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Superbowl Sunday Mishap

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 3:28 pm
by FoxyJhai
So my brother decided he wanted ribs for the game. Normally that's no big deal, he's a good grill cook.

So, he preps the ribs and puts them on the grill, then comes back inside to watch a bit of the pre-game show. I'm in the kitchen making some rice, and maybe like 10 minutes later I start smelling something burning. At first I thought maybe something had fallen under the pot. As I'm checking, my brother comes in and asks what's burning. There's nothing under the pot so I tell him I don't know, and as one we turn to the back door and see smoke everywhere. We run out and see the grill is billowing smoke and flames are peeking out of the air vents.

It was a pretty big "Oh crap!" moment, but he shut off the gas and we were able to put out the flames and no damage was done. I mean other than to the ribs and the grill itself. :P

So, now my brother has a reason to buy a new grill, and we will be researching how to properly cook beef ribs on a grill without them catching fire before we try making them again.

And we once again learned the my mom is not the best person the have around during these kinds of situations. She has also decided she's buying a fire extinguisher first thing tomorrow. Though honestly, I'm surprised she didn't buy one after the candle incident.

Also, my brother has now sworn us all to secrecy. He cannot let his reputation be tarnished.

Re: Superbowl Sunday Mishap

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:50 pm
by amazondreamer
Oh gosh that sounds like an exciting afernoon! :shock: glad everyone's okay!

The secret to grilled ribs is to start them in the oven to cook them low and slow to get them tender and then finish on the grill just to caramelize the sauce and crisp up the outside a bit. ... ven-107786 thats my go-to rib recipe, though i tweak the spice rub a bit for personal taste.

Re: Superbowl Sunday Mishap

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 6:35 pm
by Sushidragon
Oh dear XD; At least the only casualties were the grill and the ribs! Poor, poor ribs..

I've gotten some pretty good flames cooking marinated steak on the grill.. it's never gotten out of control but the amount of smoke probably worried the neighbors XD;

Re: Superbowl Sunday Mishap

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:04 am
by RikkuGirl
HAHAHA! Sorry to laugh but that is kinda funny! I'm so glad your house didnt go up!!! So much crazy stories, you never know what could happen!

I'm glad she is going to get a fire extinguisher, very good idea!

I'm not a huge rib cooker/eater myself but I would def. look into the proper way to cook them. I'm only ever cooking chicken or steak and it doesnt really take much for those! xD Very simple. lol I love the grill but it has been forever since I have been able to cook on one. Might be a good thing for me to invest in! xD

Glad you are doing well and nothing REALLY Bad happened! <3333