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Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:23 am
by Rekyrem
"Aquarius is sometimes identified with Ganymede, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus fell in love and, in the disguise of an eagle (represented by the constellation Aquila), carried off to Olympus to be "cup-bearer" to the gods." - Wikipedia
Aquarius/Bringer is used to doing other peoples' dirty work. Carrying that chalice around all day? Exhausting. He wishes he had more time to pursue his passions. Aquarius is a very creative sign, you know, and all he wants is some time to paint or perform or sing or... whatever. Still, people keep ordering him around (carry this, carry that, ugh), and things still need to get done... so it's up to you to run errands for him!

Rule and info!

- This is a photo scavenger hunt! Remember those? It's going to be very similar to how Sushi used to run them!
- Go forth and take a photograph of everything on Bringer's list!
- You must include a name tag with your forum username in each of your photos.
- Please post actual images where possible, but do not stretch the board. Photobucket and most image programs can resize images to fit.
- When you've collected photos of all the items on Bringer's shopping list, post them here!
- Make sure to include, in your post or on your photos, which photo goes with which number on Bearer's list.
- will decide who Bringer will go home with out of all the entrants.
- In addition, there are a couple other prizes for creativity...
This Aquarius-inspired Mage Construct will go home with the entrant with the most creative name tag!

Trait Amulet - Fin Wings
To the entrant with the most interesting photo!
Sound snazzy? Get your pens/markers/paints/macaroni out and get started on those nametags, because here's Bringer's Shopping List!
1) A cup
2) A feather
3) Something blue
4) Something shaped like a samanayr
5) Something old
6) Something worthy of the gods
7) A comfy place to rest
8) Something to be entertained by
9) A tree
10) Water
Be creative! And for #4... perhaps outline it if it doesn't make any sense (which is totally allowed)! Entries are open until September 24, 8pm PDT (9pm MDT)/Sept 25, 4:00 PI time... and all through that time, Bringer will be kicking back and relaxing thanks to all you helpful people!

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:05 pm
by Willow
*zips in like a hawk*

This is the one I've been waiting for, and it sounds fun!
Just need to find some batteries for my camera ;A;


Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:21 pm
by Seren
Oh yes. I have a terrible camera, but I so can do these things. >:D

*punches the air* Score one for living by both a river and a pond... mwhaha... *cackles and rushes off to figure out stuff*

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:49 pm
by SunBlind
*raises hand* Not having participated in this kind of things before, are we supposed to find images off the web or actually take photos with our digital camera? And can anyone post an example of this tag thing we're supposed to create out of macaroni? (ok, I realize I don't have to use that particular media but still not sure what this thing is supposed to look like)

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:02 pm
by RikkuGirl
:D Sun! Yes you need to take a picture (with your phone, camera, etc.) and for the tag, I like to just take a small piece of paper and put my name on it with the date. :) Thats the simplest way. Just put the small paper in your shot when you take the picture. They ask this so that they can be sure you took this FOR the event. ^_^

In terms of what you take pictures of... just what was asked! :D Find a feather... put your tag by it and take a pic! or hold your tag while you take a picture of a puddle... etc. ^_^ Be creative! :D You can put them all in one picture.. though I tend to take a single picture for each item requested. That lets me be more creative and gives you more possibilities.

I hope that helps. :)

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:48 pm
by Rekyrem
Yep, you take a real photo, with a camera, a cell phone, a webcam - whatever works! Here's an example... a cup!


Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 3:40 pm
by SunBlind
Ah cool, the tag thing makes sense now ^_^

*goes to find her camera*

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:13 pm
by Origami_Dragon
First off, I'd like to introduce you to Nametag, your guide through this quick little tour. Given my username I thought it would be appropriate to round up one of the little origami dragons that lurk around my room and coax it into helping me with this.
Now...on to the list of highly desired items.

1) A cup
Now...despite what it looks like origami dragons do not in fact make nests in cups or lay eggs. Nametag's going to have quite a wait if it expects this to hatch given that I hollowed the egg out years ago. But that's beside the point; the main focus of this is on the goblet style of cup Nametag is perching in.

2) A feather
Not content with a single feather, Nametag has gravitated towards my collection of feathers shed by my mom's birds. Which...are also in a cup as it happens. *shrugs*

3) Something blue
How do you resist that lovely blue pillow complete with a fellow dragon? If you're Nametag, the answer is that you don't. And yes, the pillow cover buttons up; it's an old pair of PJs.

4) Something shaped like a samanayr
Closup showing the name better
Too simple? Perhaps...but tell me this doesn't remind you of a gilded Hum of the Waiting Ember, assuming she'd let someone dress her up like that.

5) Something old
Look, Nametag found some old textbooks I got from my grandparents! The dates inside indicate that the Chemistry one is from 1975 and the German one from 1950. Not ancient perhaps, but pretty old for textbooks.

6) Something worthy of the gods
Nametag and I puzzled over this one for awhile, then spotted the lovely peacock feathers. I know there's a few gods and goddesses to whom the peacock is sacred. Feathers make a lovely fan, and then you have a statue to admire as well!

7) A comfy place to rest
Closup to show the name
My cozy armchair, used to relax on the computer, with a book, or with my sketchpad.

8) Something to be entertained by
Those books in the background of some of the other shots are also good entertainment, but Nametag wanted to pose with Zekrom on my DS.

9) A tree
Outside's a dangerous place when you're a small paper dragon. Why risk it when there's a perfectly lovely copper tree right here in your native habitat?

10) Water
However...Nametag did finally take the risk of venturing into the bathroom and investigating the cat's water dish...which is about due for a cleaning.

And that concludes our tour of Origami_Dragon's stuff-filled bedroom. I did not expect to be the first to post entries...

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:18 pm
by Pristine
So, I had a hot glue gun, and a big box of Nerds I couldn't even nearly finish... hmmm...

1) A cup
More like C cup, but still...

2) A feather
The biggest one I had around the house...

3) Something blue
I heard you like blue, so I got you some blue on a blu so you can watch the blue on a blu when you're blue.

4) Something shaped like a samanayr
Also: tiny like a Samanayr!

5) Something old
Haha, outdated technology!

6) Something worthy of the gods
This was a toughie... I hope "worthy of one God, if they can manage to find it" works..!

7) A comfy place to rest
Douglas models his comfy cube.

8) Something to be entertained by
Plenty of entertainment in our house, let me assure you!

9) A tree
I'm glad my boyfriend still had some of his old computer coding books around...

10) Water
Rumpelstiltskin does this EVERY MORNING. Ugh.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:52 pm
by Seren
Ah your guy's entries are so good! Also to Pristine: The BS minature was a great choice. XD I have a few, never even crossed my mind. I have an interesting subject for my samanayr shaped item... *shifty eyes and evil cackle*

Unfortuntely my horse isn't here or he'd win, but for now they'll have to do.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:03 pm
by cassiadawn
My name tag is rather... scavenged. XD
In order of letters, it's: paper, fabric, a metal S-hook, a twist tie, a wooden bead (and a plastic one for the dot), glitterglue, a buckle, a turquoise bead and a plastic applique star, tissue paper and pencil, and a button. And then it's decorated with various ribbon/trim, some buttons, and a safety pin. XD

1) A cup

Various cups I've made in various pottery classes (the green and white "squished" one is my favorite)

2) A feather

No shortage of feathers around here!
These are feathers from Narragansett turkeys, a Bourbon Red turkey, a hawk, and a goldfinch

3) Something blue

My little collection of blue bottles
And a blue ceramic trinity knot, just because. ;)

4) Something shaped like a samanayr

The most "sam" shaped things I have are probably my Windstone edition dragon bookends (just one pictured - the other one was busy keeping books from falling over ;) )

5) Something old

An old mix-mill my husband bought recently. Not sure how old it is, but it was sittng unused for at least 20 years! Also in the picture are some antique bottles. One of them says "Aywon quinine hair tonic".

6) Something worthy of the gods

More pottery!
This guy was inspired by old vessels that were used in rituals of some kind. Not sure what kind exactly, but rituals sound like something gods-related to me! XD Technically you could pour water in the coil at the top to fill (which has a snake head, but it's on the other side), and then pour it back out the dragon's mouth. This guy was fired in a fire pit though, so he's not ~really~ waterproof.

7) A comfy place to rest

My computer chair is apparently very comfortable... if I leave for any amount of time, I invariably have to boot a cat off before I can sit back down!

8) Something to be entertained by

Web comics!
I have my comics folder open there, too, but I think it's too small to make out any of the names (may be just as well, a couple of them are sometimes/often NSFW)

9) A tree

Self-explanatory, yes?

10) Water

If you're a duck or goose, there's nothing quite like fresh water.
I believe there's a chicken under the truck drinking the runoff water, too *lol*

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:00 am
by Pristine
Seren wrote:Also to Pristine: The BS minature was a great choice. XD I have a few, never even crossed my mind.
I have a handful myself... I was extremely disappointed when the stores stopped carrying them, because I love the detail and color they put into them, for such tiny things. I think Bella Sara is going the way of the dinosaur altogether, though (which I don't mind much ever since they moved away from putting individual horse's codes on the cards and instead just gave you a code to download random horses and BS "adventures")... just sad to see these go with it.

I found a somewhat-similar thing called, like, Filly Princesses, or something, but the style is Bratz-like and, honestly, makes me want to puke :P
cassiadawn wrote: 8) Something to be entertained by

Web comics!
... (Questionable Content) ...
LOL, I read QC like I always do in the morning and then remembered I wanted to see if anyone else entered this contest... deja vu! (although that was yesterday's comic >.>) I love that comic!

Also, love the pic of all the happy ducks in the kiddie pool, too cute :D

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:33 am
by RikkuGirl
OK! Here is my hunt! Enjoy all! :D I have two pictures for each of my posts (maybe more to give you an idea)... I like to give close ups. :) OK!

Here is my sign! :) simple and stupid I know... ^____^ But its all I could think of...Im a little burnt out on creativity right now ;_;


Cup - This is actually a cancle cup/glass that has gooey water stuffs in it. :) I thought it was neat and I dont really have any cups that I wouldnt be embarassed taking a picture of ^_^;;;;

Feather - This is actually 3 feathers put together by an artist and then hand painted on! It is probly my favorite picture of all of them and I LOVE this idea... Feather painting! So cool! :D

Up Close

Something Blue - We have many horse statues but this one is actually my favorite! GO FIGURE its BLUE! :D *wiggles* ^_^ yay for snowflake!

Up Close

Something Shaped like a Sam - Well... Since I just got my Roar... I decided to find something like him! And I was in total luck! ^_^ *wiggles* We have PLENTY of things that resemble sams... but since I just got him and he is very special to me.. I thought this was perfect! See the resemblance? ^^

Up Close

Something Old - My sister and I LOVE disney...and well... We have some old stuff from disney including, this old book, a movie reel, and a wooden nickle from frontier land! :D And since I dont know which one is older... o.o;; I just kinda put them all together. ^^;

Close Up

Something Worthy of the Gods - Well.... I DIED when I saw this commercial and I just couldnt help myself. A SCION TC! Its totaly worthy of Zeus... and well... HES a god! D: *gasp* It just seemed to be too perfect to pass up! I had to play the commercial on my computer since it wouldnt play on the tv like I wanted it to. -_-;

Close Up

Comfy Place to Rest - I chose my couch... its leather and black and long and has LOTS of blankies! Perfect for naps and stuffs! Pluss the cushion doesnt move! So you dont have to worry about it getting bunched uner you or anything :)

ORIGINALLY I wanted to put this picture... but I didnt have my tag on me when I took it... but its SO cute... SHOES! The most comfy things to sleeps on ever! :D at least for Lily ^_^

Something to be Entertained by - Lily! She is the most spunky and energetic cat EVER! She is less than a year still and is FULL of energy and life. She is constantly playing and entertains the CRAP out of me! I tried to get a picture of her with a lazer light... but she is too fast. lol

A Tree - um... I think I found the most trees ever on liquor bottles O.o;; Considering my sisters bf is a bar tender... well there were many tree covered bottles to choose from... Grey Goose ALMOST made it... lol But our winner tree was...

Close Up

Water - Last but not least! I have a Jim Warren art book and most of his art contains water but my favorite picture (besides the 7 horses) is this! :D
Close Up

And there is my hunt! :D I hope you all enjoy my pictures and thank you so much Reky for the chance to participate! That was so much fun! I ran around my house constantly trying to find cool things to take pictures of! :)

Good luck all and have fun! ^__________________^

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:48 pm
by Novanight
Going to have to see if I can borrow someone camra for this, mine is broken and the familes is being used to get pictures of flooding damage for Irene.

Edit: Going to have to take that back, I just figured out how to get photos off of my cell phone.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:33 am
by Novanight
My Sign

1) A cup
Hmmm, seems like I need to do dishes again if the forest of wild cups in my deck is anything to go by.

2) A feather
Will I used to have a lot more feathers around but then we got cats. So the only ones that where left are in my dreamcatcher.

3) Something blue
Alright, this was suppost to be a picture of my blue pillow, blue work short and blue dolphin toy. Only problem is my cellphone camra didn't pick up in the pillow. XP

4) Something shaped like a samanayr
Can't get more shaped them my specially breed Samanayr, with his clawed paws, feline tail, rounded ears, and fluff. What do you mean he's a cat.... he not a cat...

5) Something old
A long, long time ago everyone had to learn latin in High School. This is the text book for a that class for the 1950's.

6) Something worthy of the gods
Deathwing, he is worthy of the gods.... at least the old gods... who have drived him crazy so that he out let them out into Azeroth. You know, I don't think I want to be found worthy of the gods now.

7) A comfy place to rest
The back of my couch, the most comfly place to rest in all of the world in Ich of the Attention Loving opinion. In fact I am shocked she isn't sleeping there while I took a picture.

8) Something to be entertained by
Alright I will admit, I was thinking about entering this as the Something worthy of the gods but then figured the gods would need more books. But still, they have helped me pass many an hour and I do love them so.

9) A tree
One of the trees in an oil painting, its not like a could take picture of one outside in the middle of the night.

10) Water
Oh running water, how I love you. I had forgoten for a while just how great you are until we lost power a little while ago.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:09 pm
by SunBlind
cassiadawn! I have those Windstone bookends xD

I started taking pictures but I ended up running out of time. I was trying to do something interesting but it was hard to make it work LOL

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:14 pm
by Origami_Dragon
You're not out of time yet SunBlind, there's still almost six hours left to get an entry in!

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:19 pm
by Janalee
1) A cup

Ack, sorry for the blurriness there- I swear it's a much nicer cup than I've shown. *blushes*

2) A feather

Hehe, I know it's not the 'prettiest' feather, but I love how it hides there.

3) Something blue

I was so tempted to use my robin egg picture from a previous photo hunt, but since that was obviously spring...I guess Virginia Creeper berries are autumn blue? Navy? Something?

4) Something shaped like a Samanayr

I see Champion of the Vernal Equinox! And Roar of the Nemean Lion! And...maybe a few more from these events, all on a clock face! XP I feel like this is half-cheating, but eh.

5) Something old

I think the fossilized clam is from the Pleistocene...and I have no idea how old the rock is. ^^

6) Something worthy of the gods

Now, do I mean the sunlight or the Niagara Escarpment? Both, I suppose. XD

7) A comfy place to rest

It doesn't look it, but it's one of my favorite places to sit on campus.

8) Something to be entertained by

Wooly bears always make me smile...and especially all brown ones, because an old wive's tale says that the amount of brown on them shows how long the coming winter will be. *grins*

9) A tree

Mushroom tree!

10) Water

And sweet, sweet, blurry water under a bridge. *smiles*
Thanks for the event Rekyrem! It's fun being forced to take pictures again. ^_^

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:24 pm
by silvermoondragon
1) A cup or two... they matched so perfectly I just had to include them both!
2) A feather - My tiny little dreamcatcher, the only feathers I have with me right now. If I was at home, I would have used my budgie Coco as he is all feathers, but all I have is an older photo(no name tag)
3) Something blue - because recycling is good!
4) Something shaped like a samanayr - it's a Sa'grisayr of course... along with some real Samanayrs on the wall, and an Enkeyn
5) Something old - a 1951 silver dime, or at least partially silver, that I was surprised to find in my handful of change :O
6) Something worthy of the gods - a book of life! or so I have decided. Some sort of statue in the University's art park area. Here is a closeup if you're interested.
7) A comfy place to rest - The cats always find the comfy places to rest, nothing else is good enough!
8) Something to be entertained by - My desk, complete with sketchbook, laptop, cintiq and more. And of course playing Starcraft 2!
9) A tree A weird Catalpa tree with long bean like pods. It was hard enough getting the name tag to stay on the tree let alone a good picture, so here's a second picture with a better view of all the pods.
10) Water - Watering my Madagascar Palm which I rescued/acquired from a friend's plant anatomy course.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:59 pm
by Seren
AHAHA. Lost my camera until this morning. Yes, yes I rushed this. *Also* I hope it's alright that I grabbed my little sister to help me with some shots. I set them all up myself and took the pictures, hopefully that counts. ;3

My Sign~Lots of symbolism. Probably too much to outline. X3

1) A Cup
So one, my cat interfered in my picture. See the tag through the glass mug? XD actually this mug is for Baileys... but it's also my cocoa mug. And of course, my little devil kitteh Rena (Macarena) HAD to get in on things... *shakes head with a sigh*

2) A Feather

ANOTHER PET INTERFERENCE. Okay okay THIS one was planned. Look at that face! He totally compliments the wild turkey feather I found on a hike last fall! ^___^ (This is... The Pig.)

3) Something Blue
Plate I did for Dapples. Shhhh *grins* Watch her see this and ruin the surprise. XD

4) Something Sam Shaped!
YES. THEY HAVE CLOVEN HOOVES AND ARE... KINDA SHAPED LIKE THAT. I could have used my breyers, but the chance of a living Sam... I mean come on, they could pass for a really... odd... slightly ugly... Ahem. Well. Hard to see my tag, but it's there. XD

5) Something Old

Hey! This thing is... 175 years old! My house is 165, and I have a pump and a doorbell that's 170... but this one wins! It's a kiln that was used to make the bricks for the house, and was ran by slaves...

6) Something Worthy of the Gods
Alright. *sighs* I had two different ideas for this. A sunset; for what's more beautiful than that? No painting can compare. or a spiderweb with dew on it. (strong thread, beautiful, nature's creation...) But, neither of those pictures could be taken, so when I and Ray found this chryselis we took a picture of it. New life... is lovely.

7) A Comfy Place to Rest
A hammock? under a little tin overhang? with a horse blanket? on a rainy afternoon? Heaven. I can sleep or read out there for hours with the breeze rocking me, listening to the sounds of crickets, or rain, or just enjoying the warm air! or chilly air. And, in addition, Ray REALLY wanted to pose... what a ham. XD (On a side note, someone told her in school that she needed a face lift! Isnt that ugly? D: I was about to kick some middle school butt. XD)

8) Something Entertaining
DANCING GOATS. Okay. These guys are stupid, loud, incredibly annoying, and my babies. But. They're also some of the most entertaining creatures on the planet. Tomorrow I'll upload blooper shots, and outline all of the antics they can do.... Mwa. XD

9) A Tree
IJNDCNEUINE SIDEWAYS WHYYY? See the tag? andddd this tree was hit by lightning D: Poor tree *huggles*

10) Water
I live by a river! Yay <3 I love the Shenandoah. It's a lovely river (though it doesnt look it due to flooding at the moment!) But still. This is a bad pic, but excuse me I'm pressed for time! Aha!

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:41 pm
by oakleafwolf
1) A cup
I love copper. It can be a pain to actually use for eating and drinking, but I love it and when I find things like this copper cup, I usually keep them and put them on display. :)

2) A feather
This is a feather I carved from amber in lieu of an engagement ring for amazondreamer. Even a soft material like amber can take a long time to carve when you're trying to be very careful!

3) Something blue
Blue flourite octohedrons from my department.

4) Something shaped like a samanayr
This is a picture in a prehistoric mammal book of a deer ancestor called Blastomeyx. It was not much bigger than a large rabbit, probably looked like and lived in a similar way to modern deer. They were scampering, browsing forest animals which were probably secretive in their habits. Their canine teeth had evolved into long sharp saber-like tusks, useful for rooting up food or for self-defense. More modern specimens show the beginnings of bony horn nubs as well.

5) Something old
This is a Cambrian-era trilobite. :)

6) Something worthy of the gods
Pele's Tears and Hairs are the result of fire-fountaining and bubble-bursting in volcanoes with very fluid lava, such as those in Hawaii. They're named after the Hawaiian fire-goddess, Pele, to whom the native people and modern residents pay respect.

7) A comfy place to rest
Our new couch is amazingly comfortable, and Kochab agrees!

8) Something to be entertained by
This is my custom-built computer from Digital Storm. It's an amazing compromise between gaming machine and college cheap. Their cases all come with clear side panels and they're willing to hook up internal lighting for you for cheap, so I went with Horde red. ;)

9) A tree
It's a tree. Yep.

10) Water
A reflecting pool at night in front of the student union.

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:52 pm
by CosmicDragon
Rush insisted on being included on this little trek. Of course, if he'd had his way, every single item would have been dragon related. |D So ignore his disgruntled-ness. Yay for the letter-bead name tag!

1) A cup
2) A feather
3) Something blue
4) Something shaped like a samanayr
5) Something old
6) Something worthy of the gods
7) A comfy place to rest
8) Something to be entertained by
9) A tree
10) Water

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:54 pm
by RikkuGirl
Wow those are gorgeous! All of these pictures are wonderful! Good luck all!

Cosmic... some of your pictures dont show :( something entertaining and the very first picture posted

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:29 am
by Rekyrem
And after I came home late yesterday night, here are the results! has been consulted, and Bringer (who is very grateful for all the help with his errands) will be going home with Janalee!

For her nametag that is very nifty to look at, the mage construct goes to Cassiadawn!

And the Fin Wings Amulet goes to to Seren! DANCING GOATS. Fantastic. Your tree photo was also so lovely.

Thanks so much, everyone! All of your photos are so great to look at. It's been a blast having another photo hunt... it's been too long!

Re: Aquarius - Seeking the Items of the Age - photo hunt!

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:39 am
by silvermoondragon
Congrats everyone! These photo hunts are one of my favourite things to do and I love looking at everyone else's entries too.

@ Janalee - I loved all your photos! They all looked so artistic and natural especially with your leaf name tag.