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Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:13 am
by zelda324
I been looking at all my stuff(bored of course) and found a few of my personal fursona's and wondering if anyone else has fursona's still out there?
Here are two of mine, there is a third one but I haven't finished anything about her except color and that she is the darker side of myself haha

Dragon Rabbit hybrid
Pink andlight blue blue half color eye left side then right side is Red and green (image idea below)
This is my main fursona she is everything I truely am. Friendly mysterious tends to stick to herself, calm fun and random.
(I actually want to make an adoptable that is a dragon rabbit hybrid some day)

Large jerboa
Always is wearing the legwarmers, she has 6 earrings 2 are silver, two are gold and 2 are half silver half gold. She always has a pink collar with a black skull on and two black braclets
One her legs where she wears the leg warmers are actually white fur hiding with pink tipped toes just like her front legs
She is the more outgoing side of myself, she doesn't care what anyone things about her or her style

I also want to make a size chart for my fursona's and maybe I can find a way to get them online without a scanner. We will see, but lets hear about your fursona or see pictures :)

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 2:06 pm
by Seren
Ugh, couldn't track down a picture of mine, I'll have to find one and upload it to this post in a few days. XD

Serenity has become known as "Seren" and is in fact what I go by now. She's typically portayed as a horse, her original form, but sometimes is shown as a wolf too. She is a dunalino, a soft golden color on most of her body with a silver-cream mane and tail, with tan up to her knees and then tiger striping up the rest of her legs; she also has appaloosa markings on her hindquarters and a marking on her face shaped like a crescent moon. :3

I have a TON of other characters, but she's my fursona, and she's special to me. <3

Also, I really like your fursonas, they're really original (and I mean that in a good way!) Alot of people have horses, wolves, dogs, and cats, but a dragon-rabbit hybrid and a jeroboa show a ton of your own style, and their markings and colorings are cute and fit together well! ^___^

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:05 pm
by Pristine
I stumbled across this because I accidentally clicked 'General Discussion' instead of 'Samanayr Discussion'... haha, I don't come to this forum too often..! But, I saw "fursonas" and said oh, that sounds like a thread for me..!

I originally created my fursona, Pristine, when I was 12... so she's recently had her 15-year anniversary! I created her as one of my characters on a furry roleplaying/socializing game called Furcadia. She was (I don't play Furcadia anymore)/is an anthropomorphic wolf with cream fur and periwinkle/graying hair, and she wears a set of purple robes (she uses magic and the robes hold lots of spell components).

I don't know if we're allowed to link to DeviantArt, but I've done a (sloppy) character reference page for her before: ... cardor.jpg

I agree with Seren that your fursona is pretty unique, zelda; I know wolves and horses are a little "mainstream" in comparison, LOL. I think I've spent more time building Pristine's character than worrying too much about her appearance, personally. Do either of you tend to write a lot about your characters..?

And zelda, if you're interested in a dragon-bunny adoptable, I don't know whether we're allowed to mention adoptables other than Samanayrs, but my friend Starwind runs an adoptable called Lepus Draconis on Pony Island that I think is pretty awesome. They look much more like rabbits than dragons (as opposed to your OC who I would say looks more like a dragon than a rabbit), but I'm pretty fond of them... it's too bad Starwind's been a bit lax in running events lately!

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:12 pm
by Seren
I write, roleplay, and draw Seren(Serenity) alot, I just can't track down a good pic of her at the moment. XD Pristine, I like your fursona alot, you don't see alot of characters that are purely anthro, though alot of characters are drawn anthro occasionally.

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 12:45 pm
by zelda324
Omg I remember furcadia XD I played that forever ago but lost interest in it. Dont remember why though but I love your fursona she is cool ^_^

I don't really do a whole lot of writing about my fursona's other than when I decided to draw them up. I want all my fursona's to be involved somewhere that you see all the time kindof thing like they show off my new found pets or something. But I have only had my fursona for about 4 years maybe. I dont even remember what sparked the idea for either of them. But thats what I had come up with and I love them.
Hopefully going to draw up a basic size chart and figure out what the third fursona is going to be since I never figured out anything but colors XD

And I can't get involved with anything on pony island. Dont have the money to be involved or any real way to spend money online. I would have to do some serious trading or something in order to get involved like that.

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 3:44 am
by AsaraDragon
I have a couple. My first is Asara, she's a dragon, but she has a "human" form. *thinks back* She's been around since I was a sophomore in college... um... 1996. Lord. 16 years... how time does fly. Anyway, when I first imagined her, she was white, with gold horns and claws. Later on she evolved into the only form ever captured in art. Elven Warrioress Asara A metallic green dragon (her scales match her armor) with a golden yellow belly and horns. (I do also have an Aywas custom based on her here). She's also been represented in World of Warcraft as a Night Elf hunter.

The second is CJ, she's a very recent creation. She's an anthro gray fox, and basically she was created just to be my more traditional fursona, since Asara was more of a dragonsona. Not so furry. I have an art of CJ here. She's not very developed as a character, just more how I'd see myself in furry form. :)

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:09 am
by Sushidragon
(for the record, linking to DA and talking about and linking to other adoptables is fine and dandy as long as the material is appropriate :D )

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 3:55 pm
by lory-ixtar

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:39 pm
by RikkuGirl
My fursona is rikku with my own twist.

She is golden yellow (think lion) with small freckles of darker golden yellow under her eyes, on her shoulders and rump. She has yellow hair with accents of green and red. Her eyes are green and her legs fade down to white with accents (hooves or nails) in black. Her nose would be black if she is a cat or dog, etc. She also has a very long blue ribbon that is tied loosely to the tip of her tail. She also has a scarf that she doesn't wear. :)

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:51 pm
by Seren
XD She sounds cute! I'll have to put up a pic of Seren when I can track one down... most of my stuff is hand done, and I can't find it.

Iory, Squeakers is adorable. XD I wanna snuggle 'im!

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:27 pm
by SilverDapples


there you all are

brand new picture of Serenity

WEE love her *flails* I don't like scanners (just as a BTW XD)

Re: Fursona's?

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:29 pm
by Seren
Awww! <3333 Look at Dapplish, drawing me a picture that I don't deserve!

Serenity loves ya too <333 as do I (most. I love you most.) Mwhaha.

Danke liebe. XD Anyway, yes, that is Seren!