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Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:25 pm
by Seren
Hi everyone! I know I've done next to nothing, it's mostly due to being so extremely busy. I am getting a tablet soon and I'm hoping that means I'll have a bit more art for you all!

So, for one of my upper-level German classes, I have to write a German-style fairytale. I have written one about a unicorn named Sonnegold, and I would love to illustrate it! And, I'd love for it to be a collab-style illustration collection. Any medium or skill level is welcome! The character design is relatively simple. :3 Mostly equine/medieval art will be needed, but if someone is decent at humans, there's some of those too! If you're interested, drop me a comment!

The artwork needs to be done by Feb. 23rd, preferably. :3 There's no pressure, you can always drop out if you don't feel prepared. It could be any style as well! <3 I just want to create a mosaic of types! If you'd rather just line/color, we can always talk about that too!

If you know anyone who'd be interested, feel free to mention it, anyone is welcome to! :3

(I can do art in return! :D )

I'll post any art I do for it here! It's not exactly Sam-related, but I'm thinking of maybe one day having the unicorn character made into a Samanayr! :3

Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:16 am
by RikkuGirl
:) I would love to help! PM ME <3

Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:25 am
by ElvenArcher
I'd be interested in helping. My skill level is not that great though. At least I think it's not that great. Haha :)
I don't draw humans. I am horrible at drawing humans. XP

Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:37 am
by RikkuGirl
Elven! Dont doubt yourself! You will only be better with confidence and practice! You are destined for greatness if you want it! :) <3 Look at how amazing Sushi is! You can see how she progressed, until they came to be second nature to her and her own style! :D

You can do anything you want, dont ever limit yourself. <3

I'm ok at humans, I havent done them for a while... so I might have to do a bunch of sketching to do it (Which im totally cool with). I need a hobby to do! I no longer work on the weekends and I want to be more up and around with EVERYTHING! Drawing, singing, coloring, writing, etc.

I know I can do some equine based stuff... I'm curious to read this story and to find out what you are interested in Seren! :D Post here if its easier. You dont have to PM if you are going to be giving others the same information ^_^


Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:16 pm
by Seren
Awwww thank you guys! I would have loved to feature BOTH of your art (as you are both fantastic and should never ever doubt yourselves <3) but this was actually due in March of 2015! I would be happy to post it however, if anyone wants to see the art. XD

Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:58 am
by RikkuGirl
>_> Not sure why I just saw it then. So weird. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE IT! :D


Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:35 am
by ElvenArcher
Haha XD. I didn't even notice the date.
I would love to see it! :D

Re: Artists Interested? Unicorn Fairytale

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:14 pm
by Seren
I'll have to translate it and put it up soon c: Since it's all in German currently. XD