Playing with Fire (Open RP)
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:25 am
((So, there has been some interest expressed in my fire Misery, and so I figured I should toss him up and see how things play out. He might be interested in a Song, but he requires RP to start one. You can join even if you aren't interested in a mare joining a Song with him though. Just be aware, he is not nice. He likes setting others on fire for fun. He is likely to be mean or nasty and may well try to hurt your Sam. Please do not join if this will offend.
Also, I hate being left behind in RP, so if you join, please be willing to wait for everyone else in the RP to post before you post again, or at least give them a few days to a week to reply. I very much dislike coming home from a long day at work and finding that two people have gotten excited and made several posts without allowing others to react. I've not seen this so much here as in other forums, but just putting it out there. Please have patience.))
Stormclouds filled the sky, lightning flickering sullenly through the dark masses, forming a fitting backdrop to the brooding Misery perched on the side of the volcano. It was none of his doing, his powers lay in fire, not air or water, but it suited him that the sky was dark and ashen. Some days ago he had come here to test his speed in a race, certain that his love of flames and volcanoes would see him through, but he had suffered the shame of seeing a Mystic pass him by, sickly sweet creatures. His own affinity for the flames had seen him linger as though mesmerized instead of swiftly winging through the sky. And now? Well, now he had yet to gather the motivation to leave and return to his own volcano. Why bother? It wasn't as though anyone seemed to be claiming this one, and it was just as nice. Perhaps nicer with those smoking vents on the sides and the treacherous rock slides to chase visitors up onto. This one was active; much more so than the old.
Everyone else seemed to have quickly cleared out after the race, off to friends and family or just to avoid the choking atmosphere. But this was still close to settlements, to Songs, to playthings. Eventually his sour mood would be lifted by a visitor to play with. But for now blue eyes glared moodily down the slopes through the gap between his tail spikes put it bluntly, Misery sulked as the first raindrops began to hiss against the lava above and soak into the single line of fur down his back.
((Sorry for the short intro...but all he wants to do is brood and sulk right now...))
Also, I hate being left behind in RP, so if you join, please be willing to wait for everyone else in the RP to post before you post again, or at least give them a few days to a week to reply. I very much dislike coming home from a long day at work and finding that two people have gotten excited and made several posts without allowing others to react. I've not seen this so much here as in other forums, but just putting it out there. Please have patience.))

Everyone else seemed to have quickly cleared out after the race, off to friends and family or just to avoid the choking atmosphere. But this was still close to settlements, to Songs, to playthings. Eventually his sour mood would be lifted by a visitor to play with. But for now blue eyes glared moodily down the slopes through the gap between his tail spikes put it bluntly, Misery sulked as the first raindrops began to hiss against the lava above and soak into the single line of fur down his back.
((Sorry for the short intro...but all he wants to do is brood and sulk right now...))