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SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:39 pm
by SilverDapples
Here is a list of all my Samanayrs (this probably won't be updated frequently, but we can hope!), you can see them in the database here link :)

Hopefully will be updating the unfinished references when I can - easiest way for me is to roleplay them to figure out how their personalities likes/dislikes really work, but XD

SilverDapples Samanayrs
The list
Image Rustle of the Willow's Tears
Image Erosion of the Sand-swept Gem
Image Wrangler of the Errant Herd
Image Wanderer of the Endless Flight
Image Depths
Image Rapture of the Silken Sands
Image Mask of Hidden Blessings
Image Cider of the Last Apple
Image Purgatory
Image Retreat of the Timid Twilight
Image Paradise
Dusk of the Sprawling Sands
Shift in the Departing Song
Image Ride on the Little Carousel

Samanayr Referance

Code: Select all

[b]Samanayr Name:[/b] 
[b]Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult):[/b] 
[b]Physical Description:[/b] 
[b]Abilities (magical and otherwise):[/b] 
[b]Aspirations and Goals:[/b] 
[b]Favorite Color:[/b] 
[b]Odd fact:[/b]

Code: Select all

[b]Birth Song:[/b]
Pet Reference (basic outline was borrowed from Origami_Dragon)

Code: Select all


Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 11:27 am
by SilverDapples
Samanayr name: Rustle of the Willow's Tears
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Age: Adult
Physical description: Rustle is rather long legged and smooth. She has a pretty stream lined body and long mane and tail. Basically her body mimics the river, blue, greens and silvery-whites as well. And of course she has her little willow and little white flowers.
Personality: Rustle is very sweet and caring, and can't stop herself when it comes to helping others. She completely loves others, but can also be shy at times. When she's with Pride, she is more outgoing and less shy around everyone.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None
History: Rustle was found by two Kreenasa Dragonet's when she was a little baby, and so they raised her, as well as a certain Lamanayr and her Dragonet who also helped raise her.
Song: Song of the Naiad's Hunter
Foals: Image
Likes: Sunlight, rivers, snuggling, grapes, and obviously Pride!
Dislikes: Dirty water, bad weather, ice, being separated from a certain someone, too much 'unnatural noise'
Aspirations and goals: Be the best mother and and be good for Pride, help as many Sams as possible
Fears: Failing those she cares for, forgetting what makes Rustle Rustle
Favorite color: A slightly lighter deep blue!
Odd fact: Rustle is talented in the art of holding her breath. Nothing like an aquatic, notably though, she has practiced at it for a long time.

Contests: Won Second place in the 2012 Most Elegant Pose section of the Beauty Pageant.

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:28 pm
by SilverDapples
Samanayr name: Erosion of the Sand-swept Gem
Gender: Mare
Species: Desert
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult): Young Adult
Physical description: Erosion has cloven hooves, and horns, both of which are a sort of dark, almost blood red color, to which her eyes are a slight shade lighter than those. She has mostly white legs, and her muzzle and inner ears are white as well. Otherwise her body is a shade of tan, with purple and small white 'dots', 'spots', or 'dapples' on her. She has a leonine mane (mare) and a long tufted tail, with hair that's rather a mix of tan and slight reddish color.
Personality: Erosion is very open and will tell you what she's thinking more than most of the time. She's outgoing and can be a bit much on a long day. She really likes to be around others though, and has her own little ways of showing that. One big thing that she LOVES to do is play tricks on other Samanayrs. Doesn't matter how, when, or where, she will try and play a trick on someone somehow. That's simply a way for her to release her energy, which she is full of.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None!
History: Erosion doesn't have a big or spiffy, challenging or wild 'foal-hood'. She grew up with her parents song and decided to leave as soon as she knew she could take care of herself. Erosion wanted to travel a bit before deciding to 'join a song', see the world that other Samanayrs live in, and to prank them when possible.
Song: Song of the Gemstone Prism
Likes: Being with friends/loved ones, playing tricks on others, joking around, occasionally relaxing and being quiet, simply 'chilling out'
Dislikes: Unexpected chaos -to her-, rivalry, bad weather
Aspirations and goals: Erosion really doesn't have any specifically! She just wants to live life as best she can and play as many tricks as possible!
Fears: Being truly alone.
Favorite color: Something like this!
Odd fact: Erosion likes to sleep on her back!

Contests: Erosion won First Place in the Frightful Fog 2013 Halloween race, and won the Ghost Clip and a Rarity and Species Modiem.
She helped her team, the Reayring Raceyrs, get second place in the March Meadow Triathlon, acquiring a Breeding Moediem.
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:04 pm
by SilverDapples
Samanayr name: Wrangler of the Errant Herd
Gender: Stallion
Species: Samanayr
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult): Adult
Physical description: Wrangler has a bit of leg, but not too much, they're meant to be strong and help him race all over the place, whether that be to investigate some suspicious sound, or just to run around to have fun. He has tan-brown on his legs and face, and all along his head, back and sides is a blackish color with peppery-white spots. Needless to say, Wrangler has the biggest brown eyes and the widest smile!
Personality: Wrangler loves to have fun. He's active, and sometimes a bit hyper, but no matter what his heart is in the right place. Sometimes Wrangler can get carried away when he's having fun, and just doesn't want to stop! He needs someone every once in a while to say, 'okay, that's enough, we're done!' Wrangler doesn't get too mad though, he has a bark that sounds far worse than his bite. The only time he really gets mad is if another Samanayr hurts his friends, song and family, he's got a loyal heart no matter what. In a three word answer that sums up Wrangler (because odd numbers are the best), he is happy, carefree and fun.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None!
History: Wrangler didn't have that much of a 'seriously problematic' upbringing. He had a great birth song, and his parents loved him (especially his mother). They taught him that there were times to be happy, loud, bright and excited, and times to be serious, quiet, and thoughtful, but never, ever disrespectful.
Song: Song of the Resounding Howl
Likes Jolly Balls, playing, having great times with others, simply having fun and staying happy.
Dislikes: Not having a jolly ball, having nothing to do, being unhelpful.
Aspirations and goals: Wrangler wants to have a few 'pups' in the future, but only when his mares say so. He wants to keep everyone as happy as they can be, because if life isn't fun then what is there to be happy about?
Fears: Being unable to protect his song, family, and friends.
Favorite color: Orange-y reds or dark blues! (or greens... X3)
Odd fact: Wrangler LOVES Jolly balls!

Contests: Wranger has gotten second place in Holiday Bound and another second place (in one I can't remember XD)
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 3:11 pm
by SilverDapples
Samanayr name: Wanderer of the Endless Flight
Gender: Stallion
Species: Samanayr
Age (foal, yearling, young adult, adult): Young Adult
Physical description: Wanderer is rather uniform, normal looking body, with triple hooves on each leg, except he has no ears or mane, and owns a beak, as well as a nice feathery tail. The main part of his body is white, while his wings and other feathers own a grey-to-black color, and is covered in speckles of white, while grey feather like markings cover his back. He also has a grey marker/band on his left hind leg.
Personality: Wanderer is very easy going, he likes to fly around, go places he hasn't been before, and watch what is below him. Besides being easy going, he's very intuitive, and when he sees something pretty, he can't help but investigate, nab, or stare at it until he has had his fill!
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None!
History: Wanderer grew up on the cliffs of the ocean side, his father had a song full of winged mares, and they would be able to take nightly or daily flights together or in small groups. He had a very serene life when living there, which caused him to have a laid back attitude to life. He knows when to worry and when not to worry, and lets the drafts take him where they want him to go!
Song: None yet!
Likes: Flying for long distances at a time, preening, looking at shiny things!
Dislikes: Bad weather, problems with others, uninteresting dirt...
Aspirations and goals: One day, Wanderer hopes to have a song full of mimics, or at the least mares with wings! He wants to be able to fly about with all of them and just have good times and make tons of enjoyable memories for all involved.
Fears: Being unable to fly.
Favorite color: Any dark blacks to greys (even near whites as well)
Odd fact: Wanderer LOVES sparkly things, but shiny rocks/stones are pretty well favored, and he collects them.

Conests: Wanderer won Third Place in the Cupcake Races, winning a cupcake an a Pattern Modiem Balloon

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:51 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works

Samanayr name: Depths
Gender: Mare
Species: Elemental
Age: Young Adult
Physical description:
Personality: Curious to the bone, she's a total trickster, especially combined with her sister, and very friendly gal
Abilities (magical and otherwise): Water Elemental
Sire: Veil of the Moonstone Cove
Dam: Dive of the Melting Glacier
Birth Song: Song of the Gemstone Prism
Song: Song of the Approaching Apocalypse
Likes Playing tricks on others with her sister
Aspirations and goals:
Favorite color:
Odd fact: She is a twin, her sister is named Sirocco

Depths is my first Elemental, and the first Water Elemental that I've gotten (and not to be the last)

Contests: Depths has gotten second place in Island Splash

Name: Halla
Gender: Female
Species: Mage Construct
Personality: Halla is a very loyal companion, who does what Depths wants most of the time.
Fact: Halla was given to Depths by Seren

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 5:54 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Rapture of the Silken Sands
Gender: Mare
Species: Desert Kirin
Age: Adult
Physical Description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None
Song: None
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd Fact: Won from THIS outline sale

Contests: Rapture won third place in Spring Sands and won Dusk of the Sprawling Sands and a random modiem (Species modiem)

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:04 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Mask of Hidden Blessings
Gender: Mare
Species: Sa'Grisayr
Age: Young Adult
Physical Description:
Personality: Airy -a very 'head in the clouds' kinda girl. Loves flying and being active, is very sweet to others.
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None
Song: None
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Was a custom; my first sa'grisayr <3 The ignition to my love of them
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:15 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Cider of the Last Apple
Gender: Mare
Species: Minayr
Age: Adult
Physical Description:
Personality: Loves her mate, Zip, and everyone in the song
Abilities (magical and otherwise): Able to teleport over short distances within line of sight into an unoccupied space.
Song: Song of the Warm Cheer
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Gotten in the 2012 Christmas Card Exhange <3 ; My first Minayr!
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:35 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Purgatory
Gender: Mare
Species: Elemental (Hellfire)
Age: Adult
Physical Description:
Personality: Very snarky, she can find a reason to start a fight, and is constantly having personality changes
Abilities (magical and otherwise): Hellfire Elemental
Song: Song of the Approaching Apocalypse
Likes: Heat/warmth
Dislikes: Stupid 'questions' or stupid Samanayrs,
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Given to me by Seren as a Christmas Present!
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:47 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Retreat of the Timid Twilight
Gender: Mare
Species: Lamanayr
Age: Young Adult
Physical Description:
Personality: Very sweet, but timid (as said in her name), she's shy, and cute as well, and couldn't say a mean word (and doesn't have a mean bone in her body)
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Song: Song of the Flying Dreams
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: My first Lamanayr, won as a Semi-custom token
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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:18 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Paradise
Gender: Mare
Species: Elemental (Earth)
Age: Young Adult
Physical Description:
Personality: Very sweet, innocent, and very friendly, loves talking/meeting others
Abilities (magical and otherwise): As an Earth elemental (focused closely to the earth around ponds/lakes), Paradise can control
Sire: Pride of the Misguided Arrow
Dam: Rustle of the Willow's Tears
Birth Song: Song of the Naiad's Hunter
Song: Song of the Approaching Apocalypse
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Paradise is my first Earth Elemental, as well as the first foal from my first Samananayr (Rustle of the Willow's Tears), given to me through a breeding token for Christmas 2012.

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:22 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Dusk of the Sprawling Sands
Gender: Stallion
Species: Desert
Age: Adult
Physical Description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise): None!
Song: Song of the Spring Sands
Foals: Image
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Dusk is my first ever Guest Artist Samanayr, and my second Desert.

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Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:07 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Shift in the Departing Song
Gender: Mare
Species: Minayr-Illiayr Hybrid
Age: Young Adult
Physical Description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Sire: Embrace of Molten Chocolate
Dam: Garnet of the Drumming Dance
Birth Song: Song of the Chocolate Quirk
Song: None
Foal: None
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Shift was a 2013 birthday gift generously given to me by Jennalyn (and silvermoondragon for agreeing to the gifting). Came out of a Twin Token from the 2013 Spring Fling.

Twins to this handsome boy

Re: SilverDapple's Samanayrs

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 6:17 pm
by SilverDapples
In the works
Samanayr Name: Ride on the Little Carousel
Gender: Mare
Species: Samanayr
Age: Adult
Physical Description:
Abilities (magical and otherwise):
Song: None
Foal: None
Aspirations and Goals:
Favorite Color:
Odd fact: Guest Artist Sam; drawn by Rekyrem (Also my second Guest Artist)
Won in the Birthday Cards Art Contest 2013 through getting second place, also won a Color Modiem with her.
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