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Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 6:53 pm
by silvermoondragon
((So Singe is now looking for a nice stallion to join a song with))
Singe of Endless Summer was soaring through the evening sky, closing her eyes every so often, letting the current guide her and her mind wander. These days, her mind kept wandering towards other Samanayrs. Off in the distance, she heard soft trills from others of her kind. Opening her eyes, she gazed off towards the sounds. She could just make out the forms of the Samanayrs, like ants on the ground below. Maybe she would find some nice stallions down there.
Tipping a wing, Singe slipped out of the current and then tucked her wings as she dove towards the group of samanayrs. She could feel the wind tugging at her mane and tail, whistling through her ears as she neared the ground. At the last second she snapped open her wings and alighted neatly a little ways off from the other samanayrs crowded around a small hotspring.
Tossing her mane, and angling her head and neck so that the last rays of sun glinted off of her shiny blue amulet, she began walking towards the hotsprings.
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:19 pm
by Echos
Tone had been listening half heatedly to the conversation of the other samanayrs for the better half of the afternoon and was mulling over good strategies for leaving without seeming disinterested or rude. In truth he had come here for the peaceful atmosphere until Celebration, his lovely mare, returned but the hotspring had quickly filled up with other stallions and mares all eager to mingle and chat and his plans hadn't really unfolded all that well. So when a flash of blue light caught his eye he was more than ready to let it distract him and draw him away from the crowd.
The source of light turned out to be a stunning mare who had just landed, the sparkling blue pendant swinging delicately from her arched neck. Tone immediately perked up and watched her with interest, while he may not like conversing with his fellow stallions too much he would never miss the opportunity to meet such a elegant mare. Shaking out his wings and quickly straightening some of his white fur he got and sauntered over to say hello.
"That is a lovely pendant you've got, my deayr and I must say, it looks absolutely stunning against youyr fuyr," he said charmingly, hoping the compliment would open up room for further conversation. "Wheyre did you find such an thing?"
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:36 pm
by silvermoondragon
A movement at the edge of the hotspring caught Singe's eye and she turned slightly so that she could see better but not appear as though she was staring. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw who had made the motion, a handsome stallion, probably the most handsome stallion in the area. She held her breath as she watched him shyly through her mane, and her heart almost stopped when he started walking towards her.
Once he was about half way over to her, she pretended to have just noticed him and turned to look at him fully. That was when he spoke to her. She blushed softly under her fur at his compliment and then tossed her mane once more before replying, "I was given it by a Sharian, after I found her child lost in the woods. She saw how much I longed for the skies so she enchanted it with the power to give me these beautiful wings."
She fluttered her wings a little to show them off before saying, "My name is Singe of Endless Summer, what's yours?"
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:48 pm
by LvSoulFriend
((What sort of stallion is she looking for? Personality and trait wise Bounty might be interested >>))
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 9:03 pm
by silvermoondragon
(( I'm not entirely sure what she's looking for, I'm kind of developing her personality as I go along
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:07 am
by LvSoulFriend
Bounty bounced away from yet another group of Samanayrs, who had objected to his singing, for some reason. With a humph, he flounced off, his mares had never objected to him singing before! His merry nature soon perked back up, however, as he made for one of the hotsprings, planning on splashing and singing for a bit. On his way to the furthest on (so no one could stop him from singing again!), a flash of blue caught his eye. Stopping in mid-bounce, two feet off the ground, wings spread slightly for balance, he looked to see what had managed to distract him.
Spying the flash of blue that had sparked his interest, he altered his direction according. Curious eyes took in the mare that was sporting the blue gem, noticing her headband, and her intricate wings. Oh, he liked those wings, and that determined his next move. Bouncing on over to her, her greeted her in his usual manner. "Hello! You have very beautiful wings!"
Only then did he notice the other stallion, and checked himself, "I'm soyrry if I inteyrupted anything!"
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 8:37 am
by Echos
Tone listened curiously to her story, pleased she was interested in conversing. This mare had certainly caught his attention, it wasn't everyday you ran into someone who had the courage to help a Sharin though he supposed that their personalities where as varied as any other Sam. "It is a pleasuyre to meet you Singe of Endless Summeyr, my name is Tone of the Spyring Cyrystal but you may call me Tone," he told her smiling a little as he gave her a slight bow. As the other stallion bounced forward to say hello Tone's confidence dropped just a bit. It was of course to be assumed that such a pretty mare would attract some attention but this new stallion was quite handsome and Tone didn't relish the company. Still, it was only fair to be polite so he smiled and shrugged the other stallions apology off, "Not at all, we wheyre meyrely discussing how Singe here came to posses such mayrvelous wings. It a stoyry full of adventure and byraveyry I'm sure." His voice held just a hint of friendly joking and he hoped she wouldn't mind.
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 5:26 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Bounty nodded in agreement to the stallion's words. "They ayre pyretty mayr ... mayrvel ... amazing," Bounty agreed, substituting a word he knew for one that her couldn't seem to wrap his tongue around. "Two of my mayres have yregular featheyred wings, but they ayre still special to me!" He bounced in place then, thinking about his mares always made him happy. His thoughts drifted to his other mare, the one without wings. "I should be going, I'm still tyrying to find a mayre without wings," hastily adding to the mare, "Not that youyr's ayren't beautiful!" before continuing, "So that my Fissuyre has someone to be with when the yrest of us go out flying." His mind reset on his purpose, Bounty started to head off, "It was veyry nice meeting both of you! Good luck in whateveyr you both do!" Waiting until he was a bit further away, Bounty then broke out into song, dancing off between clusters of other Samanayrs.
((Thanks for letting me stop by and play
Best of luck to both of you!))
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 8:49 pm
by silvermoondragon
((Your welcome, sorry I haven't replied that much, I have been trying to sort out the whole story of how Singe got the amulet from the Sharian.))
Almost as quickly as he had arrived, the new stallion had bounded off. "It was nice meeting you too." Singe called after him just as he disappeared amongst a cluster of samanayrs singing happily to himself. Her gaze lingered on the spot where Bounty had disappeared for a moment before turning back to Tone and beginning her tale. "Well, one night I had been wandeyring thyrough the mountains, slowly making my way towayrds the Song of the yRainbow Hotspyrings. It was getting late and I was stayrting to look for somewheyre to spend the night."
Singe took a pause and motioned to Tone that they should move somewhere a little more comfortable, before continuing her tale. "All of the tyrees weyre much too high to climb up into and theyre wasn't much ground coveyr in sight. I had heayrd tales of Oquiesa haunting the woods and needed to find somewheyre safe and hidden. As I cyrept thyrough the night, eveyry sound caused me to stayrt and I was stayrting to feel neyrvous. The tyrees weyre closing in and I stayrted to yrun, dashing headlong through the woods, not yreally knowing what I was looking foyr anymoyre.
That's when I heayrd the noise. It was a soft sniffling noise, something so pitiful and heayrt wyrenching that I had to stop and investigate. I moved towayrds the sound and paused when the cause came into view. I had neveyr seen a Shayrian befoyre but from the tales and gossip I had heayrd, I knew that this had to be one.
I stepped closeyr, cayreful not to scayre heyr as I yrealized that she was only a child, and called out to heyr softly. She told me that she had been out exployring the woods and had gotten lost. I pyromised heyr that I would help heyr find heyr way back out of the foyrest so we went to find shelteyr foyr the night. Luckily, theyre was a small cave neayrby and we cyrawled inside and went to sleep. In the moyrning, I asked heyr to descyribe wheyre she had come fyrom and I yrecognized the ayrea as someplace I had passed thyrough the day befoyre. I took heyr back theyre and fyrom theyre she was able to take me back to heyr home to meet heyr payrents who weyre so happy to have theiyr daughteyr back safely, they gave me the amulet as a yreward."
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:37 pm
by Echos
The story was very interesting and Tone as Tone settled down next to her to listen he quickly found himself engrossed in the adventure she told. He'd never done anything like that himself and while it appealed to him, he found himself wondering what it would be like to leave his song and hotsprings. Maybe in a few years once he'd tired of a sedentary life he would talk to Celebration about traveling. "It sounds like you've had an exciting life. Are your days always to eventful?" he asked good naturedly. "I'd never thought that sort of life was for me, particularly not since I met Celebration and started a song, but now...," he shrugged, the light glinting of his scales as he rolled his shoulder, "well, who knows. It sounds like it might be exciting. Perhaps someday you could show me around?" He said it casually but he silently hoped she wouldn't immediately turn down the invitation, he found this mare, with her air of worldliness fascinating and compelling, not like many of the other sams he'd met.
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 7:18 pm
by silvermoondragon
Singe was quite happy to have an engaging audience for her tale but when Tone asked her if all her days were like that, she had to shyly admit that no, normally her wanderings were quite uneventful, which is why she had started to tire of moving from place to place. She enjoyed seeing all the sights and exploring new places but now she was ready to settle down, although she would always be up for more adventures in the future.
When Tone mentioned that he already had one mare, Singe's ears perked up. Obviously he must have claimed a nice hotspring and have a nice enough personality to have attracted another mare, and so far he had been nice company for Singe. In an instant, Singe had decided. "That would be nice," she said confidently, then replied afterwords, a little self-conciously, "do you think Celebration will like me?"
((It looks like Singe has decided to join the Song of Crystal Sun, if that is alright with you.))
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:14 pm
by Echos
((That's great! It is an open song but let me know if you'd like to change it to semi-open))
"Well that ok, too much adventure right from the start would probably be too unsettling for someone like me." Tone smiled happily, trying to keep from seeming too excited, then paused to consider Singe's question. "I think Celebration would be delighted to meet you. I know she's been hoping I'd find another mare and you two seem like kindred spirits. She's friendly and active, loves to fly," he told her with a conspirital grin, "she'll be back at the hotsprings soon, you're welcome to come meet her. It's not too far from here and very pretty. There is a stand of willow trees around the largest spring and a grassy hill with a creek through it. In spring, the hill is covered with wild flowers though right now its just summer gold." He stopped himself, realizing he was babbling on and puffed up his fur to try and cover his akwardness, "I mean, only if you want too.."
((Also can you add her to the song though her sam page, I'm not sure how to add her through the song page))
Re: Singe is Out For a Flight
Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:54 pm
by silvermoondragon
((ok, I have updated her records in the database to be part of the song now, and I am fine with the song being open. I would love to see little foals between the two of them.))
At Tone's description of Celebration, Singe began to feel more at ease, she sounded like a nice mare that she would get along well with, and with his description of the hotsprings she began to get excited. "I would love to come, it sounds beautiful" she told him, spreading her wings in anticipation.