
by Sushidragon
The theme is - stars!
Your writing needs to include stars in some way. Good luck!

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:53 pm
by Echos
Whoo! Finished with my fifteen minute little blurb about Seeker and his star map. Its not great but I didn't get home till 4:30 XD

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:56 pm
by RikkuGirl

I kind of put my own spin on the theme. ^_^;;;;;;;;;

since its just STARS... lol I kinda ... oh well if you know me and my sams you know ;D

WOW I cut that close! I had to come up with a writing in a few min! O_O;; I dont know if it was long enough.. is there a restriction O_O!!! *rushes back to read again*

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 3:59 pm
by CosmicDragon
... Woke up late, with ten minutes, BUT STILL PUT SOMETHING TOGETHER. |D

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by Puuka
HOLYCRAP I finished! Cut it right to the wire. xD

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:02 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Two hours didn't seem like such a short time once I got to writing.

I'm not surprise that Seeker was your Sam of choice for the story Echos! Though Triumph finds it fascinating, if slightly frightening...I chose to use Spectrum for my story. She had a most interesting dream about one star in particular...

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:06 pm
by Puuka
I wrote a poem-thing that didn't have anything to do with Sams, because I couldn't think of anything Sam-related. lol.
Hope that's okay. T.T

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest, OPEN!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:07 pm
by Echos
That sounds interesting Ori. I'd love to read everyone's entries if people want to share them after this is finished.

Speaking of which I need to reply to both rps. I'll try to get on that tonight or tomorrow.

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:07 pm
by Sushidragon
Entries for the 2-hour writing contest are now closed! There's 16 entries (!!) so I'll get reading tonight, and hopefully have the winners announced tomorrow :D Thanks so much for participating, everyone! I hope you had fun :D

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:08 pm
by RikkuGirl
Stars: O____O Puuka you could have bragged about how handsome and PUDGY I am ;D

RG: O___________________< Oh boy.... Um.. *pushes stars out of the way* Dont mind him. >.<

Stars: @_@;

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:10 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
I went with a poem 'written by' Slice. It didn't start out that way, but about half way through I realized that it was totally something Slice would have written before meeting his four lovely ladies. So. There you go. |D;

Good luck to everyone who entered, and I hope we get to read the other entries. :3

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:10 pm
by RikkuGirl
O.o;; I wanna post mine >.>;;;;;;

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 4:12 pm
by Origami_Dragon
I will happily post mine...after Sushi finishes judging of course. And it would definitely be interesting seeing everyone else's star themed writings! Sounds like quite a variety of entries! Don't envy Sushi the judging one bit. Reading them all might be fun...but choosing the winners?

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:06 pm
by Sushidragon
Again, thank you so much to everyone for participating in the event! It was such fun reading through all of the entries, from stories to poems :D I forgot to specify 'stars and Samanayrs' as the theme, so non-Samanayr writing was welcome as well!

Our first place winner is Pristine with a touching tale about the myths of those behind the stars, and the lengths that one might go to for love. Let me know which prize you'd like from the pool!

Our second place winner is Origami_Dragon with a story of a conversation between two ethereal Elementals.. or was it all a dream? Once Pristine has chosen her prize, please let me know what you'd like :D

Our third place winner is Echos, describing the struggles of a studious Lamanayr to track the travels of the stars in the sky. You'll receive the remaining prize!

The participation modiems have also been added to your inventories:

1. Echos - Trait
2. Orasteele - Color
3. Esperanza - Pattern
4. Pathos - Species
5. CosmicDragon - Breeding
6. Origami_Dragon - Rarity
7. Janalee - Trait
8. RikkuGirl - Color
9. Willow - Pattern
10. Puuka - Species
11. silvermoondragon - Breeding
12. Pristine - Rarity
13. amazondreamer - Trait
14. oakleafwolf - Color
15. Delicious - Pattern
16. Bluestarwolf12 - Species

Thanks again, and I hope we'll see you tomorrow for our drawing contest :D

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:20 pm
by Origami_Dragon
*blink blink* Sushi is fast! That was a lot of writing in a short time!

*blink blink again* I won second place?! *squees happily and hugs Spectrum* Thank you Sushi! That story practically wrote itself too, once I latched onto the idea of Spectrum and stars... And congrats to Pristine and Echos as well! Hope to see some of the stories posted here too!

*eyes random modiem* And a rarity too! That shall help with my plan to eventually cause Hiss and Searing to have an Aquatic foal... promised, my entry. I can move this to the Art and Writing if Sushi would prefer.

Origami_Dragon wrote:Floating gently a few inches from the side of a mountain, a long, lean Elemental settled down for the night. The darkening night sky robbed her of the hundreds of shimmering, changing colors that she had in the light, though her scales still seemed to shimmer and glow ever so slightly as the moonlight struck them. Her hair drifted in front of her eyes as she settled, and the mare rolled onto her back to clear it, sending the long mane tumbling and flowing away, seeming to ignore gravity as it went. Yawning contentedly she half closed her eyes and drowsily regarded the sky above her as the first stars began to wink into view now that the sun was gone from the sky.

Sleepily she contemplated the stars. What were they? They were lights, they felt comfortable and familiar, as though they were akin to her. But she had heard they were old, older than the world, older than she was. And Spectrum herself was old enough that she no longer recalled her age, nor from where she had come. She liked to tell herself that once upon a time she had been a rainbow, a multicolored band of light in the rainy, sunny sky. That she had longed to see what the moving scraps of color below were so badly that she had been granted this Elemental form to go and mingle with them and see for herself what the living world had to hold. Were those stars like her? Wishing, wanting to see in more detail what they so briefly gazed upon down below? What if...

As she drifted off into slumber Spectrum raised her head and softly whispered to the sky above, "Ayre you my aunts and uncles, oh stayrs above? Ayre me?"

The mare swiftly drifted to sleep, for no rainbow likes to be without sunlight. And as she slept...she dreamed.
Her eyes opened once more and she looked up at the stars, suddenly feeling as wide awake and alert as ever she was during the sunny rainshowers that gave birth to rainbows. Up in the sky one of the lights was pulsing and growing. As she stared it doubled, tripled, grew tenfold and still grew larger. A shape began to form out of the glowing sphere as it blazed brighter in the night sky, and it seemed to be getting closer as it grew.

Swirling upright to a standing position Spectrum glided away from the mountain, nose stretched out towards the swelling light. Suddenly it flared blindingly bright for an instant, forcing her to close her eyes, then as swiftly the light faded. When she opened her eyes again it was to light dazzle; shifting, swimming spots and flashes of light and color danced before her eyes, gradually fading to reveal a visitor.

Spectrum blinked once, twice, then shook her head to hasten the clearing. What stood before on thin air vaguely resembled the Illiayr she had met a few sunturns ago, but only in that he was sporting many long, flexible spines tipped in glow. His body was the deep blue-black of deepest night, and yet every hair of him seemed to glow with a soft golden light. The tips of his short cropped mane and tail glowed even more, as did those spines. Bottomless eyes gazed upon her as draconic wings folded to his sides. They alone of all his body did not glow.

Tilting her head, entranced, Spectrum trilled a greeting, feather-tipped ears sweeping up with interest. The strange male bowed his head in turn and returned the greeting. His accent was...strange, unlike anything she had ever heard before in all her years. And when he spoke it was not with the deep, imposing tones that his form suggested, but instead with a light, breathy whisper that seemed to come from all around and far away all at once.

"Gyreetings little cousin," he sighed, his voice echoing around her, sounding as though he spoke straight into her mind rather than out loud, though she had seen his mouth move in this strangely light night. "We heayrd you call fyrom afayr and I have chosen to come and speak with you foyr a time. What is it you would know fyrom us little Light mayre?"

Drifting closer to him Spectrum reached out her nose, then pulled back with a squeal of surprise when it passed right through him. The stallion laughed breathily and shook his head. "Oh little one, no, I am not heyre on youyr woyrld in peyrson! The distance is too gyreat even foyr I to tyravel all in one night! I have sent an image of myself to you-"

Spectrum cut his explanation off with a delighted whicker, her own eyes seeming to glow as she circled around him, wings barely moving. "A light image!" she breathed, enthralled. "I cannot cast those by dayrkness, only in the light. Ayre you one of the stayrs above then? Ayre the stayrs Elemental Samanayr-kin like me?"

For the first time her visitor looked down and saw what form he wore. This time his laugh seemed to twinkle in the sky like a shower of sparkles and he shook his head. "Akin only in that we have gyreat magic little one. We ayre cousins in poweyr only. I have not heayrd of what you call Samanayr-kin any moyre than you would have heayrd of my people. The space between the stayrs is gyreateyr than you imagine."

His head swept up to regard the sky above them, then one dark wing extended to point to a faint speck of light near the horizon. "That is my home, and even the long span of youyr yeayrs would not see you even a fyraction of the way theyre. But an Elemental, yes, that I am. Again little one, what would you know of me?"

The question seemed too much for Spectrum. She paused in her swirling motions around him, the ribbons around her body twining frantically in a reflection of her inner turmoil. She had called him, but she couldn't think what to ask first. She had never expected, never anticipated a situation like this. Her mind spun in vain, suddenly unable to come up with a single question.

As she stood frozen the stallion's form began to fade and dim. "My time gyrows shoyrt little one, once my stayr home is gone fyrom sight I can no longeyr stay." His voice faded, as did his image until he was a shadowy sketch upon the sky, a distant whispered hint of sound. "Call again little one, if you choose. Call again when my stayr shines byright upon you and youyre questions ayre yready at hand..."

With a start Spectrum's eyes snapped open and she rushed to her feet in such a hurry that the tips of her spiked feet actually brushed the stone of the mountain before floating free of the earth's touch once more. Her heart was pounding as she stared up at the silent stars above. No feel of magic such as the star stallion had brought with him lingered in the air, no strangeness disturbed the night sounds. The Elemental mare stood, sides heaving as though she had just run a marathon, staring up at the peaceful night sky. "...was it only a dyream?"

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:12 pm
by Echos
Congrats Pristine and Ori! And thank you so much sushi, I'm amazed I got 3rd, my entry isn't even half as good as Spectrum's story. I didn't have much to put down more than the bare bones but here it is:
Echos wrote: “No! No! No! No!” Seeker yelled with frustration stomping out yet another section of the complicated diagram scratched out in the dirt around him. A circle, filled with scribbled lines and dots, spread out across sandy clearing looking more like a twisted knot of river weed than anything else.

‘That one can’t go there,” he muttered brandishing his pointed stick like he was conducting a frenetic symphony. “It would crash into that one and they never touch. But if it goes there than I’d see it above the other side of the pond each night and I’m sure it rises over the split tree.”

Peering up at the black sky scattered with million so of black stars Seeker carefully picked out one among all the rest and examined the drawing, following one of the lines with his stick. Occasionally he glanced up, his face scrunched up in a look of intense concentration before turning his attention back to the ground talking to himself under his breath. Slowly over the course night more lines emerged to fill in the blank spaces, connecting each in an elaborate pattern of intersecting loops.

As the sun started to rise, slowly obscuring the stars in a pale sheet of light the green lamanayr set aside his branch a look of deep satisfaction on his face as he stepped back to admire his work. Only a few more nights and he’d be done. The sky would finally be his, it’s movements recorded meticulously for everyone to study.

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:49 pm
by Janalee
Congrats winners, and thanks to everyone who shared their stories! I'm always amazed by people who can speed-write well. ^^

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:55 pm
by amazondreamer
Grats to the winners, and hooray for all the participants.
I'll throw my entry in here... not related to Sams in anyway, and a bit of a loose interpretation of the "stars" theme but meh. I enjoyed writing it.

amazondreamer wrote:I woke to the incessant beeping of my alarm, set for 6:45. Blindly I trust out my arm, trying to quell the sound and succeeded only in knocking two books and my cell phone off the bedside table. My cat, Benjamin, hearing signs of life decided that he was starving to death and proceeded to jump onto my chest and yowl for his morning kibble.
Admitting defeat, I shoved Benjamin off of me, turned off the alarm and stumbled towards the kitchen. After feeding the ravenous beast, I noticed my housemate Eric sitting at the table, a mug of coffee cradled in his oversized hands.
“Mornin’ Sunshine,” he drawled. Eric’s family was from the south, what part he never said, and I’d never asked. “I didn’t expect to see you up so early.”
“Class.” I mumbled as I began searching the pantry for cereal, trying to remember if our milk was still good.
“Ah that’s right,” he continued on, oblivious to my semi-conscious state, “Our little Altair is starting her first day as a big college girl.”
I shot him a glare, I hate my name and he knew it. My mother was one of those flower loving hippy children and named me for some star she saw in some book once. It had plagued me all my life. “Its just community college,” I growled, “You don’t have to get all snooty about it.”
Just then Brianne came in, looking for all the world like she’d stepped off of a magazine cover. I hate her sometimes for that. I’m 5’2, with mousy brown hair and freckles and never outgrew my ‘baby fat’. Brianne was like a Nordic goddess… all blonde hair and willowy. “Stop bickering you two,” she snapped imperiously, “If Al wants to take some classes it’s no business of yours Eric.”
Eric snorted derisively, “So long as she keeps paying her share of the rent, I don’t care what she does.”
“Thanks,” I sneered, pouring myself a bowl of coco puffs and taking a seat across the table from Eric. I’d known Brianne since we were both in diapers, and she’d always looked out for me, even when I didn’t need it. We’d moved to the City after high school, Bri to peruse a career in theater and me because… well because I didn’t know what else to do. We’d rented this apartment, but couldn’t make the rent just the two of us. Eric was a prig, but his checks hadn’t bounced yet.
I quickly shoveled down my coco puffs, and made noncommittal sounds as Eric and Bri discussed their job prospects, what shows were coming to town and so forth. My breakfast finished, I got dressed, grabbed my bag and ran down to the corner bus stop just as the 7:15 was pulling in. I found a seat, and dug out the crumpled and folded piece of paper my schedule was printed on to read it one more time, my fingers tracing over the words.

8:00-9:50 MWF
ASTR:101:05 Introduction to Astronomy
Vallen Hall, Room 228

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 8:58 pm
by Puuka
Yay Yay! Congrats to you guys! n_____n

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:43 pm
by silvermoondragon
Congratulations! Some nice stories.

I wish I'd had more time to write, but I went to this Starry Nights event in Deas park (It made me laugh that it fit in perfectly with the theme) where I was holding and talking about a Great Horned Owl to the public. It was pretty cool since we don't usually get to see our owls at night and he got a lot less stressed out as the night wore on and things got darker out.

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:50 am
by Pristine
I got rather inspired and the story sort of just flowed out of me... I'm glad you enjoyed it, Sushi! Thank you so much for the event, I do so love these creative ones :) And a huge congratulations to EVERYONE who managed to get an entry in on time... two hours is not a lot and it's admirable for anyone to be able to come up with a story and write it all out in that period of time!

I think, as much as I really love Pattern, I have to go with the Breeding Slot because... babies. EEE :D!!!

And here is my story for any who wanted to see it:
Pristine wrote: It is said by some Mystics that the stars are simply powerful balls of energy. I think it's merely speculation; I happen to believe otherwise. I've been told by a particular wise, old Samanayr mare that the stars are watchers from far away, desperately yearning to join us in the dance of Life, but generally unable.

She told me that, long ago, the stars used to move more quickly. I know you don't believe me, but she insists the constellations we now know were decided upon based on their various movements. The constellation of the Dance - showing Samanayrs dancing in a ritual circle - was seen actually dancing for several evenings over the span of a week. The constellation of Luck, shaped as the imprint of a Samanayr hoof, galloped across the sky like it had been shod with fire. And the constellation of Mysticism was reportedly seen only by some Mystics, but for an entire year, guiding their lives with symbols and divinations so they became great at their magics.

Now, I take all of this with a grain of salt, but the Samanayr mare did tell me of one more tale of the constellations which had me reconsidering her words. She told me the constellation of Love once lost its Lover! That's right, the stars patterning the male of the Samanayr Lovers simply blinked out.

It is said the female Lover wept for weeks. Shooting stairs trickled down from the heavens and the Lady Lover's stars began to dim. Rumor went around the Samanayr world that the entire sky might go dim, but those fears were quelled as the weeks wore on and no other stars disappeared.

In fact, what was happening was something only a few Mystics heard the whispers of... the Mystics and Elementals aligned with the stars could hear their whispers, and the constellations were in mourning.

The Lady Lover's companion had been old when they had met, but their passion made any divide in age a mere hoofstep. They spent their days as peasants, pleased enough with each others' company to feel no need to spend time away from one another working. Their love was so pure and divine they were given their stars, but the ones that had made up her lover were old. Everyone knew it. And now the Lady Lover was alone. The Dance constellation did not dance, the Play constellation did not play... the Flower constellation wept its petals away for two nights, but renewed itself as is the tendency of nature. Heartfelt words were sent to the Lady Lover, all wishing her to heal herself... but how would she do such a thing? Stars did not appear from nothing... they were made, but she did not know how.

One night several months later, the Lady Lover became bright in the night, and bowed her head gracefully. Her prayers could be heard by any looking to her guidance that night, and they were heard the same across the lands: let me find another Lover. Any who heard her words would be struck by the feeling of deep emptiness behind them, and many a Samanayr wished the best for the Lady, hoping some power might guide her on her path to healing. It was simply unnatural to see her without her mate.

A rare few noticed her disappearance the next night, though many who had felt her plea did let their eyes wander to what they would eventually notice was the empty hole in the sky where the Lady once was. The night was almost imperceptibly darker... but the loss of the Lady was easily felt, as any who turned their eyes to the dark sapphire depths of the nighttime sky would eventually notice the shadowy patch of nothingness where she used to lay. They would say a prayer that a cloud was simply passing... and then say another prayer when it was clearly not the case. She was gone, then, for many months.

All began to despair the Lady had perished without her mate. However, the truth was that she had been granted departure from the Heavens to pursue a new Lover. Her starstuff gathered itself and materialized as a Samanayr here, among us, so many years ago. The old Samanayr mare could not explain this to me, but sightings of the all-white mare do exist in the history...

The Lady Lover traveled the lands tirelessly, her pale hide glowing into the night and guiding her sleepless and driven journey. She rarely stopped to eat or drink, looking always to the next potential male. But none of the males felt right; none of them felt like they would be the perfect fit as the other half of her constellation. What was more, most of them did not seem ready to retire to the Heavens. If she was truly here to pick a mate, he would be leaving for decades, maybe millennia...

Every day her search was fruitless she became less hopeful, but every day her heart healed from her loss. With each new experience in the world she'd looked down on for so long, her troubles began to fall by the wayside. She began to stop her search for her mate, wrapped up in the beautiful dance of Life with all of us, and occasionally pairing with a lucky stallion to produce offspring. All of her offspring have a white star or blaze on their forehead. You've seen some Samanayrs with something like that, yes? Almost any Samanayrs with a trace of white on their hide save the Northerns can trace it back to Her. That's what the Samanayr mare says, anyway.

The more the Lady Lover became caught up in the life around her, doing the things she enjoyed, the more she made friends, acquaintances... and eventually she met a handsome, pale yellow stallion whose piercing blue eyes captured her the moment they made contact with her own. She wasn't aware of it at first, but with more time came familiarity, until one day the two Lovers were sitting beneath the stars, quiet, reveling in one another's company.

"I love you," her stallion said, the words escaping him quickly as though he could not stop them. Her heart quickened, thrilled at the sound of the word, one he had not said to her before. She paused... but not for long. She felt more sure of this than she had of anything since her late Lover. It was a new, different feeling, and yet she could tell it was familiar, as well. Tears hung on her eyelashes as she took a breath, began to return the words...

... but all-of-a-sudden their bodies were fading out. She felt her awareness expanding even as her white body began to shatter, scatter, turn to mist, evaporate like a million tiny particles on the warm night's wind. She saw it happening to her new Lover, felt his closeness to her, his mix of fear and excitement. She reassured him, as the world got smaller behind them, but their sight was not limited by it. Their forms flew, corkscrewing through the universe, thrust forward by an unknown but unquestionable power.

That night there was a burst of light in the sky. The forms of two Samanayrs, laying beside one another, their hooves touching, a gaze of eternal love twinkling as a milky trail between their eye-stars, hers a brilliant white and his a striking pale blue, leapt into the sky like a spray of fireworks, lighting the night into day, if only briefly.

The other constellations rejoiced, and with the sky returned to normal, the memory faded. It's told as a sort of fairy tale, now, but it's said one day, the Lady Lover will fade, herself. If the old Samanayr mare was right, then the Lady Lover has lived a long and enriched life, at her second Lover's side... but it will end as all must. It is said, then, the Lord Lover will weep, he will flicker in the night, he will fade, and find himself a new Lady Lover, with the knowledge that he need not search... he need only let Life wash over him and the Lady show when she may, as she always would. When you love and live your Life fully, you will always have friends and Lovers at your side.

Hard to believe it, I know, but it feels... right, wouldn't you say?

The mare asked if I wanted to hear any stories of the other constellations, but her entire story had left me breathless enough that I simply thanked her and said I'd be on my way. Before I left, though, the old Samanyr mare told me this event could happen any day, so take a look up at the stars once in a while... you might just see it!

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:03 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Congrats guys! Such beautiful pieces of writing! <3

Re: Birthday - 2-hour writing contest - closed!

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 7:10 am
by Origami_Dragon
*whistles* Wow, that is quite the story Pristine! Don't you love it when they just flow like that? It's a lovely legend as well. that you have eliminated one of the two choices I was debating over...I would like to claim Pattern please. She just has...absolutely gorgeous colors and patterns! Sushi, if you'll let me know what her traits are I'll get her in the database as well.

Thanks! Hope you had fun reading all those stories!