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'Maternity leave' hiatus info

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:08 pm
by Sushidragon
We're just 3 weeks out from the due date - how did that happen?! O_O In any case, I'll be starting my 'maternity leave' hiatus on Saturday. Although, unlike last time, I'm still comfortable sitting at my desk and drawing, I'm also exhausted and really need to rest while Baby Sushi is sleeping.

What this means for Samanayrs
  • The 'do stuff for me' and 'trading post' boards will both be closing end of day on Saturday, so if you have anything last minute that you'd like to do please do it! I'll be clearing them up and finishing all trades etc after they're closed. Those boards will open again when I'm back from hiatus. Exception: owners of the guest artist foals can post names for them, since the foals won't be grown before the hiatus starts.
  • There will be occasional events run by guest artists and volunteers, yay!
  • I will still be around the forum, I'll probably just be slower than usual to respond. If it's been a few days and you haven't received a response please send me a reminder!
How long will the hiatus last?

2-3 months at minimum, probably longer. I have no idea what life is going to be like with two kids but I imagine it's going to be a bit of an adjustment XD;

Don't forget to enter the birth date and gender draws if you haven't already!

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info - begins Saturday

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 4:43 am
by Seren
Oh Sushi, I'm excited for you! <3 I hope everything continues to go smoothly. I'm looking forward to events by others, but we will definitely miss you while you're gone/sort of gone. XD

It's good that you're devoting time for yourself, and of course, your family. My mom informs me that while I was a hassle to learn how to be a mom with, my sister (the second child) was not nearly as difficult of a transition. Hopefully since you know most of the basics this won't be too stressful... though it is a big change!

Best of health to you and your whole family. <3

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info - begins Saturday

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:03 am
by SilverDapples
Basically, sleep more, Sushi. XD and take as much hiatus time as you need, I think everyone will be a bit more busy with spring/the closer Summer is getting, so with the guest artists/volunteers running the events, I'm sure it's more than enough to keep everything going while you're adjusting to having two kiddies. I think my mom said it was easier when my brother came along, but now she (and my grandparents... who had four kids) will ask to be seated away from children in restaurants and hate it when babies/children cry because of dealing with their own kids etc. etc.... my family... so... random.

This is kind of exciting though XD I can't wait to hear if Nigri is boy or girl - I do hope everything goes well though!

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info - begins Saturday

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 5:25 pm
by Jaes
Take it easy and good luck, Sushi! And enjoy your spring and summer with your family!

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info - begins Saturday

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 9:53 am
by PookaWitch
Any word yet on Baby Sushi and how things are going?

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info - begins Saturday

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 12:56 pm
by Jennalyn
Mama Sushi and Baby Nigiri are both doing very well from their Facebook updates. :D

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:30 pm
by Sushidragon
I have 3 of the semi-customs from the last monthly draw finished, just one more to color and then those will be ready to go! And I just have to finish off the 'do stuff for me' items that require me to draw something and I'll be all caught up :D Looks like I might be back in time for the annual birthday celebrations, although on a very small scale!

Re: 'Maternity leave' hiatus info

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:34 pm
by Jennalyn
Woot woot! That is awesome, as are you. :3