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Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:34 am
by Seren
So, guess who needs help?

I really want to enter in all the events if I can, but I lack a suitable sam for the Leo event... Does anyone have one to lend me?

Urgh I hate asking for favors >_< I get all shy and apolgetic. Oh well. Can anyone help me?

In addition, while pondering, I thought up a question... do dragonets communicate? I don't think they speak, so are they capable of making noises and expressions to communicate their point across?

I'm trying to figure out Janus. XD Not sure if he'll have a split personality or not.. or they... okay okay Im getting a headache, if anyone can help me I'd be very grateful~! Danke shun! (Thank you in German)

*flees to the kitchen to rescue overcooked pasta*

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:40 am
by Origami_Dragon
Info on the pet species can be found here:

Your Janus is a Kreenasa, so he can comunicate with thoughts, but not with words. They do make sounds as well, just not words.

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:47 am
by CosmicDragon
You can feel free to use any of my Sams if you like (except Odyssey, I'm using her), as long as you check their personality with me before hand. :3

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:27 am
by Seren

Oh god. I feel so stupid. >< Should have found that earlier! Thank you so much :)


Still amazes me how sweet you all are here. Um... after looking through them.... Would Posion, Wyrd, Rush, or Rue fit the profile at all? You have lovely Sams by the way. X3 I really really appreciate it!

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 5:45 pm
by CosmicDragon
*snugs* :3
Poison: Would likely do it to test himself for himself, but is highly antisocial so would probably be aggravated by the cheering crowds. XD Which could be a fun angle to play up.
Wyrd: He would do it for fun and the adoration he would likely get for it. |D Despite how laid back and intelligent he seems on the outside, he's really quite a violent creature. And vain. Oh-so-much.
Rush: As a Pet Tamer by trade, Rush is probably to most likely to be doing something like this. He would do it in the name of professional curiousity and practice for future attempts to catch/tame a wild Oquiesa. And because it's a challenge, and he can't turn down a challenge.
Rue: Hrmmm... Very, very, VERY unlikely. ^-^; She may be loaded up with poisonous appendages, but she's a very timid mare by nature. She would never intentionally hurt anything. But if she was tricked or coerced into the pen, she'd likely do very well, because her stings have a mind of their own when she's in danger.

So it all depends on what angle you want to play, really. :3 And you are very welcome! I love being able to help out.

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:00 pm
by Seren
You are so sweet. X3

I think I'm going to use Rush, though all those angles are tempting to play *shifty eyes* We'll see how I do...

If you'd like me to send my reply to you via PM before I post to make sure I'm not messing anything up I'd be fine to do that. ^_^'' Thank you so much.

Nao to work! *ducks off*

Re: Help with Leo Event and additional question!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:49 am
by CosmicDragon
Hehe, he was my second choice after Odyssey for me as well... I think he just has so much potential for this kind of situation. ;)
He's also got one of the least solid personalities, so no need to send me the reply first unless you really want to. ^-^ I'd love to read it along with everyone else!
Can't wait to see the final product. *so excited* :3