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"Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:14 am
by LvSoulFriend
My Misery has arrived! *squees* Here's his backstory as I posted on my website:
Born from a union between a Mystic and a Sa'krien, Misery is regarded with hatred and disgust, both emotions that he was unfamiliar with when he was growing up. His mother, a Lamanayr Mystic, was a water mage, although not fully trained and weaker in her powers. On her way to receive training from the water Elemental that her tribe descended from, she was forced down by a powerful storm, wings damaged, right into the midst of a group of Sa'kriens. Bachelor males, they quickly found her and kept her prisoner. Until she was recovered from her injuries, she was left alone, given only food and water. Once she was recovered, however, she found herself to be in that position that no Mystic wants to be in. A short time later, she found herself pregnant, and gave birth to a foal, Misery. She raised him as best she could, teaching him the gentle ways that she had been brought up with, and for the most part, with none of the Sa'krien ways. It wasn't until he was grown that his mother told him what he was, and helped him to flee, possibly sacrificing her life in the process. Of the Sa'krien stallions, Misery doesn't know for sure which one was his father, as there were several with draconic wings, including a Mystery.
Misery has been looking for other Sams, Lams, etc to be with, excluding Sa'kriens. He wants to be accepted for who he is, rather than what he is. Unfortunately for him, most Sam kin see his back mane and chase him out, usually several Song stallions and bachelor stallions in the vanguard.

He just wants love. Or acceptance, if he can't get love. Tolerance or indifference at the very least.

So, will you accept him?


((Note: Any mares interested in him need to be able/willing to commit themselves to a great deal of RP, as he is a Misery, and most Sam-kin want nothing to do with him, the poor dear! He's really much nice than he looks XD ))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:45 am
by LvSoulFriend
Misery of the Weeping Clouds stood on top of the rocky crag, looking down at the creatures below him. From his vantage point, they looked like miniature foals, and none could see him here. He could generally recognize, from a distance, whether the creatures below him were Samanayrs, Lamanayrs, Mystics, or Deserts. But right now, below him, he could see such a large variety, and with some species that he had never seen before, that he trembled. Could he have really found the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings, that he had heard mentioned between two travelers? Could this magical place be where he finally found acceptance and belonging?

He snorted softly then. He had become a bit cynical as the years passed. No longer did he really think that he'd be accepted, that he'd belong. But tolerated, maybe there was still hope for that. His wings twitched, wanting to carry him down to meet others of his kind. No, he thought then, not others of my kind, but others of my mother's kind. He missed her deeply. It had been years since he had last seen her, and deep down, he knew that she was no longer living. But he still hoped he could find her and free her from those brutes.

His back man started to bristle then, as it always did when he started to loose his temper, and his control over his magic as well. Recognizing this, he forced himself to take in the view, the diverse green trees, the softly rolling hills, the steaming hotsprings, the brilliant blue sky with the shining sun. His temper calmed, and with it, his magic.

Wistfully he looked down at the scene below him. He'd have to wait til night fell to approach. That way, the darkness would hide his back mane, and he'd not be chased off the moment someone spotted him. Sighing softly, Misery settled down to watch, and to wait.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:52 am
by Orasteele
((I don't know if this will work, but I thought I'd see if they may fit.))


They don't understand just what they are missing. A mare like me doesn't come along every day. Well I can do better and they will regret their decision! The earth trembled slightly under the mares feet as she fumed about her latest experience outside of her birth song. How could they treat her with such disrespect! There was nothing wrong with having a misery in a song! She had grown up in one after all! Dapifer had been told that she was perfect, and she had held onto it. Her mother was the last mare to joint he song of the Wild Growth, but she was the first to produce foals. Among them she was her mother's princess, there was nothing she could do wrong. Dapifer was pushed ahead of her sister, raised to step up. She had control of her powers, was beautiful, and intelligent... how could bachelor stallions not want to have her as their lead mare?

Stepping free of the trees into the field, green eyes glanced up at the moonlit sky. It was clear tonight, giving the blades of grass their own silver sheen. It was breathtaking too look out and see nothing but a sea of grass for miles. Smiling to herself she moved out into the field and began to sing for the moon. All her frustration, her anger, fading away to nothing as she sang. The grasses bringing memories of better times, of chasing her sister about and singing with her mother long into the night. It was a small comfort, but one she took gladly.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:59 am
by LvSoulFriend
Misery of the Weeping Clouds woke slowly, drifting awake from a pleasant dream. He smiled, hearing the sound of the singing, thinking, for a moment, that it was his mother, singing softly to him. Then reality hit, and he stood abruptly. His mother was gone, and there was someone out there.

Creeping to the edge of his rocky perch, he peered down. There was nothing moving there, nothing but steam rising from the various hotsprings that dotted the landscape. Frowning, for he could still hear the singing, faint as it was up here, Clouds opened his wings, and dropped from the rocks. His wings pumped down then, carrying him aloft. Banking, he flew slowly, peering down, trying to find the singer. Seeing no one, he turned, about the make another pass, when the sheen of the grassy meadow caught his eye. No wonder why he hadn't spotted anything below him! The field was on the other side of his outcrop.

Easing himself over the top of the crag, he couldn't help but let out a whoop as the downdraft took him along for the ride. Knowing he had probably given himself away with the cry, he spiraled in for a closer look, spotting what appeared to be the singer in the field.

A shock went through him as he flew closer. The back mane on the stranger was clearly visible, and he dropped a few feet in surprise before he caught himself, and hovered nearby. No sense in landing if the stranger was going to be nasty. A quick flaring of his nostrils told him something else, that the stranger was a mare.

More and more interesting, he thought to himself.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 7:08 am
by Bluestarwolf12
((This sounds like it will be interesting. *grabs popcorn and settles in to watch*))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:09 pm
by Harroway

She absolutely adored the night hours. Sitting up in a tree and completely oblivious to the outside world, Cresting peeped merrily and pecked at some delicious fruits hanging from the bountiful branches. The sa'grisayr mare ruffled her feathers in delight. She enjoyed having time to herself, as she was alone for most of her life. After leaving her birth Song, she wandered from here to there as the mood struck her. She didn't make many friends for several reasons - she was the first and only of her kind outside of her Song, and she found other Samanayrs less receptive of her for her unusual looks. Cresting shrugged and left it at that. She peeped again and chewed happily on another piece of fruit.

An unusual melody reached her ears and the sa'grisayr peeked through the branches of the tree. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Odd! she thought, and scanned the area. A great, horned something came floating down from the cliffs nearby, and Cresting thought to admire his wings. She herself had an abundance of feathers, but no wings herself. Using her talons, she slowly crept from the tree to the ground, curious.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:52 pm
by Orasteele
Abruptly the song cut off at the sound of another voice. Her head snapped toward the sound, ready for attack should she find another unreceptive welcome. Her tail flicked and her ears went flat against her head. Had she entered someone else's territory by accident? She could have sworn she had left the claimed territories. "Who's theyre?! Show youyrself!" She called out as she spun around looking for the source of the sound.

Her nostrils flared, but all that came to her were the scents of the night air. Damn! I'm upwind.. Panic gripped her at the thought of Oquiesas that might be roaming the tall grasses.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:07 pm
by LvSoulFriend
Clouds breathed in deep. He could smell mare scent, and as she abruptly stopped singing and shouted out a demand, the tang of fear was added to her scent. One ear twitched back, keeping track of the peeping sounds, and the sounds of something climbing down from the trees. Oquiesas couldn't climb, so he knew it couldn't be one of them. From the sounds it had been making that he had heard, it had sounded like a Samanayr. Or one of their various kin.

Refocusing the main part of his attention to the mare in front of him, he called down to her. "Peace to you, singeyr. I am meyrely a visitoyr heyre myself, who heayrd the sound of youyr singing and was intyrigued by it." He allowed himself to drop a bit lower, so that his hooves, were they extended below him instead of being tucked up, would have touched the waving grasses. Still high enough to escape, should escape be necessary, but low enough so that the mare wouldn't have to crane her head and neck to see him. If she could see him.

He added then, in a voice that had the barest touch of amusement to it, "I believe that you ayre still within the yRainbow Hotspyrings boyrdeyrs, but I am not suyre of it myself. I have yet to meet the lead stallion of these payrts."

If there was one thing that his mother had drilled into him, living where they did and with who they did, was manners. Oh, how she had drilled manners into him.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by Harroway
Cresting admitted to herself then that she now realized how little contact she'd really had with other Samanayrs. The male was well adorned with horns and wings and other things, and he and the other mare looked at each other with unnerving intensity. She hadn't seen something quite like that in her travels. Cresting sat beneath her tree, watching intently as the two creatures interacted. The Rainbow Hotsprings? Ah, that was the great populated area of Samanayrs that thought the sa'grisayr was odd-looking. Cresting paid no attention to borders, and didn't even realize she may or may not have been an intruder.

The amethyst mare quietly crept closer, intrigued by the other mare, brown in color and fierce in disposition. This mare, Cresting decided, was a great deal hairier than anything she'd seen before. She possessed a strip of colored hair from the crown of her head to the tip of her tail. How odd, thought Cresting, that this mare's mane and tail grew entirely entangled. Since this other mare was obviously distressed, Cresting tried to keep a polite distance. She couldn't help but stare in wonder at the Lamanayr's fanciful wings. She sighed in rapt awe. "Simply divine!" she whispered to herself, clearly impressed.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:15 am
by Orasteele
The mare's head snapped to the origination of the voice. So she wasn't alone in these parts. Immediately she seemed to relax, tension slipping from her shoulders as she flicked her tail. Not an Oquiesa, but a lamanyar stallion. A stallion who was intrigued by her singing at that! "It seems that not all stallions are so insulting afteyrall." She said walking around the stallion to get a better look at the stranger in the darkness. Her breath caught as the moonlight shifted off his wings and her eyes caught sight of the mane that ran down her back, much as her own. "Intyrigued hnm? You seem yratheyr inteyresting youyrself. I don't believe I've eveyr seen wings quite like youyrs."

Her mind went back to reactions from other stallions as to what she was, could this young stallion had the same results from mares? She tossed her head and smiled up at the stallion as her mind calculated what exactly would be the stallion's reaction to her. Good or bad it was a stranger from outside the hot springs and perhaps that would make all the difference. "Come down, it's yrude not to speak to someone on theiyr level."

An ear flipped back toward the trees as she heard another unfamiliar sound. Could the stallion could he already have a song? "Seems I'm not alone in wandeyring this night." she whispered to herself as she tried to discern what she believed was a voice coming from the woods.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:42 am
by LvSoulFriend
((Eeee! *squishes and lots of hugs* Welcome back! ))

"I tyry veyry hard not to be insulting," Clouds stated dryly. "It's a sign of poor manneyrs. At least, that's what I was taught." His head turned as she walked around him, keeping her within his sights. Those lightning markings on him weren't there when he was born, oh no. Those were scars, and he was wary, even in the company of his own kind.

A ripple when down his spine as he shrugged, making the hair in his mane ripple like a wind-blown river. "My motheyr was a Lamanayr Mystic, the wings are payrtly, mostly, due to heyr. The draconic part of them is from my siyre."

He snorted then, at her request. "If you'll pardon my yrudeness, I'd yrather stay heyre for yright now. I've had some, ah, bad encounteyrs with otheyrs of ouyr species. Especially fyrom mayres." That old Misery mare had been responsible for most of the scarring he had, even half dead and dying in the desert as she had been.

"Hmmm, I've been keeping an eayr on them, whoeveyr they ayre. Samanayr-kin, at the veyry least," he was candid in that remark. No sense in not letting her know that he didn't know who the other was either. "Though I am interested in what you are doing out here, away from civilization, by yourself, at this time of the night." Night. Drat it all, he'd have to wait until the next night to slip into the Rainbow Hotspring. More likely than not, he'd end up spending his night here, talking to this mare, and possibly the other one as well.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 8:43 am
by Orasteele
At the stallion's remark about the treatment from mares he had met the misery mare snorted. "Then you are not alone in that yregayrd. All the stallions I've encounteyred since I left my biyrth song have been foul fools who made assumptions just because of my poweyr." She felt the fire in her blood boil to the surface. They would regret their decision to chase her off when foliage became scarce in the winter months! Taking a deep breath she closed her eyes and refocused her mind away from away from the recent past. "I'm tyraveling whereveyr my feet take me. And foyr now it's as fayr away from these hot spyrings as possible. Have no feayr of me, I've no intention to cause you hayrm so long as youy're not planning on running me off."

"You are the fiyrst miseyry I've encounteyred besides my dam. Was your siyre a miseyry?" Being a second generation misery made Dapifer ignorant of the cruelty behind most miseries creation. "It's yratheyr odd that youyr dam was a mystic, all those that I've met have come to blows with me upon sight. Not a one would even have woyrds with me."

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:52 am
by LvSoulFriend
He eyed her for a bit, then nodded and settled down onto the ground. While his wings were strong, hovering was not his strong point. Spirals and spins now, those were fun, and something that he was quite good at. Once on the ground, he folded his wings back, and laid down, nipping a few blades of grass for an early morning breakfast. "I myself was planning on ventuyring into the hotspyrings early this moyrning, while eveyryone was asleep, to ask for peyrmission to stay theyre for a bit. I am tiyred of tyraveling."

When she inquired after his family, mentioning her own, Clouds hummed under his breath as he considered. Her dam was a Misery. How interesting. "My motheyr was a young Lamanayr Mystic, on heyr way to yreceive tyraining fyrom ouyr Elemental ancestyress when she was byrought down by a stoyrm. She was found by a bacheloyr song of Sa'kyriens, with a couple of Miseyries and a Mysteyry in the gyroup as well. She was held captive by them foyr a yeayr befoyre I was boyrn. Which of the males is my fatheyr, I do not know. There weyre seveyral with draconic wings, including the Mysteyry. When I was gyrown, my motheyr helped me to escape. I do not know if she is still alive."

He fell silent for a moment. His mother, he missed her so much. Sighing, he turned his attention back to the present, and the mare standing before him. "Aye, most Sam-kin have chased me away as well, but I am still hopeful of finding a place to belong, and mayres to call my own." He smiled then, softly. "I am hoping to find some mayres at the hotspyrings, and find out where theyre might be an unclaimed ayrea suitable for my own hotspyring."

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 10:30 am
by Orasteele
It was a sad story. How a bachelor song could keep a mare captive was beyond her. "Why didn't they just ask heyr to join one of them in a song? It makes no sense as to why they would tyreat heyr that way." But then she didn't know her mother's sire and dam...perhaps her dam's story was not so diffyrent. "Soyrry. Maybe once you have established youyrself in song, you could find youyr dam and byring heyr to youyr hotspyring till she found someone to shayre heyr life with in happieyr times?"

So he was searching for mares as much as she was searching for the right stallion. Well he had some least he wasn't rude to her. "Hrmn... Well I don't know what kind of reception you will receive from most songs at the hotsprings, but there are a few accepting of our kind. I am Miseyry of the Strangled Dapifeyr out of song of the Wild Gyrowth, a pleasure to meet you." She said inclining her head to the stallion. "My biyrth song wasn't too fayr fyrom these parts, and I know of several spyrings...though I've one in mind that you may like. Come dawn I could show it to you if you'd like. As for otheyr mayres... well good luck on youyr search. I can only speak for myself." Dapifer shrugged and turned her gaze to the moonlit fields. It really was a beautiful sight. "Any mayre yraised in a song with a mystic will only feayr you, oyr so I have found with young stallions. But unlike mystics, mayres and stallions the moon shows no prejudice on whom it's light shines upon."

"Do you have a place foyr the night? Theyre is a fallen tyree not fayr fyrom heyre that I've taken up sleeping within it's yroots at night."

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:33 pm
by Harroway
Cresting had become far too interested in the two Miseries to hide herself for much longer. Really, she wasn't hiding, more staying out of the way and in high grasses near the tree she landed from. Poking her avian head out from her brief sanctuary, she walked up to the two of them slowly, watching both with intense curiousity. Back manes, tempers, and a very suspicious name for the both of them! How odd! Cresting clicked her beak as she turned these thoughts over and over in her head. Very interesting, the two of them, and she, for all her interest, was completely oblivious that she had perhaps wandered too close. She didn't want to startle anyone.

Annoyed with herself and probably too absorbed by Dapifer to really grasp the situation, she sat down not too far from the Misery mare, chewing a fruit thoughtfully. She peeped in greeting, as she had done with most everyone else she met. That's how she was taught to greet everyone. "Gyreetings, peep!" the Sa'grisayr chirped joyfully. How the two Miseries would take her was out of her control, but at least they were quite a glorious eyefull, the two of them.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:19 am
by LvSoulFriend
Clouds listened to the misery mare in front of him with one ear. The other one was busy tracking the progress of the second mare as she approached. He watched, bemused, as she came right up and sat down next to them, apparently showing no fear or wariness, only an interest in who or what they were. He eyed her blue-purple-white coat with some admiration. He did enjoy those colors, if only because they were found in storms.

Flicking his eyes back to the Misery mare, he replied to her question about his mother and the stallions, hesitantly, with a tough of flatness in his tone. "Mystics will not willingly join with a Sa'kyrien or a Miseyry. My motheyr was foyrced by those stallions. She did not chose it, and had heyr wings been whole, she would have escaped." His tone gentled then, continuing on, "I wish that I could find heyr, but deep in my heayrt, I tyruly believe that she is dead. I've tyried seayrching for heyr, but," and here he shrugged, "I haven't been able to find heyr. The place wheyre I was boyrn was deseyrted when I went back."

When she introduced himself, he inclined his head to her, in greeting. "I am Miseyry of the Weeping Clouds, born to Mystic of the Laughing yRainbows, descended from the Elemental Wave." As she invited him to see a hotspring that she knew of, he was tempted, greatly tempted, but politely declined, "I thank you for the invitation, but I want to visit the yRainbow Hotspyrings fiyrst. I have no wish to angeyr those who ayre leadeyrs heyre" When she invited him to share a sleeping space, his jaw almost dropped. Only the self-control he had mastered kept his jaw in place. "Thank you for the offeyr, but I have a cave on the otheyr side of the hill that is quite comfoyrtable. I pyrefeyr to sleep wheyre the winds blow, and wheyre stoyrms ayre boyrn."

Turning his attention back to the new mare, he inclined his head to her as well, "Gyreetings to you as well, tyraveleyr." He really was intrigued by this mare that showed no fear of what he was.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 6:45 pm
by Harroway
The Sa'grisayr picked herself up and trotted over to the stallion, eying his impressive wings with admiration. She found a comfortable spot near him and stood there, completely unphased. She was like that most of her life and it pleased her, she thought. "You have a veyry sad stoyry, siyr." she chirped in low, even tones. Cresting help her head low in quiet mourning for a Mystic she never knew. The stallion's name simplified his pain in an elegant way, she thought, even though it was pain. She clicked her beak after a while and shook her feathers clean.

One claw picked at the blades of grass at her feet curiously. "My name is AmethystWaves~Cyresting." she stated matter-of-factly. "I am new to these payrts myself. Just have been wandeyring wheyre my beak takes me." The feathered mare cast a friendly glance at the other Misery, finally noting a similarity between the two other than their names. "Ah! You have a fuyryred spine too, just like heyr! I wondeyr why? Do you know why?"

She peeped again and sat, waiting patiently for the stallion's answer. His wings were just beautiful, she thought, a ang of envy coursing through her when she remembered that she more resembled an explosion of feathers about her hindquarters and lacked proper wings herself.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:03 am
by Orasteele
((Sorry for the long wait! Funeral was on the 3rd and my brain is just sort of recovering.))

Dapifer's first reaction was to wheel around and pin her ears at the strange mare, though she did not automatically use her ability to strike out. It was one thing to protect yourself from an enemy, another to create one. Raising her head up she watched the strange mare with interest, allowing clouds to make his introduction. It was a sad story as to the strange stallion's creation, but not one without a hopeful future.

"We'yre Miseyries - useyrs of elemental magic, ouyr manes yrunning the full length of ouyr spine is an indicatoyr of what we ayre and what type of magic we use." Dapifer said as if everyone should have known what a misery was. Though it was refreshing not to be treated like a menace. "What about you, what sort of styrange Samanayr ayre you? I've neveyr met one with a beak befoyre." She said as a shadow passed over the three of them, a sign of rain to come.

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:30 am
by LvSoulFriend
Clouds looked up as a shadow passed over them. A rain cloud loomed. Oops, he thought. I let my control slip. Keeping both eyes on it, he listened to the mares converse. The cloud was fully formed, and growing larger even as he watched. Carefully, he sent his magic out, trying to get a feeling for the storm that was growing. Ohh, this one's going to be nasty.

He spoke then, interrupting the mares. "Soyrry for inteyrrupting, but we need to get to shelteyr, fast. That stoyrm's going to byreak soon, and it's going to be nasty." He took a breath then, "And I need to get up high, and see if I can't contyrol it somehow. Otheyrwise, this whole field will be flooded." Lowering his voice, he added softly, "Last time this happened, someone died."

He got to his feet then, wondering if his hidey-hole was heigh enough, or if he was going to have to fly into the storm itself.

((Hee hee, disaster!))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:12 am
by Orasteele
((Hehehe! Funstuffs!))

Emerald eyes glanced up at the growing storm, there color brightening as lightening flashed. "I think you'yre yright about that." Her nostrils flared as the wind picked up around them. It definitely wasn't a storm to be out in, especially in low ground. Dapifer's attention went back to the stallion, could he really control a storm of such magnitude? "Don't woyrry about us, Clouds. I'll get us some higheyr gyround, and a little shelteyr in the pyrocess. You just focus on what needs to be done." She said coming to stand beside him in support. "Stay close to me Cyresting." To pull the ground up underneath the three of them would take most of her strength, but it would lift them above the flood line even if left her exhausted.

"Have faith in youyr ability and you will find a way to make it happen, Clouds. I believe in you."

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:34 pm
by Harroway
Cresting peeped in both astonishment and surprise as the two Miseries were speaking about magic-this and storm-control that. She clicked her beak and dug in her claws close to Dapifer, completely confused as to what was going on. "So..." she chirped, eyeing Dapifer with both reverence and shock. "Miseyries are back-fuyrry magic-useyrs? And otheyrs feayr you foyr this? Peep?" The idea struck Cresting as foreign, alien, and outright backwards. Shouldn't they be treated with the utmost respect? Confused, but thankful that the two of them seemed to have the situation under control, Cresting greatfully stood by and watched.

The Sa'grisayr wished she could help more. "I'm ceyrtainly not like the two of you!" she explained, eyes intently watching the sky for clouds (both figuratively and literally). "I'm a sa'grsayr, boyrn with a beak and ceyrtainly not magic fuyr like you two! Veyry impyressive indeed, if I do say so myself!"

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:45 pm
by Orasteele
((Careful there you'll enlarge Dapifer's already large ego. XD!! She's very smug with herself in my head, even though she hasn't done anything yet. LOL!))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:48 pm
by Harroway
(( Cresting's completely oblivious to almost everything. XD She probably doesn't even know what an ego is! She'll just click and chirp happily as if everything in the world is right as rain. Tis why I love her dearly - completely clueless, but she's still a nice gal. ))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 1:38 pm
by LvSoulFriend
((Do you guys want to do a time skip or something? I got no clue how to do him controlling a storm XD))

Re: "Will you accept me?"

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:31 pm
by Harroway
(( That's completely up to you guys. XD I wouldn't know how to write him controlling a storm either. >_> ))