Sanity-paced Frankensam - closed!
Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 9:39 am
Frankensam is now closed, check out the pickup forum to see the results
Whoo Frankensam! This is running at the same time on the PI and Sam forums, so please just post a feature to one of those threads, not both
Frankensam - Sanity-paced Edition!
Like all Frankensams, this will be a Samanayr constructed out of features you come up with together! You have until Sept 1, 23:00 PI time (3pm PDT) to post your feature! Everyone is welcome to post one feature they'd like to see, from the following list:
- Gender
- Color
- Special trait
- Pattern
Please note - special traits can be common, uncommon, or rare only. You can see all of the traits on this page:
Since Samanayrs don't have set patterns, just describe a general pattern (eg, stripes, paint)
When the time is up, I'll randomly select one person who submitted gender, three from color, one from special trait, and one from pattern! Once the Frankensam is created, the owner will be randomly-selected from everyone who successfully submitted a feature
- To submit a feature, please post it in bold in this thread.
- You're welcome to edit your post at any point during the hour when entries are open.
- There's no limit on how many times the same feature can be posted (eg, everyone could post 'red,' but it might be a boring Sam XD)
- Each person can post one feature (gender, color, trait, or pattern)
- If nobody submits anything for a particular feature (eg, nobody posts a gender), it'll be Sushi's choice >:D
This will be open until 23:00 PI time (3pm PDT) - good luck!
Whoo Frankensam! This is running at the same time on the PI and Sam forums, so please just post a feature to one of those threads, not both
Frankensam - Sanity-paced Edition!
Like all Frankensams, this will be a Samanayr constructed out of features you come up with together! You have until Sept 1, 23:00 PI time (3pm PDT) to post your feature! Everyone is welcome to post one feature they'd like to see, from the following list:
- Gender
- Color
- Special trait
- Pattern
Please note - special traits can be common, uncommon, or rare only. You can see all of the traits on this page:
Since Samanayrs don't have set patterns, just describe a general pattern (eg, stripes, paint)
When the time is up, I'll randomly select one person who submitted gender, three from color, one from special trait, and one from pattern! Once the Frankensam is created, the owner will be randomly-selected from everyone who successfully submitted a feature
- To submit a feature, please post it in bold in this thread.
- You're welcome to edit your post at any point during the hour when entries are open.
- There's no limit on how many times the same feature can be posted (eg, everyone could post 'red,' but it might be a boring Sam XD)
- Each person can post one feature (gender, color, trait, or pattern)
- If nobody submits anything for a particular feature (eg, nobody posts a gender), it'll be Sushi's choice >:D
This will be open until 23:00 PI time (3pm PDT) - good luck!