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Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:31 am
by Sushidragon
It was a grey, rainy day at the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings. A low mist from the heat of the hotsprings hung low to the ground in the forest, with the vague shapes of Samanayrs moving through it.

A group of Sharians sat on the landing platform at the Expedition HQ, engaged in idle rainy-day conversation while watching the rain trickle down the glass overhang they sat under. None of them noticed the Samanayr that had joined them until he cleared his throat.


"Glint," one of them said, recognizing the rainbow-colored Kirin Samanayr immediately, "What can we do for you?"

Glint drew himself up to his full height - a foot, compared to the seven- and eight-foot heights of the Sharians - and said, "I am yready to found my Song."

The Sharians glanced at each other. One of them finally said, "We're.. not entirely sure how we can help you with that."

"But not just any Song - I will be founding a new Song of the yRainbow!"

Warming up to the subject, the Samanayr began to pace the landing platform dramatically, slipping a little on the wet wood when he left the cover of the overhang.

"There has been no Song of the yRainbow for seveyral years," he continued, "The Hotspyrings has been lacking without one. They have always been the leadeyrs of these Hotspyrings, and although we have lived well enough without, I feel that soon we will need a Song of the yRainbow.

"Put the woyrd out," he finished, coming to a stop in front of the Samanayrs, "I am looking for the most beautiful, most unique mares foyr the new Song of the yRainbow!"

With that announcement, Glint raced passed the Sharians and back into the Expedition HQ building, leaving the Sharians staring after him. None of them were sure how the other Samanayrs would feel about Glint electing himself their leader..


You heard Glint - he needs mares! And that's where you come in :D This is a contest to design a mare for his Song!

A little background first. The Song of the Rainbow is the permenant resident Song of the Song of the Rainbow Hotsprings, and is almost always open to applications from anyone during breeding seasons. This will be the fifth Song of the Rainbow.

Here's how it will all work. To enter the contest, you'll be asked to describe a Samanayr you feel would fit well into Glint's Song and PM a description to me. I'll be picking four winners who will then be created and added to Glint's Song!

Rules and stuffs:

- There is a limit of one entry per person.
- Because your mare will be in an open Song with Glint, anyone will be able to apply for a breeding with her. So if you want to submit your dream Samanayr but also want to control who gets her foals, you might want to enter this contest with a different design XD
- The species that are allowed are: Samanayr, Lamanayr, Mystic, Northern, Aboreal, or Desert. Please take note of special markings/colors for each of the species.
- There is a maximum of two special traits per Samanayr.
- As always, please keep in mind that Samanayrs are very small, and there's not too much room for tiny, detailed markings. I'm also not a fan of large amounts of black, since I get smear-tastic with it when I'm coloring XD;

To enter the contest, please send a PM to this account with the subject "Glint needs mares!" and the following filled out to describe your Samanayr:

Markings and colors description:
Special traits (if any):
One or two words to describe personality:

This will be open until November 12, 19:00 PI time/11am PST - good luck!

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:56 pm
by Sushidragon
It looks like Glint was successful in finding some tolerant mares to populate his Song :D It was a very difficult decision, with a number of beautiful mares to choose from, but in the end he was able to narrow it down to four.

Presenting the fourth Song of the Rainbow!


These lovely mares were discovered (from left to right) by dray, Cassiadawn, Origami_Dragon, and Harroway! With a Kirin stallion, two Lamanayr, one Desert, and one Samanayr mare, this is certainly a varied Song. They should be producing some awesome foals sometime soon :D

Tagged images:

Origami_Dragon ... 00/074.png

Harroway ... 00/075.png

Cassiadawn ... 00/076.png

dray ... 00/077.png

Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you to everyone for your awesome and creative entries :D

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:09 am
by Harroway

*oozes into a puddle of goo from happiness*

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 8:52 am
by silvermoondragon
They're all so amazing!!! Now to find out what the Song of the Rainbow was needed for...

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:40 pm
by dray
Oh man, this is the best evar! 8D They all look lovely and lively together, Sky! Any more backstory for us?

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:41 pm
by Tervenna
They're so pretty! Congrats everyone :D

I noticed this over on PI, but I think dray's girl is mislabeled - her tag says she's a lamanayr XD

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 9:10 am
by Sushidragon
@Tervenna - Oops, you're right XD; I'll fix that up!

@dray - No backstory for the moment, Glint's keeping quiet on what he thinks the Song of the Rainbow is needed for.. I'm guessing he won these ladies over with his personality and rather unique features XD

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2008 7:02 pm
by Harroway
Ooh, Glint's keeping his secret from us? Sneaky little guy~ :D

Re: Glint needs mares - a design contest!

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:51 pm
by wolftlou
they are so cute altogether... love the peacock tail