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300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:25 pm
by Bluestarwolf12
Well, I wasn't sure if I should put this in the main thread or make a new one, so I decided to make a new one. What is everyone entering into the 300th Sam contest? Since we're not allowed to take other people's ideas, I would only suggest posting your entry once you've already sent it in. But anyway, I really want to know what everyone has entered! :3
Here's mine:

Species name:

When the Samanayrs went into hiding, not many found their way to the marshy lands in the West. Those that did found it rather difficult to survive, as many of them would get caught in the muddy swamps, their foot tufts making escape nearly impossible. Not many stayed, but those that did adapted to the environment, and some even gained some magical ability. Their legs are specially adapted for the swampy marshland, and they have found it easier and easier to survive. For a long time, the Marsh Sams had not heard of the Sharians until a traveller informed them of them. Now, mostly out of curiousity, they have crept back out of hiding with their unusual traits to get a good look at the slightly changed world.

Special traits:
Required - Feather Crest, Webbed/ feet, clawed feet, Scaled Tufts, Ginlymus Feathers, Feathered Tail or Tailess, Slender, Long Leged

Other feather-related traits, as well as a variety of wings, are quite common, but are not required.

Special markings/colors:
The color of the Scaled Tufts reflects whether or not the Marsh is magical or not. See 'Abilities' for more detail. Otherwise, any colors and markings are possible.

Some members of the species have water-related magical abilities, but not all. An indicator of whether or not they do is the color of their scaled tufts. If they are some shade of blue (dark blue, light blue, neon blue, teal, ect), then the Marsh is magical. Any other color indicates a non-magic Marsh.

How to breed:
For the most part, and Marsh must be bred with a Marsh to produce a pure Marsh. However, there have been very rare cases of a Sa'grisayr and an Aquatic producing one.

Breeding restrictions:

Anything else?:
Marshes are very sociable, and before they left hiding, they would live in tight social groups of 6 - 8, lead by up to 2 stallions with anywhere from 1 - 7 mares. Now that they have moved, however, they have slightly decreased their 'Song' size down to 6. Basically, any song with a Marsh in it gets a capacity boost of 1. (This only happens once. If there is more than 1 Marsh in a Song, the capacity is still only boosted by 1.)

A standard Marsh should look something like this (The eye isn't slit pupil, it's looking backwards):

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:37 pm
by Jennalyn
O.o Oh, you're going swampy as well? Hmm. Mine's different enough, but I wonder if I should just scrap it.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:11 am
by CosmicDragon
XD Ok, well... The first idea I entered was one that, unfortunately, had already been taken...
Species name: T'ranian Samanayrs
When samanayrs were still a race of children, when their footsteps upon the dirt were still fresh and new, there was a race of Samanayrs who made their homes in the mountains, prefering the airy heights much in the way that desert samanayrs prefered the sands. It was a hard life, and it was not uncommon for the inhabitants to disappear, lost in the labarynth of tunnels that webbed the mountains, entombed beneath one of the all too frequent cave-ins, or even an exile who refused to leave, traveling deeper than was wise in the pursuit of something unattainable.

These 'lost souls' did not all wither away and die, as their kin may have thought. The desperate, the strong of will, adapted. Their fur that became so easily caked with dust and mud fell out due to lack of light, or was slowly worn away. Their eyes, useless in the lightlessness of the abyss, clouded over, and their ears adapted to the almost-supernatural sensitivity of a bat. It was a slow process, their numbers were small. It was rare for foals to be born in this harsh environment, and even rarer for those adapted to subterranian life to venture above ground for long enough to breed with one of the 'above dwellers'.

Living in such isolation, their numbers remained small, and their forms became drastically different, until those that were lucky enough to spot them had to claim them as something new.

Special traits:
- Hairless (Also commonly found with Armor, Scales, or Scaled Skin.)
- Paws/Clawed Paws (For digging. These are not exclusive, but it is exceedingly hard for a hooved samanayr to survive in an underground environment.)
- Hooked Snout
- Tailless or Stub Tail.
- Nose Horn (A small jutting horn at the end of the muzzle, like that of a rhino. Used as a tool in digging burrows and clearing away rocks.)
- Nubs (Sams that once had wings will generally lose them through disuse, leaving them with large ridged nubs where the wings once were. Once again, not always the case, but much more often than not.)
- Antennae

((SPECIAL NOTE: Once in a while, Aquatic Samanayrs living in underground lakes/rivers will be accepted into T'ranian society. These are even more rarely seen, but rumors have been heard.))

Special markings/colors: Colors on T'ranian Samanayrs tend to be dull, as sight isn't an influencial part of their choice in mates and is in no way important to their survival underground. Their eyes are commonly white (Blind) or clouded over. (ie. very dull.)
Abilities: As their way of life depends almost entirely on their sense of hearing, it has developed over time to become almost supernatural in it's sensitivity and precision. They can endure extremes temperatures at both ends of the spectrum, as well as being able to withstand intense pressure.
How to breed: N/A
Breeding restrictions: As covered above, it is exceedingly rare for one of the T'ranian breed to venture close enough to the surface to make contact with another breed of Samanayr, let alone breed with them.
Anything else?
- T'ranian have small songs, usually consisting of only 2-3 members, as there is little room underground for large families.
- They speech is far degenerated from regular Samamanayrs and consists more of high-pitched clicks, whistles and whines that can be picked up over large distances than actual words.

So, before my time ran out (as my Mac exploded a few days ago, I'm now resricted to net cafes. T^T) I jotted up this. Hehe. Ah well, at least I'm still a shoe-in for the participation prize. XD

Species name: Mage Samanayrs
Usually the offspring of a Mystic or a Misery, these Samanayrs were born without the natural affinity for magic that their parent, or parents, had. However, the magic is still there, buried deep inside. Mage Samanayrs are those who sought a way to 'surface' that magic with the aid of a Sharian. While their magic will never be as strong as a true Mystic/Misery, they have some small control over basic, non-specialised spells.
Special traits:
Mage Samanayrs will usually learn to walk upright in the way of Bipedal Samanayrs, as to speed their learning they will commonly have their forelimbs modified magically to produce 'hands', normally a form of long paws with a short opposable 'thumb' to allow them to hold object and perform tasks that would usually leave a Samanayr stumped. This make is difficult for them to walk on all fours. A gem, magically inset into their skull, glows when their magic is active/in use.
Special markings/colors:
Often dye their fur with the markings of their craft, but other than that can be just as varied as other Samanayrs. The color of the gem reflects just how powerful a mage they are.
Abilities: Basic magic, a considerable step down from a mystic/misery.
How to breed: At least one parent is required to be one of the true 'magical' breeds.
Breeding restrictions: None
Anything else?
Mage sam's tend to carry around books, scrolls, charms, and other tools of the trade.

Sad, isn't it? XD Unfortunately, that's all my exhausted brain can come up with at the moment, and there's no guarantee I’ll have a working computer again before the end date. –dies-

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:56 am
by RikkuGirl
Species name:Nimbusanayr

Origin: Nimbusanayrs have always been around, just not where anyone was looking! They have been in the skies amongst the clouds. They float from cloud to cloud searching for specific clouds on which they feed on. Special Nimbus clouds contain unheard of nutrients that the Nimbusanayrs know of through years and years of evolution.

Special traits: Nimbusanayrs are lighter than air almost. They have 2 defining traits, that ALL Nimbusanayrs have.

1. They have 1-3 VERY THIN *kinda see through* dragonfly-like wings, which they use to glide from cloud to cloud. These wings can be anywhere on their body, Hooves, rump, back, head, etc. *If they are pudgy they tend to have more than 3 to help make up for the weight problem*

2. A portion of their body, could be ANY portion, has melded with the clouds that they call home. Some have manes and tails made of clouds, some have clouds covering their hooves, others have cloud necklaces, bracelets, and such. Even whole HEADS are made of clouds some times. No SPECIFIC place is ALWAYS cloud, some even have HALF their whole body as cloud!!

Special markings/colors: Nimbusanayrs ALL CONTAIN WHITE. Their colors are varied but EVERY SINGLE ONE HAS WHITE ON ITS BODY. Blues, greens, pinks and yellows are normal colors that are on most Nimbusanayrs

Abilities: (optional) Their bodies are almost weightless due to their bones being hollow and portions of their bodies being made of clouds already. They can jump and stay in the air longer than others because of this natural semi-weightlessness. They are also able to glide on winds without getting a running start or flapping their wings too hard/much.

How to breed: (optional) They are no different then sams

Breeding restrictions: (optional) both breeding Nimbusanayrs must have at least ONE color in common to breed. They are very fickle and are attracted most to the colors of their body *their colors tell you what kind of cloud they consume most, and can tell you what area they are from* So at least one color besides white must be on both parents for them to agree to mate.

Anything else? (optional) ^_^;; I hope not.

I was In a hurry to write this out as I wasnt sure if I would get time any other time ^_^;; I really wanted to submit SOMETHING. So... Good luck to you all and I LOVE your ideas X3 *hugs*

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 4:13 am
by LvSoulFriend
Ehhh, might as well post mine XD

Species name: Sa'quatta

Origin: Bred from Samanayr-kin that were long ago captured by humans, the Sa'quatta species was formed from from crossing Samanayrs with felines (housecats, lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, snow leopards, and cougars) in labs. The result was a Sa'quatta, and was very popular. Over time, some escaped, and managed to survive in the wild on their own, in hiding from humans. Now, finally, they have emerged, and joined the rest of the Sam-kin at the Song of the Rainbow Hotspring.

Special traits: Housecat variation - pointed feline ears, feline tail, paws, feline whiskers, cat eyes (slit pupils)
Cougar/Tiger/Jaguar/Leopard variation - rounded feline ears, feline tail, paws, feline whiskers, cat eyes (rounded pupils)
Lion variation - rounded feline ears, tufted feline tail, paws, feline whiskers, cat eyes (rounded pupils), leonine manes (males only)
Snow Leopard variation - rounded feline ears, feline tail, paws, feline whiskers, cat eyes (rounded pupils), furry

Special markings/colors: Majority are natural in coloration: browns, greys, white, blacks, reds. White markings, calicoes, tortoiseshells, tabbies, solids, and duo-tone (Siamese points) are common in the housecat variety; spotting is common in the jaguar, leopard, and snow leopard varieties; cougar and lion varieties tend to be solid colored, or lighter underneath and darker on top. Eyes tend to be green, gold, brown, or blue with dark centers. Paws may or may not have claws showing. Fangs may also show.

Abilities: (optional) May be omnivorous. Eats both plants and small creatures, such as birds, mice, rats, etc. Some are more carnivorous than others.

How to breed: (optional) A true Sa'quatta is only produced when a Sa'quatta is bred with a Sa'quatta. Variations themselves tend to not interbreed, but hybrids among variations do happen. Lion variations may have up to six mares in a Song.

Breeding restrictions: (optional) None

Anything else? (optional) Usually does not get along with pet Oquiesas. Insect pets and bird pets may also be at risk among young Sa'quatta foals.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:42 pm
by Harroway
Here's mine!

Species name: Valdaiayr (pronounced "vahl-dai-air")

Origin: Deep Caves

Valdaiayr were Samanayrs who, during the time that Samanayrs and their kin were hunted as pets, found and retreated into deep caverns and caves across the landscape. Some went into caves by the sea, and other found deep chasms in the jungles and cliff sides of the world. Deeper and deeper they went, driven by the fear of being hunted or captured.

These Samanayrs encountered Sharians deep in the caves, illuminated by magical stalactites and crystals. The Samanayrs were all but blind until they reached this spot, finding that hardly any light, if any at all, would reach this far into the cave. The Sharian awoke to their cries of fear and anguish, and beckoned them forward. The first Samanayr crept toward the dragon, eyes wide with wonder and fear. The Sharian lifted but a single claw and gingerly touched the center of the equine's forehead. From it sprung a lure, lit at the end with a dim glow. This allowed the Samanayrs, now christened Valdaiayr, to walk about the cave systems with ease.

This magical enhancement swept through the Valdaiayr, until all were known to have bioluminessence. The Valdaiayr thanked the Sharian for allowing them such a gift, and began to establish life and Songs in the deep caverns. There, they remained relatively isolated from the rest of the Samanayr society, not hearing the call to come to the Rainbow Hotsprings. They did not know of the creation of the Mystics or their kin, or any of the recent Samanayr developments. In their caves, they lived in peace. However, their existence was recently discovered and news spread about their kind.

Special traits:
- Lure: A thin strand of cartilage that extends from the center of the forehead to out beyond the nose, glowing in a dim light. Colors of the light can vary widely, from yellow to green to red and everything in between. This lure allows Valdaiayr to navigate around their homes.

- Long Tail: An especially long-haired tail that drags beyond the Valdaiayr's body. The hair is usually straight, but can come in a curly or waved variety. Valdaiayr are not especially active creatures, so plant life usually grows in the tail's hair, allowing the Valdaiayr to have a constant source of nourishment. The most common plant found is moss, but varieties of flowers and mushrooms have been observed.

- Luminescent Stripe: A "stripe" of bioluminessence (that is, a stripe of skin that emits light) that starts at the nose, extends through the eyes and down to the base of the tail in one long line. This stripe can glow the same color as the lure, or an entirely different color. The stripe can also glow in a pattern of any color. This trait is exclusive to females.

Special markings/colors: Valdaiayr come in a wide variety of colors, markings and patterns. They can be earthy tones or wild jungle patterns, as color makes no difference to them.

Abilities: Most Valdaiayr are omnivores, feeding on plants like mushrooms, kelp (if in a sea cave), algae, moss and tubers. They are also known to eat insects, small lizards, fish and snails, if available.

How to breed: A true Valdaiayr is only produced when a Valdaiayr breeds with a Valdaiayr, though hybrids do happen.

Breeding restrictions: Valdaiayr are shy and reclusive, but curious creatures and do not have any apprehension towards any species if it is friendly.

Anything else? Valdaiayr have standard Samanayr Song sizes, and have no knowledge of magical species like Mystics, Miseries, Elementals or the like. Therefore, they will not act with hostility towards any otherwise "unacceptable" species. This attitude is a double-edged sword.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 6:07 pm
by Delicious
Here's mine!
Species name: Northern Aquatic
Origin: The -exact- origins of this particular mutation is still under question. Whether it was the result of adapations that certain aquatics had developed after they had fled to colder climes - or if it were simply the result of the northern Samanayr mutating as the harsh environments of the north forced them into the water in search of sustenence - is unknown. Isolated from most other Samanayr due to the general unlivable nature of their habitat, the Northern Aquatic have bred alone for so many years that they themselves no longer remember. Although, as a general rule, they feel slightly more in tune with their Northern brethren than any warm-watered aquatics.
Special traits: While Northern Aquatics are capable of bearing many of the typical Northern mutations - it is very, very rare to encounter one that does not bear a pudgy & flippered trait - usually four flippers in total, although the number (and size) can vary. Actual more fish-like fins are extremely rare, and the larger winged traits little more than legend.

Also, like other Aquatics - they do actually breathe air, not water, and simply can hold their breath for a very, very long time. They do come onto land occasionally, but prefer to live the majority of their time out at sea.

Another couple of new traits has been observed within their ranks howewver - tusks, both small and large, are primarily observed on some. Small ears, and earless (only ear holes). As well as fanned, flipper-like tail, furred flippers and indeed, velveted fur - a denser, and often shorter, version of their Northern cousin's coat.

Special markings/colors: Generally duller, muted tones. Usually whites, blues, greys and the occasional purple - like the sea.
Abilities: n/a
How to breed: A true Northern Aquatic is produced only when bred to another Northern Aquatic, or when bred to a fullblooded Northern and possessing the pudgy & flipper (four) mutations.

Breeding restrictions: n/a
Anything else? (optional)
- Pictoral Examples:
1. Full blooded Aquatic - pudgy, velveted fur, furred flippers & flipper-tail. Grey-blue in color.
2. Full blooded Aquatic - pudgy, velveted fur, furred flippers & small ears & greenish blue in color.
3. Full blooded Aquatic - pudgy, velveted fur, furred flippers, small ears, beak & vestigal wings - lavender & blue in color.

4. Halfbreed Northern/Northern aquatic. Velveted fur. Small tusks. Furred flipper & hooves. Brighter colors. As as can you can see, in the case of crosses, those that do not inherit all of ONE of their parents limbs are generally viewed as ungainly and literally a aquatic out of water. In the harsher climes, often will not survive long. Because of this, also not generally favored within the more typical songs or company.

- An OPTIONAL (if that is allowed) potential song variation of the Northern Aquatic:
A fully northern aquatic song structure can vary slightly from the typical Samanayar song. Because of the extremely harsh nature of their environment, larger groups of Northern Aquatics have historically held the greater chance for survival. Therefore, a tradition of a second-stallion, and the "harmonic" song has emerged. This sub-song almost functions like a fully independent song - but is generally smaller. (The primary or "melodic" song generally composed of the normal 1/4 ratio of stallion/mare - although they can, occasionally be as large as 1:6 if there has been a death of one of the stallions- and the sub song comprised of a 1/2-3 ratio.)

This pair of songs are generally very friendly towards eachother - traveling together, and caring for eachother and the other's young. Influence within the song is fairly typical - with the first-stallion being the head, and the mares (outside of the lead mare of the primary song) considered to be on equal footing. The second-stallion and the primary lead mare's influence are generally about equal - although their EXACT authority of one over the other varies from song to song.

The first stallion is usually a stronger male - while the second stallion is usually a younger, more inexperienced one. Should anything catastrophic occur to the first stallion, usually the second stallion will step up to take the primary stallions place. Similarly, if the second stallion meets with an unfortunate end, the first stallion will generally absorbe the harmonic song's mares into his own song.

Such power shifts, however, are not without their costs - as usually a couple of mares (frequently at LEAST the lead mare of the newly-absorbed song) will leave the song to pursue other possibilities - their leaving resulting in diminishing the combined songs to the a more "typical" size. It HAS been known for the group to be so close-knit that they stay together as one big, single song - however such a combination has then NEVER been known to allow/seek another harmonic song as a result.

Frequently harmonic songs are start as offspring that are considered too close to leave the group. A male offspring from the primary song will grow up and decide to become a second-stallion, and collect unrelated mares to form a harmonic song - or a female offspring will grow up and join/convince an unrelated stallion in an harmonic song for the group. These particular individuals, however, are generally the first to leave should the above-mentioned power shift occur - simply because inbreeding is looked on with distaste, and while they may stay with the song for a little while until they can find a new song to join with ... they are members in name only, and would never consider breeding with their related family.

Also, occasionally, harmonic songs will break off from the primary to become their own, independent song - with the seperated songs now able to seek their own new harmonic songs to pair with. These songs are also generally the first to trade family unrelated members between eachother should a harmonic song be started within the other member's ranks.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:41 pm
by Origami_Dragon
Here's my entry. I was slightly surprised that no one had already done something similar to this.
Origami_Dragon wrote:Species name: Abyss

Origin: After the formation of the Aquatic species a group split off further, seeking the deepest parts of the ocean which they percieved to be even safer. They found a series of underwater caves containing air pockets and settled in there, choosing not to return to the surface again. As they never leave the water they have evolved to have little to no hair on their bodies and never have manes or hairy tails. They have grown deeply suspicious and only a few are willing to venture to the surface even with the reassurances that Samanayrs are safe from hunters now. As there is little light in the depths they developed glowing patches of fur and skin that enabled them to locate and identify each other from a distance. Each Abyss has a unique pattern of lights on their body.

Special traits: Bioluminesence, fins, solid/pupilless eyes, finned tail, maneless

Special markings/colors: Abyss Samanayrs are predominantly dark and murky in color, but sport bright, glowing markings, usually along the back and sides or the fins.

Abilities: They can hold their breath for a very long time, but cannot breath water.

How to breed: A true Abyss is born only when two Abyss are bred.

Breeding restrictions: Abyss do not readily form Songs or breed with land going Samanayr.

Anything else? A breeding between an Abyss and an Aquatic may result in an Aquatic foal (this only applies if you would find this acceptable Sushi, otherwise nothing goes here).

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 1:43 pm
by LvSoulFriend
I thought about doing something similar, but went with my felines instead :D

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 4:07 pm
by Harroway
Mine got sacked because it was too similar to a bunch of others, so here's my new one:

Species name: Sibyl

Origin: Sibyls are created spontaneously when any magical Samanayr species is bred. The first Sibiys were seen from pairings involving Mystics. Other Sibyls have been seen as the result of breedings with Miseries, Mysteries, Elementals, or any Samanayr with magical tendencies.

Special traits:
- Blind/Solid White Eyes: A Sibyl is completely blind, and has solid white eyes.

- Stellar Crown: Three long columns of hair, each sprouting from the Sibyl's head. These are segmented with a black band in three parts, and all end in a single feather. The crown is very long, and extends to the ankles.

Example: ... xample.jpg

- Naming: All Sibyls are named "Sibyl of the [something] [something]", their name being a reflection of their method of divination. Sibyl of the Cautious Wildflower looks to plants for her visions, while Sibyl of the Twisting Galaxy would look to the night sky.

Special markings/colors: The Stellar Crown's coloration is based on the Sibyl's method of divination - some may rely on the water for their visions, others by the sky, still others use plants and so on.

Abilities: While Sibyls are blind, they use the elements around them to divine the future. They are the fortune-tellers of the Samanayr world. Sibyls are able to glimpse the future relatively accurately, and use various sources (water, birds, the sky, fire, plants, etc) to aid in their visions. They do not drink or eat a special substance; they "ask" their source of power to aid the vision.

How to breed: Sibyls are the production of a union of any magical Samanayr species. When two magical species breed, the chance to produce a Sibyl is increased.

Breeding restrictions: None. Sibyls are well-meaning and open to others.

Anything else? Sibyls rely on others, as they are blind, but are more than happy to provide their future-sight services to any in need, even those outside of their Song. Sibyls are able to "feel" around for their environment to an extent, but enjoy and need the company of anyone else very much.

Extra Blurb! The way I envisioned Sibyls, including their traits and the use of three, stems from the ancient Greek Sibyl. The Sibyl was a female who could see visions of the future, provided by the god Apollo (if I'm not mistaken). They would sit on a tripod (a three-legged stool) and people would come from far and wide to visit the Sibyl for advice.

Augury was the study of birds flying overhead, and were used as divination tools as well. I incorporated this into the feathers at the end of the Stellar Crown trait. The crown is also divided into threes, futher expanding upon the tripod idea. Other methods of divination include tea leaves, meditation in front of a fire, astrology and scrying through pools of water. :)

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 6:05 am
by AsaraDragon
Species name: Tyrista (Tyristae plural)

Origin: An accidental breeding between a rock elemental and an aquatic Samanayr (she should have been more careful where she fell asleep, the deep ocean can be dangerous!) produced the first Tyristae. The Tyrista have increased their numbers by breeding with other aquatic Samanayrs, as their traits appear to be dominant.

Special traits: Solid white eyes, skin tufts, webbed feet with claws, stone protrusions (gembellishments?)

Special markings/colors: All Tyristae will have some sort of pale marking or coloration, it is unknown if this is exposed skin, or an attachment of bioluminescent fungus, but this is the area of the Tyrista that will glow in the dark.

Abilities: Tyristae are excellent diggers and excavators. They also possess some bioluminescent qualities, though it is not apparent if they can control this or not (i.e. turn it on and off).

How to breed: At this time, Tyristae generally will only breed with other Tyristae, though breedings with Aquatic Samanayrs have been known to produce Tyristae.

Breeding restrictions: Tyristae live in deep caverns, and therefore do not make much contact with aboveground Samanayrs. The only way a female Tyrista would join a Song with a Stallion from another (non-aquatic) Samanayr species would be if the stallion was completely nocturnal. And didn't mind caves.

Anything else? Tyristae have evolved over the years to include aquatic and non-aquatic versions. The aquatic Tyristae live in water-filled caves and generally have fins of some type. Non-aquatic Tyristae live in caves or burrows under the ground. They have been known to have wings, but only of the draconic variety, as feathers and other such things are delicate and would not stand up to the rigors of digging and traversing underground. They will claw at the dirt with their feet, then use their "skin tufts" to maneuver it away and behind them, somewhat like swimming through the ground.

As a foal, a Tyrista will collect small stones and gems from its habitat. When it comes of age, these stones are embedded into its skin as a reminder of its heritage. This was originally a means of protection, but it has been quite some time since the Tyristae had any natural predators, so over time it has evolved into a simple ceremony honoring the transition to adulthood.

Rumor and legend have it that the ground beneath the Samanayr hotsprings are riddled with Tyrista tunnels. However, there was no proof of this until the aquatics re-established contact with their land-bound relatives and passed along their knowledge of the Tyrista. It is still very rare for an aboveground Samanayr of any species to make contact with a Tyrista.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 9:45 am
by Echos
Here's my entry.

Species name: Nocturnal
Origin: Nocturnal sams occur in almost anywhere across the samanayr world, preferring dense forests or caves to make there home. During the day they will take refuge in a dark place and sleep, often a cave, den, burrow, or hallow where they can avoid the sun and predators. While asleep they are difficult to find and difficult to disturb until the sun sets. They are a naturally evolved species and known off by most sam species but since they are active almost solely at night, most other sams have never seen or met a nocturnal so little interaction has occurred with other species. The social structure of nocturnals varies a lot with some living in large social groups made up of many songs and unattached sams while others form deep bonds with only one mate. It is quite common for some nocturnals to live entirely solitary lives, rarely coming into contact with other sams and never being part of a song. Most nocturnals are herbivores, eating insects and fruit mainly, though some will eat nuts and plants. Less common are omnivorous and carnivorous nocturnals which eat meat, preferring either fish, small mammals and in some rare cases blood. To the surprise of most those nocturnals who survive off blood rarely kill there prey, instead using a naturally produced anesthesia in their saliva which wears quickly after they are done feeding.
Special traits: Large, slit pupil light sensitive eyes, large ears similar to those of a bat or fennec fox with no fur or scales, clawed ‘hands’ ( ... 36.jpg?v=0), fuzzy moth antenna, optional- some form of phosphorescence or bioluminescence

Blindness is not uncommon among nocturnal sams and sams with this trait will have solid white eyes and enhanced senses. It is not detrimental to theses sams and blind nocturnals are as accepted as any other and are as capable of survival on their own as any other nocturnal.
Special markings/colors: Nocturnal sams tend to have darker, rich colors with browns, greys and blacks most common though reds, oranges and creams do occur. Greens and blues are very rare though not unheard of. Their patterns vary widely from simple solid colors to elaborate camouflage markings. Stripes, pale under sides and fake eyes are some of the more common patterns. Albinism is also not uncommon among nocturnals, though it is still rare.
Abilities: Nocturnal’s have highly developed senses of hearing and smell, and specially adapted eyesight to see in little to no light. Some have the ability to use echo location, other can 'see' smell like color trails, and others can see in the infra-red spectrum. Blindness is common and blind nocturnals have very sharp sense to compensate.
How to breed: Nocturnal x Nocturnal = Nocturnal
Nocturnal x any other species = 15% chance of nocturnal, 25% chance of other species, 20% chance of normal hybrid, 20% of crepuscular foal***
Breeding restrictions: none, nocturnal sams will breed with any other species
Anything else?
Due to a much smaller population and gene pool these samanayrs are less prone to genetic mutation or new traits when breed to each other. However because of the limited gene pool certain recessive traits are more common and have a higher chance of certain traits appearing randomly in a breeding between two nocturnal. Other traits can be inherited from breeding's with sams of a different species.
- wyvern (restricted to batwing): 5% chance of random appearance in breeding
- hairless: 13% chance of random appearance
- moth wings: 10%
- feather wings: 7%
- scales: 14%
- albino: 25%

*** crepuscular foal are born with the sensitive eyes of other nocturnal and at least on other nocturnal trait but unlike other nocutnals they are active at sunrise and sunset while sleeping most of the day and night.

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 10:40 am
by silvermoondragon
Species name: Mechanayr

Origin: As time went on, more and more Samanayrs were becoming more comfortable and friendly with the Sharians. This trust was allowing the creation of more integrated Samanayrs and as their populations increased, the chances of two Integrateds forming a song together also increased and as a result, the first Mechanayrs were created through the union of two Integrated Samanayrs.
I wrote a short story to go along with this but I left it out here because it was kinda long.

Special traits: Mechanical parts. Can have any traits from the traits page but mechanized

Special markings/colors: usually metallic shiny colouring, can be rusty or dull.

Abilities: Higher endurance and strength than most Sams due to mechanical parts, but are not as graceful and some tend to squeak or creak when they move.

How to breed: When two integrated Samanayrs breed together, the magic used to fuse the integrated parts to each parent mixes and combines with the developing foal disrupting its growth and causes the newborn to be very weak, sickly, and greatly deformed. The foal can only survive if brought to a Sharian to become fully integrated into a Mechanayr. Luckily, the magic imbued in the foal allows it to integrate flawlessly with the mechanics allowing easy and instant control which usually takes integrated Samanayrs months to master. (This magic also allows the Mechanayr to reproduce)
(OPTIONAL PART)Occasionally a Mechanayr may result from normal breeding that went ary and the parents were able to find a powerful enough Sharian mage to mechanize their foal. (RP could be required)

Breeding restrictions: (optional)

Anything else? If the mechanayr is injured, for example a bad scratch or broken bone, they would need to find a Sharian to replace the broken parts. When breeding a Mechanayr to another species of Samanayr there is no combination of the parents’ integration magic so just an ordinary Samanayr would result, however, if a Mechanayr is bred with another Mechanayr or an integrated, there would be magic combinations and a Mechanayr foal would result. (You can tweak or change these if you want)
Usually named Mecha of the something something (You can change this if you want)
Image :D:

Re: 300th Sam Entries?

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:36 am
by Bright Promise
I might have entered something like silvers. D'oh >_o Hopefully it is dissimilar enough.