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Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:04 am
by Sushidragon
I recently decided I wanted to learn how to cross stitch, since I've seen some really cute non-traditional samplers and they look like a lot of fun. I've been reading a bit about it and have been planning to go pick up some supplies, but this pattern is sending me right to the craft store: ... _lupin.jpg
Here's a sample project someone made with these patterns: ... 402797519/
AHH so awesome XD
I know LvSoulFriend does cross stitch, does anyone else? :O
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 9:46 am
by Raenia
I love cross-stitch, it's my usual summer craft (in the winter I usually knit). I just finished a pair of flower patterns. I've been working my way through the kits sitting in my Mom's craft box. I want to finish those before I start looking for more patterns. Those star trek patterns are adorable, though - may have to make an exception.
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:05 am
by AsaraDragon
I have in the past, but it's been years. Mostly I did little things for gifts, nothing fancy. I'd take it up again, but my hubby is already going nuts from all the yarn I have in the house from my dabblings with crocheting and knitting.
Those are really adorable though! Poor Wesley XD
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:49 am
by amazondreamer
I've never cross-stitched myself (well unless you count the kits for kids with giant plastic needles), but I have been interested. There is such great potential for nerdy or gaming stuff... I've seen some adorable pokemon, or the classic zelda sprites... it looks like so much fun!
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 12:40 pm
by Echos
I've never tried it but my roommate makes the most beautiful flower designs with cross stitch and needlepoint. I'd love to learn and am hoping she has time to teach me the basics when she moves back in a few weeks.
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 1:27 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Heehee! It's lots of fun!
Until you realize that you made a mistake 5 rows back, and have to unpick it all XD Then it can be frustrating.
I've got, oh goodness, at least 2-3 different cross-stitches going on XD I don't sit and do them constantly, as it makes my hands cramp a bit, and when you've been cutting fabric for 5 hours, it's not too fun XD
It's is relaxing tho, and I enjoy working on them during sporting events >> I put the Patriots or Red Sox on, and listen while I stitch XD
Do you still have the sushi I made for you?
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:15 pm
by RikkuGirl
That is so awesome!
I love it. lol I used to cross stitch a long time ago... o.o;; I wasn't too bad. lol It was alot of fun. my sister took it kinda seriously ... she was the stitch queen! lol I have no idea where any of my old pieces went... maybe my mom has em :3
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:21 am
by Tervenna
I cross-stitch occassionally, though it has been a while now. I have one kit my mother-in-law sent me a few years back that I really need to finish... if I can ever figure out where the various parts of the kit went during our moves!
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:36 pm
by Sushidragon
So many other cross-stitchers, yay
I got started on my Picard last night and his head is coming along nicely. I feel like I need a magnifying glass or something though, those little holes are tiny XD
LvSoulFriend, I absolutely still have those sushi! Unfortunately they're living in a box right now because we're not putting anything up on the walls until we've painted.. which we still need to do o_x
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 4:31 pm
by Zincht
I crosstitch.. Or rather, I've got a bunch and have them all in a box except one. I also have a number of unfinished quilt tops and a few knitting and crochet projects.. I love textile arts, but since I got married, I haven't had as much time for them. I even have a floor loom and a knitting machine folded up in my basement!
I've found the best time for any of them is during tabletop roleplaying games, while I'm waiting for my turn. Lucky for me, one of my friends also feels the same. He has started bringing his crosstitch to games, he is working on Articuno (pokemon) and just finished a 'mario through the ages' for a friend. Another friend wanted one, so I think he's working on duplicating it.
The cross-stitch I'm working on is a pair of siamese cats in a flower garden. (I started it perhaps 20 years ago? It was lost and then found and lost again and I found it recently.) I like the fact that the pattern I bought has finished sizes for whatever count cloth you like.
Does Sushi have someone to give her advice? The first thing I did with my kitties pattern was to run a pair of lines across the pattern photocopy and baste a bright thread through my fabric, to help with counting stitches. It's done wonders for preventing major mistakes, though I still make a bunch of minor ones. I counted my basting stitches 5 cross-stitch stitches apart, and as long as I don't pierce the tread with my needle, I'll be able to pull the threads out when I'm done and no-one will know.
Sorry for taking up so much posting space
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:25 pm
by Sushidragon
Thanks for the suggestion, Zincht! I really need to do something like that, I'm constantly forgetting which row I'm on and need to go back and count XD
Still working on my Picard, but he's about half done now! I'm going to do Picard, Worf, and Data for sure, frame them, and put them up in Baby Sushi's room XD I'm also planning a series of young Spock, adult Spock, and old Spock.
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:04 pm
by RikkuGirl
That sounds awesome sushi!
I cant wait to see more pictures <3
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:32 am
by Sushidragon
Mwah hah hah >:D
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 10:36 am
by AsaraDragon
Captain Picard looks like he's got some high jinks planned!!
Re: Star Trek cross stitch
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:48 pm
by Zincht
Chibi Goodness!