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Looking for Ladies for seven different Stallions!

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 11:13 am
by Bluestarwolf12
I've been on the hunt for good mares for a number of my boys for a while now, but it seems that most of the mares that they're interested in either already have plans or just aren't interested. So with my newest stallion addition, I've decided it's time I started a thread for them.

First up is Dance, who is mostly looking for mares that are willing to at least tolerate cooler (though not necessarily freezing) temperatures. Star themed ladies are also more than welcome. He has two open spots in his Song of the Frozen Mountains.

Next up is Lagoon. As he is a Northern Aquatic, a tolerance for cold is preferred. He has one slot left in his Song of the Curious Tide.

Third is Renegade. He is definitely Slice's son, and is looking for mares with a temper. Miseries, Sa'Kriens, their children, and otherwise angry/viscious mares are welcome. He has two open slots in his Song of the Vengeful Nature.

Next is perhaps my pickiest boy, Flicker. He's a little on the stuck-up side, and is mostly just interested in those of magical descent (Mystics, Elementals, Sybils, Kirins, and their direct descendents, but especially Kirins), followed by rare species Sams, and then trait heavy ones.

He has two Song slots open in his Song of the Golden Empire.

Hunter was a growing Sam, now fully matured. His story can be found here for those curious about his personality and past:
His Song of the Grand Adventure is heavily nomadic with a love for adventure. There is one slot left for a lady with an adventurous spirit.

Feather of the Terrible Lizard is looking for ladies as well! Dino Sams are preferred, followed closely by feathery ladies! His Song is the Song of the Primordial Theropod, with three open slots.

Finally, we have Spirit of a Timeless Land! He currently doesn't have a Song, but he'd be very interested in kindhearted, calm, or otherwise gentle ladies. A tolerance for a cooler (though not necessarily cold) climate is preferred (so no deserts or hairless ladies).

And that's all of my boys! Please post or PM me with any interested ladies! :3

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:09 am
by Jennalyn

HAY BLUE, wanna do a quick young'un RP of random nature? >_> I'm sure we can come up with some sort of contrived premise for an early meeting.

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:41 am
by Bluestarwolf12
I assume you mean with Hunter? :3 It'd preferably be before his "solo" since I don't actually have it planned out yet, but they could easily have met during his first venture south. :D

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:42 am
by Jennalyn
Aha yes, I do. xD Sorry for not specifying. And I'm totally down with little timeline shifts, since Sams aren't big on time continuity thankfully. Would you like to set the state, or would you like me to begin?

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Mon Jan 13, 2014 10:13 am
by Bluestarwolf12
T'would be much appreciated if you could start it, since I'm not sure where the little darling lives. :3

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:27 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
All of these boys are still looking for ladies, and with the upcoming festival in May, now's a good time to start prepping and arranging Songs me thinks. ;D

I hope to eventually get Hunter a Storyteller job, and he will be travelling extensively. Any mares that join him will need to be alright with a nomadic Song. :3

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:27 am
by Codress
They are all very handsome ^_^ Good luck on your serach guys!!

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 9:18 am
by Jennalyn
Weeeell, my newest lady Trial seems like she might be just that - a trial. Of my patience. Lawl.

She's already given me the "I will only settle with a Kirin" speech. I pointed at the newly-appeared Valor with a waggle of my eyebrows, but she gave me this Look just dripping with "eugh, him" vibes. Sooo, no clue what that's about, but I guess she knows him somewhere in the mists of her unexplored backstory and isn't a fan.

I took her on a little database-tour of other available Kirin-esque bachelors, including the newest unowned Patreon monthly guy. She showed mild interest in several, one of which was Flicker. do you think he'd stand up to an abrasive but very capable lady?

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Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:00 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Very, very wonderfully. 83 He really wants a full Kirin Song like his parents', but since not many had existed to this point, and those that had were in Songs or related to him... Lets just say he's very glad to see the sudden appearance of several Kirin ladies. ;3 I assume Trial would have no qualms being lead mare?

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Sun Apr 13, 2014 11:11 am
by Jennalyn
I bet it helps a young Kirin boy breathe a sigh of relief at the promise of some lovely ladies more to his taste. xD

Trial would vastly prefer a spot as lead mare, yes please. I get the impression that she's older than him (almost but not quite approaching middle age? Ish?) Will he have a problem with that?

Makes me wonder what all she's been up to that she's only worrying about finding herself a fella now/

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:41 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
He will definitely not have a problem with that. Rather... it sounds like he'd almost prefer a more experienced lady to a younger more naïve one (like his sister who he's still mad at for settling down with some hybrid mutt even though there's an elemental, a mystic, and a storyteller in Lore's lineage...)

Any ideas on Song name, and preference on open/closed/semi-open? :3

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:49 pm
by Jennalyn
Well then, sounds like he found just the lady to help him lead. :3 She's got strong opinions on propriety, individuals... all sorts of things. She's just full of strong opinions. xD

No personal preferences on permissions. If you want to open it up, go ahead! If not, 's cool! :3

Names... Song of the Golden Empire? Brain's not coming up with too much at this hour very sadly.

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:07 pm
by Janalee
Bluestarwolf12 wrote:-like his sister who he's still mad at for settling down with some hybrid mutt even though there's an elemental, a mystic, and a storyteller in Lore's lineage...
*gasp!* Lore has no problem being called a hybrid mutt, but an Elemental! He'll have you know his father is a unicorn. :D
Seriously though, I'm so glad Flicker found a perfect lead mare! He's too handsome not to have foals sometime. ^^

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:52 pm
by RikkuGirl
They may not have matching colors....but they do have matching style!!

Cozy LOVES dances hat and would like the chance to show him hers. She has a lot of ideas on fashion in cold climates...would he be interested in listening to them all? :)


Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:52 am
by Jennalyn
Bluestarwolf12 wrote:I hope to eventually get Hunter a Storyteller job, and he will be travelling extensively. Any mares that join him will need to be alright with a nomadic Song. :3
Y'know, if Hunter manages to grow in time for the event, I really think Sprite might be an odd but interesting match for him. I could see her adapting well to a nomadic Song - with those wings, she wants to fly!

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Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:19 am
by Bluestarwolf12
Rikku - ...Is she a filly and thus waiting to grow, or is she mini? xD Either way, I think they'd be a perfect, adorable match! x3


Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:24 am
by Jennalyn
I think she's a mini. :D Yer good, no pedo-stallion!

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:25 am
by RikkuGirl
Shes a mini!!! -squeals- No Pedo needed! hahahahahahaha -gigglesnorts @jenn-

YAY! really?! -does a happy dance all over the place- OMG im so excited!! yay! Thank you Blue -fleas to add her- They will have the cutest hatted babies EVAR!!! cx

Cold weather fashionistas!

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 9:33 am
by Bluestarwolf12
GOOD TO KNOW. xD Would you like her to be open or closed permission, Rikku? :3

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 10:00 am
by RikkuGirl
she wants to share her fashion with the WORLD! So...she's available to whomever would like. :) OPEN.

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 1:38 pm
by SilverDapples
Bluestarwolf12 wrote:Jenn - ...*INTENT STARING AT GROWTH THREAD*



Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 2:03 pm
by AranelSaraphim
My kirin mare is looking for a kirin stallion to form a Song with.


Your boy Flicker is handsome, and as long as he doesn't mind a mare who likes to wander and not be tied down, perhaps Spirit would fit?

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:55 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Aranel - Nope, she seems like just the proud sort of Kirin lady Flicker'd want in his Song! :3 He's more than happy to accommodate any wandering she may like to do, so long as she checks back in every now and again. Especially since she can probably handle herself just fine on her own. xD Would you rather she be closed or open permission?

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:57 pm
by AranelSaraphim
I don't mind people asking permission. that semi-open? And yeah, she can take care of herself. ^_^ He might have his hooves full with both of those mares, though Trial seems like the take-charge type. Spirit doesn't mind sitting back from the responsibility.

Re: Looking for Ladies for five different Stallions!

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 4:39 am
by AsaraDragon
Hey Blue!

Do you think Lagoon might be interested in my lady Wave?

She needs a calm, quiet sort of gentleman, and he seems like he would fit the bill :)