Super Secret Event (Prizes on Page 3!)
Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 10:59 am
The super secret Festival of New Spring event had but a gathering place, one small field hedged with trees, but as a bank of gray rolls overhead, a lone mare trots through and blinks displeasure for the start of a soft shower falling upon her face. "Tch, this just won't do..."
And so, upon the knoll, a small banner is placed. It says, "Come back tomorrow!"
((Winners will be announced tomorrow night, and I'll leave the event open until 6 PDT of the 11th. Enjoy, and thanks for participating!))
And so, upon the knoll, a small banner is placed. It says, "Come back tomorrow!"
~ ! * ! ~
Upon the noon, the mare again takes the knoll, but this time with a satisfied nod. For the skies were clear, the sun shone warm and nary a breath of rain remained. There doesn't seem to be many about, but if she bellows, the word is bound to get out."We begin this eve at 6:30 sharp! A late arrival is a late start!"
~ ! * ! ~
Upon our knoll, a new mare rises, a little off put and ears angled low.
And the focus of her ire, dangling from her mouth, finds itself spat to the ground.
One hoof pins the offending note while the mare groans and mutters with a frown,
"Really, who writes this slop? I'm going to have words with this fellow..."
Before and below stand creature mimics arrayed all in a row.
All standing proud, and bold, and narry making a sound.
For the time is upon us, anticipation holds them bound.
A glance to the side finds the mare her cue, and after one small "A'hem," she rears up to let out a bellow -
Hello all, welcome! I hope you've come for a show
For before us are gathered select friends for a spectacular race
Or in this case, quite the chase
Your first challenge is to tag one by name before this chance is past
And may I suggest a choice especially fast
They might lead you through the day and night
Yet persevere, and a special reward may be your right
Now I don't intend to be entirely vague
So know that hosts the stage
You must search well to find the path that wins
For then the real game begins
And now, my friends, get ready, get set, and go!
((Oh, and you'll need Javascript enabled for this one. ^^))And the focus of her ire, dangling from her mouth, finds itself spat to the ground.
One hoof pins the offending note while the mare groans and mutters with a frown,
"Really, who writes this slop? I'm going to have words with this fellow..."
Before and below stand creature mimics arrayed all in a row.
All standing proud, and bold, and narry making a sound.
For the time is upon us, anticipation holds them bound.
A glance to the side finds the mare her cue, and after one small "A'hem," she rears up to let out a bellow -
Hello all, welcome! I hope you've come for a show
For before us are gathered select friends for a spectacular race
Or in this case, quite the chase
Your first challenge is to tag one by name before this chance is past
And may I suggest a choice especially fast
They might lead you through the day and night
Yet persevere, and a special reward may be your right
Now I don't intend to be entirely vague
So know that hosts the stage
You must search well to find the path that wins
For then the real game begins
And now, my friends, get ready, get set, and go!
((Winners will be announced tomorrow night, and I'll leave the event open until 6 PDT of the 11th. Enjoy, and thanks for participating!))