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Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:32 am
by silvermoondragon

How Racing Works

There will be three different courses. Two on the ground, and one in the air. Each course is 30 spaces long, and has several obstacles the racers must get through, over, around, or under.

Every round, a d6 (six-sided die) will be rolled for each racer. The number rolled determines how many spaces the racer goes forward, and the first Samanayr to the finish line is the winner! There are also prizes for the second and third Sams.

The races will be run here on the forum.


Each course will have a number of obstacles to get through. When a Samanayr reaches an obstacle, a d20 (20-sided die) will be rolled for them. Each obstacle has a number from 1 to 20, based on its difficulty, and the racer's roll must match or beat that number to successfully cross the obstacle.

Until the Samanayr is able to pass the obstacle, they will not move forward. If they successfully pass the obstacle, they will get a regular movement roll that round. If they encounter the obstacle in the middle of regular movement and successfully pass it on the same turn, they will continue forward normally.

If a Samanayr isn't able to pass an obstacle after three tries, they will pass it automatically after the third attempt and keep moving forward on their next turn.

Traits Matter!

A Samanayr's features and traits can give it bonuses or penalties to regular movement and obstacle rolls. The trick is that you won't know what affect your Sam's traits will have before the race starts! Here's some examples:

- A Samanayr with the 'fluffy' or 'extensive tufts' trait will be encumbered by that extra fur, and receive a -1 penalty to each regular movement roll.
- A Samanayr with very long legs is able to leap over obstacles easily, and it will receive a +5 bonus to obstacle rolls that require going over something.
- A Samanayr with the 'butterfly wings' trait will need to be careful going through a dense bramble patch, and will receive a -10 penalty to the roll for that obstacle.
- A water Mystic would be able to gauge the currents and depths of a stream easily, giving it a +10 bonus for any obstacles requiring crossing water.

In the future, you might learn what the obstacles are before a race and be able to choose your Sam accordingly, but for now they're going into the courses blind. Good luck


Terrain can play a part in a Samanayr's movement roll. For example, if a course was over sandy terrain, the Desert Samanayrs would have a clear advantage and receive a +1 bonus to each roll.


The best part, of course. Prizes will be assigned to the first, second, and third place racers in each race. The main prize for each place is a gold, silver, or bronze medal. You'll receive a pixel version of your medal for your Samanayrs webpage inventory, but if you choose to equip your medal, it will also appear on your Samanayr's image! The medal itself will be the color they placed, but you can choose the ribbon color.

Medals are special items and can only be equipped to the Samanayr that won it. If you're borrowing a Samanayr from someone else, you'll receive the pixel medal image for your inventory, but you won't be able to equip it to the winning Samanayr unless you give the medal to the Samanayr's owner.

For now, a Samanayr can only wear one medal at a time, but medals can be equipped and unequipped. There is also no limit to how many medals a Samanayr can win!

First place

- Gold medal (25% chance any offspring will be twins)
- One of the following canine mimic Samanayrs (for the Ground 1,Ground 2, and Flying courses respectively)

Second place

- Silver medal (gives a 20% bonus to breeding)
- One modiem of choice

Third place

- Bronze medal (gives a 10% bonus to breeding)
- One random modiem


Is your Samanayr all pumped up and ready to race? Good! Just make sure you read this important information first:

- Each person is allowed to enter one Samanayr per racing event (not one Samanayr per race).
- If you don't own a Samanayr but would like to participate, you may apply using someone else's Samanayr as long as you have the owner's permission. Please see the information under 'prizes' for what will happen if your borrowed Samanayr receives a medal. There is more information at the bottom for non-owners, as well as a list of Samanayrs available for use.
- In the event of a tie, there will be a roll-off between those Samanayrs to see who crosses first.
- Each Samanayr can only be entered in one race.

Apply to Race

There are three races to choose from:

Ground 1

A simple ground course through and around the festival grounds. Flying is not permitted on this course.

There are 10 spots open for this race.

First Place Takes home:

Ground 2

A more strenuous ground course located on a mountain. Flying is not permitted on this course.

There are 10 spots open for this race.

First Place Takes home:


An air course, high above the ground. The weather is calm now, but there's a storm in the forecast.

There are 10 spots open for this race.

First Place Takes home:

Racing applications are open NOW, and will be open until May 6, 9:00am PST. Race Spots will be given randomly to everyone who enters each category. To apply for a race spot, send a PM to my account, silvermoondragon, either on the forum or PI(pm’s sent to Sushidragon may get missed or you may miss getting the spot you want), with the subject being the course type you would like your Samanayr to race on (Ground 1, Ground 2, or Flying) and the following filled out:

Samanayr name:
Samanayr ID:
Which race would you like to enter your Sam in (Ground 1, Ground 2, Flying)?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you have permission from the owner to use it?
If the Samanayr is not yours, do you understand that any medals won cannot be equipped to it unless they're given to the Sam's owner?

Races will be run on May 6, 3:00pm PST

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:39 am
by silvermoondragon
Non-Owner Information

For those of you who don’t yet have a Samanayr of your own, you’re welcome to borrow any of mine (click on the thumbnail for a larger image):
Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image Image

And here is a list of Samanayrs that are also available for use.

Jennalyn’s Samanayrs:
See List Here
Restrictions: Samanayrs with a medal already, Premonition of the Looming Cloud

Janalee’s Samanayrs:
See List Here
Restrictions: Bringer of the Astral Chalice

Bluestarwolf12’s Samanayrs:
See List Here
Restrictions: Slice of the Sinister Skies

Pathos’s Samanayrs:
See List Here
Restrictions: Duality of the Logical Dream

LvSoulFriend’s Samanayrs:
See List Here
Restrictions: Misery of the Weeping Clouds and Clamor of the Resolute Defender

LostDollie's Samanayrs:
See List Here
And if you have multiple Samanayrs or are not planning on racing yourself and wouldn’t mind someone else racing with your Samanayr(s), just post here or send me a pm to volunteer them and I will add them to the list.

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:39 am
by silvermoondragon
Registered Racers:

Ground 1
Guardian of the Treasured Home (Yildun)
Image Journey of the Jeweled Plain (SunBlind)
Image Fluff of the Bright Berry (sheltie)
Image Automaton (Yuiven)
Image Gleam of the Peridot Eve (Tasmen)
Image Drowse of the Drifting Dream (Esperanza)
Image Slice of the Sinister Skies (Bluestarwolf12)
Image Survey of the Charmed Eccentric (Jennalyn)
Image Wanderer of the Endless Tundra (Kagari)
Image Gurgle of the Plentiful Pond (Varuna)

Ground 2
Image Premonition of the Looming Cloud (Jennalyn)
Image Prize of the Victorious Strike (Origami_Dragon)
Image Echo of the Empty Rainforest (ElvenArcher)
Image Duality of the Logical Dream (Pathos)
Wrangler of the Errant Herd (SilverDapples)
Image Curl of the Diminutive Brush (oakleafwolf)
Image Flourish of the Sun Ablaze (Varuna)
Image Dive of the Melting Glacier (Seren)
Bound of the Loyal Spirit (LostDollie)
Image Mystic of the Opal Veins (Janalee)

Image Advent of the Peaceful Equinox (Shaybaby)
Image Reel at the Rainbow's End (Pristine)
Image Misery of the Weeping Clouds (LvSoulFriend)
Tempest (Kagari)
Image Bite of the Chocolate-coated Rainbow (amazondreamer)
Image Vivacity of the Breezy Spring (LostDollie)
Image Lilac of the Endless Spring (AsaraDragon)
Image Fear of the Homesick Wanderer (HybridSiren)
Image Storm on the Coming Horizon (Nighthenge)
Image Bringer of the Astral Chalice (Janalee)
Ground 1
Image - Kagari
Image - Bluestarwolf12
Image - SunBlind

If you missed the race, here's an animated GIF of the race:

Ground 2
Image - Seren
Wrangler - SilverDapples
Image - oakleafwolf

If you missed the race, here's an animated GIF of the race:

Image - LvSoulFriend
Tempest - Kagari
Image - LostDollie

If you missed the race, here's an animated GIF of the race:

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 11:27 am
by silvermoondragon
Just updated the prizes after receiving some canine mimics for the event. Instead of modiems, first place will receive one of the following mimics based on the race you are entering:

If you've already submitted an application and would like to change anything, feel free to send in a new application.

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:11 pm
by Kagari
If anyone borrows one of Jenn's Sams to fly, I really hope it's Rainbow Dash! X)

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:12 pm
by LostDollie
I have a question, I have 2 sams, but neither of them have wings and I would very much like to enter the flying race. May I borrow a sam from another user even though I'm technically not a nonowner?

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:16 pm
by silvermoondragon
@LostDollie - Sure, I don't see why not :)

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 12:17 pm
by Jennalyn
Please feel free to borrow any of my Sams for flying or ground, whether you're an owner or a non-owner. <3

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 1:25 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
All of my Sams except for Slice are available for non-owner use. <3

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:27 pm
by Pathos
All of my Sams except Duality of the Logical Dream are available for use :)

(I would really like to see Gale entered in the flying race as well! ;)

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:42 pm
by silvermoondragon
Just want to let people know that so far, there are way more than 10 people wanting to enter the flying race... It's going to be a random draw for those 10 slots of course, but there are still tons of spots left in the ground races so your chances of getting a spot in one of them are much higher.

If you don't end up in the flying race, your Samanayr will be placed in any leftover ground spots(as available). You're welcome to send a backup plan or preference to me, otherwise it will be done randomly once the signup time is over.

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:26 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Any of my Sams except for Misery or Clamor are available to use!

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:59 pm
by Seren
Gah... I just love that Sushi-drawn dog, so I decided to take a chance with the flying course.

Plus, Dive REALLY wants to try.

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:12 pm
by SilverDapples
Hahaha lucky I have no Sams with wings XD XD

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:21 pm
by Kagari
Hey, Silvermoondragon, I just wanted to let you know that my original choice for entry will work if I get the slot. :)

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 6:13 am
by LostDollie
I'd be happy to let others use my girls if they like. I only have 2 but someone is welcome to use them as I borrowed one from a different user. :D

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 7:16 am
by silvermoondragon
Just under an hour left for race signups, and still lots of spots left in the two ground races.

If there are some left over I will open up the rest of the spots for first come first serve for second entries at 10:00am PST or 17:00 PI time

Then the races themselves will happen at 3:00pm PST or 22:00 PI time

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:30 am
by Tasmen
lol half hour late for sign-ups but half hour early for free for all, ignore that pm XD

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:44 am
by LvSoulFriend
Whoot! Misery got in!

Storm mage in a flying race! *dances*

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 8:45 am
by silvermoondragon
@ Tasmen - Don't worry, it was close enough and in a category that was still open anyway so I fit you in.

Results are posted. Remaining slots include:
3 for Ground 1
2 for Ground 2

Feel free to send a second application in at 10:00

Those of you that were unsuccessful at getting into the flying race (oakleafwolf, Esperanza, Bluestarwolf12, Varuna, Seren) I just entered your Samanayr into another open race or used backup forms. If you would prefer to use a different Samanayr for that race, please let me know as soon as possible.

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 9:10 am
by silvermoondragon
Wow those were fast XD Congrats guys!

Race applications are now closed. I hope to see you guys at 3 for the races themselves!

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:21 am
by Seren
Ah man.... I keep missing everything! :/ Oh well, I'm excited to see the winners of the races XD

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:02 pm
by silvermoondragon
A group of 10 Samanayrs stand nervously at the starting line for the first ground race just waiting for the signal to start. Who will emerge victorious?

Guardian of the Treasured Home (Yildun)
Image Journey of the Jeweled Plain (SunBlind)
Image Fluff of the Bright Berry (sheltie)
Image Automaton (Yuiven)
Image Gleam of the Peridot Eve (Tasmen)
Image Drowse of the Drifting Dream (Esperanza)
Image Slice of the Sinister Skies (Bluestarwolf12)
Image Survey of the Charmed Eccentric (Jennalyn)
Image Wanderer of the Endless Tundra (Kagari)
Image Gurgle of the Plentiful Pond (Varuna)


Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:06 pm
by Pristine
Whee, I love watching the races :) Good luck, everyone!

Re: Spring Races

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 2:08 pm
by Seren
I'm waiting for Ground 2, but good luck to all!

Will Ground 1 and Ground 2 have different courses?