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Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:30 pm
by Seren

What you say? It’s only Novemeber?
Psh, I think we all know I’m awful at waiting. Especially when I have a big surprise!

That’s right. All of you are about to find out what all my kekekeke-ing and shiftyness and cackling to myself has meant for these few weeks.

The custom has arrived!

I had some issues with getting PayPal up and running. But, enough about that.
The reason why I was so secretive? It wasn’t because I had some super secret design for her.
In fact, aside from traits and colors, I was pretty much “Sushi I trust you, do what you wish!”
The reason I was so secret was because this lovely little filly is a gift.
A Christmas gift.
In November.
As my dad would say: SACRILEGIOUS.
However, I have my reasons. ^__^

So here she is. Lovely little Rustle. <3
Yes, she’s a babe. Not a breeding, I wanted to let her have a foal stage.
And the name is quite obvious in the cert who she is for.

So, the rest of you are probably too busy or couldn’t be bothered to read this next bit, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t… this is for SilverDapples:

So, I’ve been hinting and hinting, and driving you nuts about what I was getting you for Christmas.
I really should save this, but I figure with my box coming and then my trip up right after Christmas… well, you might as well have your big present now.
I’m sorry I couldn’t get that breyer you wanted. I’ll find it for your birthday.

So, this is what… our third Christmas together as best friends? Hard to believe its been three years. It’s galloped right past and yet some bits have been agonizingly painful.
Particularly when I don’t see you for months at a time.

We’ve had some rough patches, some difficult people, times where I thought I’d lost you.
Nothing could be more terrifying to me.

You pulled me up out of the gutter. I was dead on the inside before I met you… who knows where I would have ended up.

I don’t need a gift from Christmas. The greatest gift is having you for a friend. You listen to me, and love me, and laugh with (and sometimes at) me. You know what I’m trying to say even when I stutter. You look at something that I think is awful and find talent.

At the end of every day, I know that I have you to count on. You love me no matter what (and that’s a pretty big feat, if you look at how full of faults I am XD).
And I sure don’t deserve you.

But whether or not I deserve you… I still want to see you. Always and forever, you will be my best friend, my anam cara, my other half.

I’d buy you a thousand Sams, a hundred horses, whatever you wanted to make you see that. I know you don’t need a present, but I love to give gifts to you.

Because you gave me life.

And so, Merry Christmas Dapples.

I love you.

And now that I’ve made myself look like an idiot… that whole bit should have been organized better. Urgh. Um. I sound so stupid.
Look what you make me do, Dap.

*coughs, blushes, and hides slightly* Anyway.

I hope you enjoy your gift! I think she’s adorable in her little foal form, and her adult form is truly lovely to behold… just wait til everyone sees it! :D

And for the rest of you, feel free to guess what traits she has… she has three total, two very rare, one uncommon. ^___^

*snugs baby* She’s so sweet and adorable and hard to let go… *sighs and ties a big bow around her neck and holds her out*

Merry early Christmas, liebe!

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 3:30 pm
by SilverDapples
Psh November snovember *waves hand*

Anyway you know how terrible IIIII am at waiting! *snorts*
Sushi is a boss *pets* XD
But she's so adorable and cute and small and blue fer now and and *baww's silently in a ball*
I just want to huggle her -like the same way with a kitten or puppy but if you do that too hard it could possibly be dangerous to their health *COUGH*-

Foal stage so so so cute T^T

Honestly child how formal does that sound "this is for SilverDapples" *cue irrational nervousness* just like when you ask me a question and make it sound bad YOU LIKE DOING THAT TO ME!

And nuts is only a kind word to say for how I've been feeling at your hints >>
Breyer smier *waves hand once again* I'd hope you like YOUR Christmas Presents... though I'm not sure if they'd all fit in a suitcase.. *ponders*

AND correctly I think it's when we don't see each other for months at a time. Juuuuust sayin~ <3

Though honestly you'd never loose me (seeing as we are hand cuffed together IN- the car XD)

And well that's too bad because I've been buying our silly nick-nacks for Christmas so *giggles* I love you *pets* you're petting alot SHHH I KNOW I'M ADDICTED! And I stutter too sooo fair is fair (*random thought from no where* Baby you nice and shapely *hand moves included*- MotoMoto *...* I DON'T KNOW THE SONG IS SO GREAT *runs*)

Honestly though you're asking for a beating or a two page essay for that faults comment *eyes narrow and finger wiggles*. But you make loving you sound like such a huge feat when it comes naturally- *breaks into song* yeah And it takes my breath away What you do, so naturally You are the thunder and I am the lightning - *AWKWARDCOUGH* (thats also a new thing I'm on XD) that did not happen *shifty eyes*

But you not deserving me is a lie *crosses arms and shakes head* Nicht cool (my Bio teachers German you know... Huttig... XD she did a year in Germany as an exchange student right out of high school)

But stop it you'll make me bluuusshhh! *hides under and behind blanket*

But liebe, liebe liebe liebe, you need to save your money or our animals (the reindeer... >> ) will go hungry! THAT'S BLASPHEMOUS!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS SEREN MEREDITH SHUMWAY FRY *giggles hysterically* EMC2 *cue belly holding laughter*

I love you too!

NOT THAT much of an idiot! I guarantee I'm worse! But you said that fiiiiine *shakes head* I also guarantee that that was totally optional and that I make you do nothing other then love me to pieces and buy me or make me food.

Kekeke... you're too cute... >3

TOO ADORABLE TOO AMAZING a package I do so say!

*grabs baby Rus and hides her in a blanket* Rawr <3

MERRY FRINKIN CHRISTMAS SE- oh I'll finish that one later~

CREEPER OUT! *sinks out of sight of computer*

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:36 pm
by Seren
... I can't reply to this on here Dapplish. XD

Too many inside jokes and I'm laughing too hard, I'll have to reply on skype or in an email. XD

*huggles tight* I'm happy you love her. <3 Everyone will drool over her grown-up-ness in a little while. X3

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:19 pm
by SilverDapples
No baby no you can't XD

Laughter is good! laughter's a start mmmmmhm! kekeke

*huggles back tight* Love does not describe NOOOPE she's too awesome for there to be just love XD

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:25 pm
by Seren
Adoration? Infatation?

She is purely too epic for words. and she's your first! ^___^

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:01 am
by SilverDapples
Kek okay okay thats good words XD

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 8:41 am
by RikkuGirl
*Squeals!* she is so gorgeous!!!!!! :D congrats silver! And seren that was so sweet and kind of you, your words made ME cry! :P then againt its probly because it reminds me of my best friend, my sister :)

You two are totally wonderful and im so glad you got a sam silver! She is just stunning! I can't wait to shee her all grown up! :D

I call dibs on a future baby ;P *gigglesnort* j.k ;D

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 6:52 pm
by Seren
*blushes dark and hides* So embarrassing... >///<

I get all... mushy... ew... sappy... Seren. XD

But Im happy that you liked it... *huggles Rikku and Silver*

SHES AN ADORABLE LITTLE BLUE BUNDLE OF CUTENESS! And she's downright striking as a mare!

*giggles* I think you'll have to let Dap have first dibs. ;3 But I'm sure these guys will be entered often... XD Pride and her make a lovely couple, she's his other (and far superior) half. XD And that little arrow-shootin' butt knows it!

Sushi did an amazing job, and Dapples deserves it, I did nothing. *flees and hides then reappears with Christmas cookies*

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:57 pm
by SilverDapples
*laughs hysterically* Rustle haunts my dreams *curls up in a ball* if I remembered them XD


*flips out*

but D'awwww rikku... *snuffles* My Sereny is di best, I know *nods knowingly*

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 8:09 pm
by Seren
Nuh uh nuh uh nuh uh nuh uh nuh uh!

Not best. Dapples is best. Rikku is best. Seren's lucky to have Rikku and Dapples!

*falls over out of chair and huffs* I hate being cold.

*cackles* I actually had a ream involving her last night, there was a colt with florae antlers and long tufts and feathered wings and he was like a gray stallion with white and green streaks and like dappling all over. XD And he had florae ankle wings. He was pretty damn epic. and Rustle was nuzzling him whilst he looked embarrassed.

XD I remember almost all of my dreams, and some of them are awful.

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:18 pm
by SilverDapples
Huh... LOL XD That sounds like a funny dream...

I had one... I was going to tell you... Now I forgot it... *facepalms*

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 6:17 am
by Seren
.... REMEMBER *tackles*

I need to reply to your long reply on email. XD

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:42 pm
by SilverDapples
Wait... what long reply???


Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:44 pm
by Seren
XD your long post? I'll reply on email.

Re: Merry... Christmas?

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:36 am
by SilverDapples
I'm... really... confused