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Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:01 am
by Origami_Dragon

This lovely if tempermental young lady has recently aquired me as a fosterer. She has also made it known to me that she is seeking a stallion worth of her (did I mention she's a little vain too). But she'd like to meet the stallions out there. So...this post. She'd love for your stallions (be they looking to start a new song or seeking another mare for their existing song) to respond to her in person so she can meet them, but she might consider those who would rather their fosterer speak for them as well.

Hum is not the most friendly of mares, and she is rather tempermental. As her colors would seem to indicate she is rather fiery and prone to suddenly flaring up or sinking down into a smouldering angry grudge. She's not looking for, as she puts it, a 'soppy sweet guy with no bite to him.' I...don't think she seriously wants someone who'd bite her, just that she's looking for a personality somewhat similar to her own.

And that said, I shall turn things over to Hum, and from her viewpoint.


Snorting softly to herself Hum watched her human fosterer step aside and gesture for her to move forward. She flicked her ears back and shook her head. Here in the sun, stretched out on a nice warm rock was perfectly fine. Then she reconsidered. What would the stallions think? Humming softly to herself in the back of her throat Hum slowly stood and stretched, then paced forward, postitioning herself in the best light. She cast her gaze around, then cleared her throat and spoke, though she was uncertain whe might be there to hear.

"I am Waiting Embeyr - Hum. My human seems to have alyready told you most eveyrything I would have."

Pausing briefly Hum casts a dark look over at Ori. She'd said rather more than Hum herself would have actually.

"I find I do not like the otheyr songless mayres she is keeping and would pyrefeyr to find my own home with a Song moyre to my liking. I wish a styrong stallion, well able to defend me and any foals we should have. Should he alyready have mayres he must be able to tell me about them. I do not wish to yretuyrn home with him only to find that his mayres and I cannot stand one anotheyr."

Her stubby tail twitched rapidly, revealing her anxiety. She wasn't going to lie to get into a song, but what if no stallion desired her after that? Her piece said, now she could only wait for word to spread and hope that she would not find herself remaining embarassingly alone.

((Yeah...I be a bit rusty I think, especially with a new character. No, you don't actually have to give much detail about any mares if you don't want to. She's just getting a little carried away. This just seemed like a fun way to find a song for the lovely.))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 11:51 am
by Orasteele

The heat felt blessed against Rend's skin as he flew into unknown territory. He'd been looking to expand his song, but as of yet he had still found no mares up to his standards. Having left BurningMetals~Mystic behind to protect their spring, there was no need to rush back anytime soon. The mystic mare could do a fine job of using her abilities to dive off unwanted visitors when she wanted to, leaving Rend to do as he pleased.

Inteyresting... Spotting the crimson and gold mare from above he circled once around to observe her a moment before landing a few feet from her. His wings outstretched to balance him as his spiked feet found purchased in the ground and begins to approach the mare. "Waiting Embeyr~Hum, hn? That's quite the name to live up to lady. It speaks of a fiyre that lives beneath the suyrface, some spayrk deep within. But the questions is, are you woyrthy of such a name?" His voice wasn't as musical as most Sams, but there was something charming in the tone.

Stopping short of a bush in bloom his tail flicks out like a spear, stabbing the flower and tossing it in her direction."I am Rend."

((It's alright! It's been a while for me too!))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 4:51 pm
by Origami_Dragon
As a shadow passed by overhead Hum braced herself, head tilted, not up to search but down and sideways. This allowed her to see above her but put her sharp antlers pointed upwards, ready to strike should the flyer prove to be a foe. Seeing that it was in fact a rather striking stallion coming in for a landing she straightened again, posing slightly as he approached slowly on his spiked feet.

At his first words Hum lifted her head proudly, pleased that he acknowledged what a fine, fitting name she had. But as he continued in his odd, but oddly pleasing voice, her eyes began to narrow and one red hooved foot pawed at the ground. "Ayre you challenging me stallion?" she asked, twisting to catch the thrown flower neatly on one forked antler. Flower caught, she lifted her head with a fierce pride, staring intently at him. Challenging her or not he was quite something to look at. Those spikes and tail certainly looked impressive. And that name...her father had told stories of Elementals to her, with their strangely short names. But she'd never imagined she'd meet one.

Tilting her head down slightly, not quite the submissive gesture it might seem as it put the antlers back in a striking position, she hummed a low, thoughtful note. The gift of a flower seemed to hint that he had interest. And she did rather enjoy a challenge. Hum was hard pressed not to let him see her smile as she asked, "Well Yrend, is this gift foyr the eating or the weayring?"

((*eyes Hum* She seems to be more of a fighter than I'd thought before starting to play her...))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:18 pm
by Jennalyn
Ooh. *settles in with some popcorn to watch* Seeing these two interact, I want to know more. I have a feeling her extremely contentious nature might butt heads with members of Blaze's Song, anyway. Between his ego, the ego of his mare with regards to her learning, and the quiet but strong personality of Arc... hehe. She might like it, she might not, but watching her with Rend is awesome.

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 7:13 pm
by Calomel
((Oooh, I think the RP'd Personals might be becoming a trend!! :D ))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:04 am
by Orasteele
"Oh I could challenge you, though it would hayrdly be a faiyr fight. Magic is payrt of my natuyre and quite difficult foyr me not to dtraw on," He said watching as the mare caught the flower nicely in her golden horns. Ah, the grace that mares like that possessed was something to see.

"Ha ha! So theyre is some fight to you afteyr all!" There was a trill of delight and it gleamed in his crimson eyes. Most mares would never be so bold and yet here she was. "It is foyr whateveyr pleases the lady's heayrt, though I imagine that those don't have payrticulayrly the best flavoyr with a scent as styrong as it is."

He smiled at her with his tail flicking. "Tell me, mayre of fiyre and byrimstone, foyr you ayre not the type to stand down a challenge. Would you offeyr the same to ones who enteyr youyr teyrritoyry? Would you dyrive them off with that same feyrocity by my side? I have a song consisting of one otheyr - a Mystic who, like you, has a spayrk of something moyre than the timidness and lack of dyrive that I have encounteyred with most."

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 9:56 am
by Origami_Dragon
"Theyre are moyre ways to challenge than a simple battle," countered Hum, stubby tail flicking from side to side. Such as a battle of wits, which she felt they were begining to engage in now. She was rather enjoying this, this feeling of being forced to keep on her toes to parry the next verbal challenge.

At Rend's almost triumphant declaration that she did indeed have fight to her Hum stomped one hind foot, refraining from tossing her head at the last moment so as not to fling away the flower. As if there was any doubt of that! But she was rather tickled at his most chivalrous reply to her question. Her nostrils quivered as she tried to catch the scent of the flower tucked neatly into the fork of her antler. "Then it pleases the lady's heayrt to continue weayring this token for the moment." Let him make of that what he would.

Rend's next querry sounded...most promising, though his mention of another mare made her hesitate ever so slightly. Another mare much like herself could lead to the very situation she did not want. Accepting a stallion's offer and then finding that she and his other mare(s) despised each other on site. Or they could get along like they were sisters of the same father. If nothing else Rend was certainly a challenge. So, after that moment's hesitation Hum stomped once more and reared, pawing at the air singing a song of challenge and defiance. The brief, mock charge she followed this display up with brought her closer to Rend, eyes bright and challenging. She said nothing, allowing her actions and bearing to stand as her reply.

((*looks around* We have spectators it seems. Having fun? And yes, this seemed like a fun way to find a song for her.))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:23 am
by Calomel
((Nom nom popcorn! *steals*))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:53 am
by Orasteele
Arching his neck, Rend's eyes narrow ever so slightly. At her charge he holds his ground, letting her nose come near inches to his own. Nostrils flaring Rend's licked Hum's nose without a second thought. "You would byring the fight to my song that Mystic of Burning Metals seems to lack. She has a quick tongue, but you have the challenge of the fight within you."

"Would you join me and become a mayre of my own heayrt?" With that he leapt up into the air, his wings beating the air every so often to keep in position. It was an unspoken question, follow or remain - the choice was hers.

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:55 am
by Origami_Dragon
Licking her nose had been the last thing Hum had expected as she pulled up much closer to Rend than she had intended. Her own nostrils flared slightly in surprise. She wouldn't have thought such an act within the Elemental's nature from what she had seen. But he was full of surprises it seemed. Life with him would certainly not be dull. Her eyes sparkled as she lifted her head high, watching him take off even as he made his offer.

For a moment Hum remained motionless, thoughts turned inwards. He had admited that his mare, his Mystic, was prone to verbal battles. But...she watched him gracefully hover there, waiting for the moment for her reply. A little more thought and it didn't seem like such a decission to make.

Stepping forwards, head high, she sang her acceptance to the airborn stallion. If he would have her then she would go and see what challenges might await in the Song of an Elemental stallion.

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:59 am
by Orasteele
((Yay!! Rend is very proud to have such a find mare join his song!)

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:04 am
by Origami_Dragon
((*pats Hum quickly before getting speared, stomped or bitten* And she's thrilled to have found such a fine stallion to join! I'll go update her database entry to indicate that she's in his Song now, shall I?))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:07 am
by Orasteele
((Yay! I'll have to go refresh the DB and work on some sort of banner! XD))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 7:24 am
by Britain
((Their Mystic is a little concerned at the chaos Rend might have just invited into their Song. XD....

CUTE THO. Rend needs someone to keep him in line!))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:56 pm
by Origami_Dragon
((*chuckles* You have no idea... She managed to tree Harroway in a PM conversation... Hopefully she shall not cause too much chaos and upset.))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2009 5:32 pm
by Harroway
(( Hum is scary when angry! :( ))

Re: Fiery Mare Seeks Song

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:50 am
by Britain
((Burn is rather laid back. She can be stubborn when she digs her heels in, but she has to be pretty calm to deal with Rend!

Hopefully tat works with Hum too. XDDD))